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Skilled Assassin or Lucky Killer? LE and Experienced Shooters Aren’t Sure

Doug Howlett - comments 78 comments

The assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in the early morning hours of December 4, 2024, has sparked debate among law enforcement and firearms experts regarding the assailant’s proficiency.

The shooter, described as a white male approximately 6’1″ tall, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, long pants, a gray backpack and a black face mask, approached Thompson near the New York Hilton Midtown hotel around 6:45 a.m. and fired multiple shots from approximately 20 feet away, striking him in the back and right calf.

Secuirty footage showing the face of Brian Thompson’s alleged assassin.

Notably, the gun appeared to malfunction with each shot, if it was a semi-auto, requiring the assailant to manually cycle the weapon—but the actions he took are also a characteristic of certain bolt-action pistols with integrated suppressors, such as the B&T Station Six based off the WWII English Welrod pistol (see video of one being fired here), which are rare and typically used by specialized military units. Some social media commenters suggested it was a semi-auto with a suppressor too heavy for the gun and without a booster, so it was likely failing to cycle each shot. Such a scenario would suggest incompetence on the part of the shooter, particularly if he appeared to plan the hit out without testing his weapon first.

On the other hand, if it was a bolt-action pistol, manaully cycling each shot would be par for the course with such a gun. Those who see the actions as a result of a malfunction question the shooter’s expertise, suggesting a lack of familiarity with the weapon.

Brian Thompson, CEO UnitedHealthCare

However, the assailant’s deliberate actions—waiting outside the hotel for several minutes, wearing a mask to obscure his identity and fleeing the scene without leaving significant evidence—indicate a level of planning and operational awareness. The suspect appears to have been in New York City since November 24, having traveled by Greyhound bus originating from Atlanta, Georgia. He checked into the HI New York City Hostel on November 30 using a fake New Jersey driver’s license and paid in cash.

However, former NYPD inspector Paul Mauro cautioned against hastily labeling the shooter as a professional hitman, noting that such figures are more common in fiction than reality. The combination of tactical behavior and weapon handling has left experts divided on whether the shooter was a skilled assassin or an inexperienced individual attempting to appear like a professional killer.

Regardless of his shooting skills, he tragically succeeded in his efforts and a manhunt for the killer is underway. At the same time a group of doctor’s have urged the deregulation of suppressors for the benefit of shooters’ hearing, no doubt this crime will strike up the drum beat from anti-gun politicians to clamp down on the already severely regulated devices.

78 thoughts on “Skilled Assassin or Lucky Killer? LE and Experienced Shooters Aren’t Sure”

  1. “fleeing the scene without leaving significant evidence”

    Well, maybe… 3 live rnds w/ writing, and 3 hulls is what I read. Was he wearing gloves? I couldnt tell. Then there’s the Starbucks thing and the hostel pics..

    I read the welrod design requires a 90⁰ rotation, manual push/pull, and presumably a 90⁰ counter-rotatation upon going back into battery. If in the video, he just pulls back the slide and let’s go, that likely eliminates the fabled welrod.

    Unless the shooter was using some sort of poisoned bullets, this tragedy reeks of not only political lunacy, but also very very bad luck for the victim, given the obvious lack of accuracy, and short response time by medics.

    The celebratory comments from the left, and the vicious shooting of 1st graders in CA by a Palistinian sympathizer, add to what is already a disturbing picture of bath-salts crazy politics.

    My sympathies to the victim and the bereaved.

    • The party of unlimited late term abortion will never respect life. Also, what’s this I hear about people being denied coverage? I thought Obamacare fixed everything years ago? No? More lies?

    • If you lost a loved one due to united health care’s AI based claim denial policies you would have a different opinion. People died because united health care refused to authorize needed procedures and this guy made 50million a year, draw your own conclusions.

      There is also the insider trading angle, he was set to testify against people like Pelosi.

      Also yeah definitely not a welrod, ian from forgotten weapons has weighed in as someone who has shot both an og wellrod and the b&t modern one.

