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With hunting season in full swing here in Texas, we thought it was time to expand your knowledge of turning wildlife into dinner with another instructional video. Last year, Tyler showed us how to field dress a deer in the efficient Texan manner. This year, Tyler took the time to show me, step-by-step, how to skin and quarter our furry friend in preparation for turning him into jerky (which I am enjoying at this very moment). As always, be aware that people with weak stomachs who don’t want to see where meat comes from should look away.

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  1. Hooray! My least favorite part of hunting 🙂 good job guys. The first time I ever went hunting with my dad when I was about 12, he made me field dress and skin/quarter the deer I had just shot. It was quite the lesson in where meat comes from, and one of my first experiences dry heaving, having tossed up all of the granola I had eaten that day. Good times.

    • The first time my dad gutted a deer in front of me he kept asking if I was going to throw up. I looked at him puzzled and kept saying no why? Well I think he wanted to make sure I didn’t throw up all over him and the deer because of where I was standing and watching.

  2. Thanks for the reminder that making meat is hard fricking work. Shooting it is the easy part. gutting dragging, skinning, and butchering it is the hard part.

    I certainly hope you are not turning those loins/backstraps into jerky. what a waste of good meat.

  3. Love venison, love shooting, hate gut piles and field dressing. Butchering deer is kinda okay, though, once the entrails are gone. Butchering is hard and not the most fun thing that a person can do, but it’s nowhere as yucky as dressing a buck in the field.

  4. When he was talking about bullet fragments, it reminded me of the time when I was just a kid (maybe 8-10 YO) the neighbor invited us over for some pheasant. Everybody at the table found at least one shot pellet in their dinner. 🙂

    The pheasant, BTW, was delicious!

  5. Accidentally posted this in the original posting, so I’ll repost it here.

    As someone who managed to spend many years in VT without hunting, can I just say, super informative. Thank you very much for posting these two videos, as hunting may be something I want to do in the future. One question: when you are separating the meat from either side of the spine, is there a danger of puncturing the spine itself and introducing any prion-related diseases to your meat? In some parts of the Northeast we have issues with wasting diseases in deer, so I am wondering about how one safely avoids contact with spinal tissue.

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