      • Different opinion than what? I have been vociferously against mandatory insurance since the ’70s. I consider it an unnecessary evil.

        You have no clue what I have lost, and why.

        That doesn’t mean I am OK with assassination.

        Unlike yourself.

  2. The newest higher-res video suggests a double twisting motion with the left hand as the shooter manipulates the action after each shot and it looks like the operation of a B&T Station Six 9 to me. The NYC police are also confirming that is what they believe the shooter used here The first shot seems to have some smoke at the rear of the pistol but subsequent shots had absolutely none. Some have theorized an out of battery shot the first round. I prefer to have an open mind and leave the possibility and even the likelihood of it being a Station Six or VP. We may never know if the killer is never caught and/or the gun not recovered.

    Other evidence left at the scene suggests either an amateur or a knowledgeable and prepared professional leaving false clues behind for authorities to find and waste resources pursuing false leads. Time will maybe tell as they either pan out or lead to dead ends.

    He seems to have been prepared enough to have stashed a getaway ebike and change of clothes & backpack to use in a prepared escape route. Planning was involved and success has been achieved, at least for these first 48 hours. The likelihood of escaping long-term at this point goes way up if the DNA and phone evidence was indeed false. He could be on the other side of the planet by now, or in a CIA safehouse…

  3. I saw slo-mo, non-hi-res, video which appeared to show a slide in motion with each shot. Shooters movements also appeared to be a simple re-cycling of the slide without the rotational movement of manually cycling a bolt.\
    Slo-mo, hi-res could change my mind; the resolution was poor.
    I tend to think, then, that it was a non-boosted, suppressed Browning type action.
    Also, if it was the B&T it would be very easy to at least begin a chain of custody on.

    • Yeah, based upon the low res I don’t think its a B&T Station Six. The video slowed way down seems to show a slide in motion, the B&T Station Six doesn’t have a slide. And it also seems to show he grips the top of gun at one point to cycle it but the B&T Station Six is a single shot with a manual bolt action operated from the rear.

    • 3 empty cases plus 3 live rounds left at the scene indicates a failure to feed or a failure to return to battery, resulting in the perp doing a field-clear by pulling and releasing the slide. At least someone competent enough to know how to quickly clear a jam but that is still a low bar and far from the “professional assassin”.

      My guess is the weight of the suppressor caused the gun to fail to cycle properly.

  4. Definitely not a professional, most likely, a homemade suppressor the first round fired struck the victim in the calf, which would suggest he had a baffle strike that resulted in a major point of impact shift, no tactical movement moving towards the body just kind of ambled on by but none of this should’ve happened because this guy should’ve had a detail and the advanced team would’ve made this guy the day before.

    • “Definitely not a professional, most likely, a homemade suppressor the first round fired struck the victim in the calf, which would suggest he had a baffle strike that resulted in a major point of impact shift”

      Or…he was aiming at the legs intending to hobble the target so he could not run away or move around very well until the guy got closer to put a few more in him.

      • I don’t think so. The victim wasn’t even aware he was behind him. He could’ve simply put the first round through the back of the victims head, and if he wanted to make a really sure when he stepped over the body put an additional security round in him.

        • Then why didn’t the killer first close on him from behind closer to deliver kill shots, and why did the killer fire before closing unless he had a purpose for those shots to disable and let the victim know whats coming, to see it coming, let the victim suffer some, as the killer closed?

          I think this was a personal grudge-revenge thing against the insurance or just some lunatic that created some sort of grudge in his mind against the insurance.

          Its not a professional tactical thing like people imagine all professional assassins do (even you – and they don’t, they usually just walk up and shoot then walk away without any sort of special tactical moves that make them stand out).

          Its ‘amateurish’, the bike, the path…. the being seen in starbucks, being seen by witnesses performing the act, being seen in public places where its obvious there are surveillance cameras … not exactly a ‘professional’, almost like he didn’t care to be seen for what he was going to do but also a ‘professional’ would probably not be so obvious and visible all along his path to the planned location using e-bikes and walking and running.

        • There ain’t no way the assassin aimed at the victim’s calf. Only Hollywood hoplophobes write scripts where the shooter aims to wound. If you’ve ever looked at a target shot from 7 yards away by a handgun not off a rest the size of the group means the probability of hitting a calf of a man is zippo with the 1st aimed shot.

          • “There ain’t no way the assassin aimed at the victim’s calf. Only Hollywood hoplophobes write scripts where the shooter aims to wound. If you’ve ever looked at a target shot from 7 yards away by a handgun not off a rest the size of the group means the probability of hitting a calf of a man is zippo with the 1st aimed shot.”


            you realize the killers first shot was from about 15 feet away and he was stationary, right?

            I do specific point shots all the time from stationary. spots about the size of the human calf too. what do you think people are shooting at with center mass on targets on the range getting 2 – 3 inch groups? specific point, that’s what….just translate that to any other point and do the same at the same distance. thats within the width of the human calf.

            it would not be difficult to to do with some practice.

            not saying shoot to wound in an actual situation of defense, that would be kinda stupid.

            But in this case, in effect, the killer was in such a position that basically mimicked a range target point shoot from about 15 feet away. if basic decent skilled, the killer wasn’t under pressure to rush, had time to stance and aim, all he had to do was aim at the leg area and was likely to get a hit at that distance and the calf was it.

        • I didn’t see any stress shooting indicators in the video. the killer stanced, aimed, and shot, fir his first shot and didn’t rush to do it except for having to cycle the slide manually fir the next shots and that movement appears to indicate familiar and practiced movements. there was no reason for stress shots, the victim was unaware of him, the distance was about 15 feet, the killer had time to stance and aim in his first shot, like he was on a firing range almost.

          I think the killer had practiced what he was going to do, but had not live fired with the supressor so wasn’t prepared for that ‘malfunction’ need to manually cycle the slide. but he knew what to do and did it in a familiar practiced manner to rack the slide to continue.

          • Assuming that all 6 rnds were cycled thru the gun, 3 live and 3 fired shells, combined with the video, can only be explained by a normally functioning gun that was manually racked after each shot.

            An unusual way to leave a message…

  5. Message on bullets fired by UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson’s assassin bears eerie link to book condemning insurance companies.

    h ttps://nypost.com/2024/12/05/us-news/unitedhealthcare-ceo-brian-thompsons-assassin-may-have-left-message-on-bullets-used-in-murder-sources/

  6. Biden (falsely) Claims Gun Charges Never Get Jail Time | Hunter Biden Pardon.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sphDHtNLyCg

  7. The target was public facing and the conference schedule is a simple Google search. Figuring our where conference attendees are staying is not some Mossad level work.

    Identifying your target and ambush are low-level thug activities that occur everyday across urban America. Why do the media and police think this was an effort by some trained or skilled individual? Because he’s white?

    Save that claim for targets who get jabbed in the shin with polonium while sitting at the bar or cyanide poisoning from room service or happen to hang themselves the very moment the cameras go down.

  8. h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKY0TewBQKo

    (Colion) “If UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson had been armed, he might still be alive today. This tragic incident in New York City highlights a painful truth: Gun control doesn’t stop criminals.

    Despite New York’s strict suppressor bans and gun laws, the shooter still managed to carry out this attack—proof that laws only affect the law-abiding.

    In this video, I break down the shocking details of this case: from the shooter’s malfunctioning setup to the glaring lack of security for a corporate CEO.

    We’re diving into why gun-free zones fail, why suppressor bans don’t work, and how this incident could be used to push for even more ineffective restrictions on our Second Amendment rights.

    Let’s be real—laws won’t protect you, but the *Second Amendment* gives you the means to protect yourself when no one else will. “

  9. Now the police are saying they believe this killer had a grudge against insurance. They also found the killers cell phone along the escape route.

    • If it was not a burner they’d have named a name by now I’d think. Then again supposedly they visited a Connecticut gun shop about this case, so maybe they have a name from it….

  10. .

    I think most don’t understand that a determined person shooting you in the back without notice during your normal routine is so unexpected and almost un-defensible, not matter how well armed you are. Unless he had a reason to be on an extreme level of alert, body armor, etc. outcome would have been the same.

    I know everyone says how hard it is to legally get suppressors in New York. Nobody talks about how easy they are to make with common hand tools.

    Next and finally, you need to look into the deny, delay and defend meaning. This is an area which becomes the silver lining on this. The assassin is probably a victim getting revenge for a situation that has been unfairly placed on many of us. If nothing else you do today, read description and a few of the book reviews of that title by the Rutgers law professor.

    The base issue which I believe this attack is based on should be a strong focus of the new administration. Hopefully this will be the spark that creates a wildfire of reform.


    • “I know everyone says how hard it is to legally get suppressors in New York.”

      He arrived via bus from Atlanta, and NFA ‘toys’ are legal in Georgia…

    • “The base issue which I believe this attack is based on should be a strong focus of the new administration“

      Good news, Donald Trump‘s much better healthcare plan will be out in two weeks:

      “White House again promises health care plan roll out in coming weeks
      By Maegan Vazquez and Tami Luhby, CNN
      Updated 4:52 PM EDT, Tue September 22, 2020

      Washington(CNN) President Donald Trump will lay out his vision for health care in the coming two weeks, the White House claims, after blowing through a number of self-imposed deadlines to produce a long-promised plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.

      “The President in the next week or so will be laying out his vision for health care. Some of that has already been put out there — telemedicine and lowering the cost of drugs … and protecting pre-existing conditions. But the President will be laying out some additional health care steps in the coming, I would say, two weeks,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Tuesday when asked if the President’s health care plan exists.“

      • “Good news, Donald Trump‘s much better healthcare plan will be out in two weeks”

        I’m shocked, Miner49er actually used his mental illness TDS to post something that’s true.

  11. A skilled assassin would not use a handgun which fails to cycle. And I highly doubt that a skilled assassin would shoot from 15 feet away when he could have easily closed the distance and shot from 2 feet away. I also think that a skilled assassin would have used a semi-auto pistol chambered in a smaller caliber (maybe even .22 LR) to reduce the noise signature.

    Those are only tactics arguments. Now on to everything else. A skilled assassin would not leave cartridges at the scene with words etched on them. A skilled assassin would not stay at a hostel for multiple days before the event. A skilled assassin would not stop at a local coffee shop and flirt with the barista–and leave items behind with his/her DNA. A skilled assassin would not flee the scene and travel a long distance on foot/bicycle with the same clothes. Finally, I have to think that a skilled assassin would enter and leave the city in a stolen vehicle (or at least a vehicle with stolen license plates) and ditch the vehicle somewhere within about 45 miles for another vehicle.

    I am convinced that the attacker was an amateur who was fairly intelligent and put in a modest effort to conceal his identity. Of course he has failed in that regard if we can take news reports to be truthful.

    • Boy reminds me of the lunatic who sat in hiding for Trump. I’m no assassin expert but this looks like a deranged amateur to me

    • That Hunter Biden, I don’t think you guys should ever vote for him again!
      Oh wait, he’s just a private citizen who’s never held an office in government.

      Really, everyone is supposed to be paying attention to the millionaire CEO murder, it’s important The drones are distracted from the school shooting in Utah.

      We would not want the drones to notice that the United States spends more than any country in the world on police and military and yet kindergartners aren’t safe.

      “Two kindergarten students who were wounded in a school shooting in Northern California have been identified along with a suspect, shared Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea on Thursday. Authorities say 6-year old Roman Mendez and 5-year-old Elias Wolford, both kindergarten students, are in critical condition at a local hospital after the shooting at Feather River Adventist School. The gunman was identified as 56-year-old Glenn Litton. Authorities described him as a homeless man with an extensive criminal history.“

      • Perpetrator of California School Shooting a Convicted Felon With History of Mental Illness.

        “Police in Butte County, California say the 56-year-old man who shot and seriously injured two kindergartners at a Christian school this week was prohibited from possessing a firearm and had a documented history of mental illness dating back to his teenage years. …”

        h ttps://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2024/12/06/perpetrator-of-california-school-shooting-a-convicted-felon-with-history-of-mental-illness-n1227091

        • Gunman who shot 2 kindergartners at a California school wrote about attack targeting children.

          “A gunman who critically wounded two kindergartners at a tiny religious school in Northern California was mentally ill and believed by targeting children he was carrying out ‘counter-measures’ in response to America’s involvement in Middle East violence, a sheriff said Thursday.

          Glenn Litton used a ‘ruse’ of pretending to enroll a fictitious grandson to gain entry to the Feather River School of Seventh-Day Adventists in Oroville, Butte County Sheriff Kory L. Honea said during a news conference.

          Litton used a handgun to shoot two kindergarten boys, ages 5 and 6, who remained in critical condition Thursday, the sheriff said. Litton then used the weapon — a so-called ghost gun, which is difficult for investigators to trace — to kill himself just yards (meters) from the school’s playground.

          While Honea said Litton, 56, also had a lengthy criminal history — mostly theft and identity theft — authorities said they did not find any violent crimes on his record. …”

          h ttps://apnews.com/article/butte-county-california-school-shooting-1a183fcd1670d47dedeff81d9f1ce492

          (note: No one is ignoring anything Miner49er. Just like a left winger, always ready to make unfounded accusations.)

        • Oh yeah and this…. “The drones are distracted from the school shooting in Utah.” — there was no school shooting in Utah.

          Unfounded reports of active shooter at East High School lead to police response.

          “SALT LAKE CITY — The parent of an East High School student who called 911 claiming another student had pointed a gun at their child led to reports of an active shooter on campus in Salt Lake City on Thursday.

          Police responded to the school at 11:05 a.m. and found no signs of a shooting and no injuries, with the report determined to be unfounded.

          An all-clear was given at 11:10 a.m.

          School resource officers identified everyone involved in the alleged incident and found no evidence that a gun was pointed at anyone.”

          h ttps://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/northern-utah/unfounded-reports-of-active-shooter-at-east-high-school-lead-to-police-response

      • “We would not want the drones to notice that the United States spends more than any country in the world on police and military and yet kindergartners aren’t safe.”

        What do you think people here have been saying for years? You were too busy with your BS, fake news, false claims, not knowing what context means, and your mental illness TDS and left-winger nonsense… to notice that people here have been asking the question, and discussing, as to why the government wasn’t spending money on protecting schools instead of spending it on controlling law abiding people and intentional constitutional rights infringements for multiple rights and paying, basically, special interest ‘gun control’ groups to write unconstitutional policy to bypass congress, and subverting and bypassing congress to enact ‘defacto law’ by rule making and rule by fiat with executive orders, and on ‘trans agenda’ and DEI. Billions of dollars over the last four years wasted by Biden-Harris on this BS while they talk about ‘school shootings’ trying to basically blame them (collectively) on law abiding gun owners who did nothing wrong to keep things polarized while Biden-Harris does nothing really to protect schools.

        ya wanna know why “kindergartners aren’t safe” even though Biden-Harris have the means to do something to help make them safe? Its because you and other radical left wingers voted for it by putting Biden-Harris in office.

        How does it feel Miner49er … to be complicit and facilitating in the murders of people by the illegal immigrants invited into the country by the Biden-Harris intentionally open and insecure border? How does it feel Miner49er to be complicit and facilitating in the school shootings while Biden-Harris does nothing to secure the schools yet will spend the money on their marx -ist socia -list agenda BS?

        Yeah, ya gonna have a reply probably about this or that president and then throw in some mental illness TDS … but that’s not the context here… you have a president and vice president that specifically talks about it yet do nothing significant really to protect schools so why are you not asking them why they have not instead of spending your time on the internet with your mental illness TDS and blaming others? You voted for it, that’s why those victims exist.. so go take a look in the mirror and you will discover why those victims exist that Biden-Harris claims to care about.

        • and not only did you vote for it Miner49er, even after they said what they were going to do in their campaign and during their regeim that any thinking person could see would lead to these disastrous consequences… you also promoted it and cheered it on either directly or by not questioning it and discuss like the rest of a lot of people by trying to sidetrack or distract from discussion about it with your mental illness TDS, and embracing the radical left wing agenda because you have no real substance of your own as a person.

  12. Given the number of things that could have gone wrong for that length of time involved I am leaning towards a skilled but lucky amateur. Lot of skills and consideration on display, some preventable mishaps, but was able to adapt and achieve objectives with what may be a successful exfil. If he had a partner to pick him up in a vehicle after changing outfits in the park out of view of cameras and ditching the bag/equipment in a hole dug past some random point of a county road there may not be much success past facial recognition and/or latent prints/dna.

    • Per NY Post – 3 hulls and 3 live rnds were found at scene. This consistent with a normally functional gun that is manually cycled after each shot. Why do this? Well, each live round had a word on it. No mention of words on the fired cases.

      1 clean miss, 1 minor leg wound, 1 quickly fatal hit on the lungs from 20 feet, so really crappy but hugely lucky shot. Or possibly poisoned bullets, although that seems stretchy. Which would be ‘really crappy shot with highly lethal ammo’.

      Lucky loony-tunes with some help, maybe including cash, is my guess. I believe they have DNA and pics. Unless he is a stealth foreign national, he is effectively identified, again my guess.

      And again, my condolences to the victim and the bereaved. The what-ifs must be horrific.

      • Seeing rumors the words match some book title covering the worst of what medical insurance does to it’s users. Lots of weird all around and we will see what prints/dna/face turn up. To some extent I wonder how much is performance to make it look like a disgruntled insurance consumer as this dead guy seems to have had other involvement in .gov

        • “Seeing rumors“

          This CEO implemented AI to deny old folks healthcare coverage:

          “UnitedHealthcare accused of relying on AI algorithms to deny Medicare Advantage claims
          UnitedHealthcare’s denial rates for skilled nursing centers ‘experienced particularly dramatic growth’
          By Daniella Genovese FOXBusiness

          UnitedHealthcare CEO shot and killed in NYC
          A manhunt is underway for the shooter who killed UnitedHealthcare’s Brian Thompson, and police believe the CEO was targeted.
          Democrats on a Senate subcommittee are accusing UnitedHealthcare Group of denying claims to a growing number of patients as it tried to leverage artificial intelligence to automate the process.

          In an October report, “How Medicare Advantage Insurers Have Denied Patients Access to Post-Acute Care,” Democrats on the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) released a report claiming UnitedHealthcare’s prior authorization denial rate for post-acute care jumped from 10.9% in 2020 to 22.7% in 2022.

          Denial rates for skilled nursing centers, in particular, “experienced particularly dramatic growth.” The number of denied claims in 2022 was nine times higher compared to 2019, according to the report.“

  13. Some social media commenters suggested it was a semi-auto with a suppressor too heavy for the gun and without a booster, so it was likely failing to cycle each shot. Such a scenario would suggest incompetence on the part of the shooter, particularly if he appeared to plan the hit out without testing his weapon first.

    I don’t believe this for a second. I think it’s a semi auto and the fact that he so quickly cycled the weapon manually, and seemingly expected that it would require manual cycling, is indicative that he was familiar with its operation and what do it to put the next round into battery.

  14. Just my two cents worth. The killer does not know how a semi-automatic handgun functions. After every shot he racks the slide, ejecting a perfectly good bullet, as he thinks this must be done for every shot since he had to rack the slide to load the first bullet.

    If some say he’s doing it on purpose since the bullets include writing, why not cary them in your pocket and just drop them as you leave. This guy is no professional in my mind.

  15. Lucky amateur, for now. Expensive gun combo, $350 back pack.,e-bike knowledge for the stalk. But, limited preparation with the firearm & left a big trail

  16. Pretty sure this was a modestly prepared amateur. I’ll say I’m impressed this person didn’t let the gun acting up stop them from their objective. To me that says rehearsal honestly.

    The whole setup says P80 with a home made can to me honestly.

    • The gun must not have a blow back or roller or gas delayed blow back action because it didn’t cycle. No professional would have used a suppressor wo/booster on a recoil operated locked breech gun. Hanging a can on a blow back or delayed blow back handgun would only cause a lot of smokey gas out of the open breech when fired.

  17. Wake up America! This was a deep state hit. Don’t believe me? Look at what happened to JFK, Bobby Kennedy MLK, Malcom X, President Ford and Reagan, not to mention Trump.
    And who can ever forget Seth Rich or Jeffrey Epstein.
    The truth is out there America, but if they catch the shooter- he is a fall guy.

    • I agree, he’s a fall guy. But if we catch him, he should be hanged high, long, and twice.

      Nothing less will do, fall guy or not.

  18. Casings lead to a pissed off exploited insured individual! Possibly one of the more than doubled percentage of insured individuals that were denied or delayed service!

    • In some cases, a person who wouldn’t be motivated to take out revenge on somebody for having hurt him….WOULD be motivated to take out his anger son somebody who hurt somebody he loved.

      I probably know at least a dozen people who would fit that description. Go after their wife, daughter, son, or grandkid, and you incur their wrath a million times more. Because family is PERSONAL.

    • Victim implemented artificial intelligence program to deny healthcare coverage to senior citizens:

      “In an October report, “How Medicare Advantage Insurers Have Denied Patients Access to Post-Acute Care,” Democrats on the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) released a report claiming UnitedHealthcare’s prior authorization denial rate for post-acute care jumped from 10.9% in 2020 to 22.7% in 2022.

      Denial rates for skilled nursing centers, in particular, “experienced particularly dramatic growth.” The number of denied claims in 2022 was nine times higher compared to 2019, according to the report.“

  19. Why Did Assassin’s Gun With Silencer Malfunction In United Healthcare CEO Shooting?

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bC7XZGoJP8

  20. Assassin watched “The Godfather” and followed Script of Michael Corleone assassinating police chief in a restraurant- 2 shots and walk away. Everyone will be scared of you.

  21. Why the healthcare CEO was gunned down and why you don’t have to feel bad about it. (note: you will probably need to log into youtube to watch this. Youtube has it under an age filter thing.)

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUbTbTDs3W0

  22. They found what they have “reason to believe” is the killers backpack in central park, but have not confirmed it belongs to the killer. He goes to central park with backpack, they have security video of the killer no longer wearing the backpack after leaving Central Park through the West 77th street exit.

    Police are saying the killer “definitely planned this out” and they have video of the killer about 30 minutes before the shooting showing him walking and wandering around the hotel area before he committed this act.

    Investigators have so far recovered DNA evidence from items found at the scene, and a cell phone and water bottle. A fingerprint was lifted from the water bottle but the print is smudged making it less conclusive, they haven’t said if they found fingerprints on the casings or phone.

    Police are saying the phone was a burner phone. The phone is locked, and they are working on unlocking it.

    They say they have pieced together more about how and when the killer got to to New York City. They say he traveled on a Greyhound bus that started its route in Atlanta, but do not know whether he boarded in Atlanta or elsewhere. He arrived at New York City’s Port Authority bus terminal on November 24 which is 10 days before the shooting and checks into the hostel then moves around the city. He wore a mask for most of his stay at the hostel, and was in a multi-person room with two other males. He checked out of the hostel on November 29 and checked back in on November 30. He paid the hostel in cash and used a fake New Jersey driver’s license. He flirted with a female employee at the hostel where he had been staying, the employee asked him to pull down his mask and he did then smiled at her and that’s the picture you see with his face not covered and him smiling.

  23. One of the idiots over at CNN voiced their theory that the CEO hired this guy to kill him. I guess that means an ‘assisted suicide’.

    • whoopsie my mistake

      It was a guest on a CNN show that said that. It was former Maryland State Police Commander Neill Franklin that decided to reveal a new theory with CNN’s Dana Bash: Brian Thompson arranged to have himself killed.


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