The current generation of bumpfire devices are nice, but they limit your options. You need to replace the stock and the grip on your rifle to get them to work, and if you have an AR-15 pistol then you’re just plain out of luck. One 18-year-old college student decided to try and fix that situation, and has come up with what he’s calling the “SlipGrip.” The idea is similar to the bumpfire stock, except the only thing that moves is the grip. Perfect for AR-15 pistols and those who don’t want to swap out the stock on their rifle. Easier to install, too. Will it ever actually come to market? Dunno, but we hope so.


  1. Not being able to shoulder it, greatly reduces controllability. Control is a MUST when shooting rapid fire. I will pass.

  2. While we’re on the subject of inane NFA rules, why isn’t this on TTAG already?

    “Held, any person (including any corporation or other legal entity) engaged in the business of performing machining, molding, casting, forging, printing (additive manufacturing) or other manufacturing process to create a firearm frame or receiver, or to make a frame or receiver suitable for use as part of a “weapon … which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive,” i.e., a “firearm,” must be licensed as a manufacturer under the GCA; identify (mark) any such firearm; and maintain required manufacturer’s records”


      • I’m not saying that it’s directly related. But it sounds like 80% receivers are a no-go now.

        • Finishing 80% lowers is legal as long as you make them for your own use and do not intend to sell them.

          • Did you read what’s at that link in my comment above? It’s a new (January, 2015) directive from ATF that seems to be saying something different.

        • Yes, building your own guns is legal as long as they are not NFA items. Only those in the business of manufacturing firearms need a license.

    • You can still buy and manufacture them but YOU have to have the equipment to do it. Can’t take it some where and say I’ll give you x amount to let me use your machine to complete this receiver.

  3. Good for the kid!

    It makes me happy to see youngsters like that being creative and entrepreneurial 🙂

    • I know, huh? I don’t get it; if you have enough money to waste on throwing ammo downrange in a disorderly and useless fashion, why not save the money you’d be spending on all that wasted ammo and buy an automatic rifle? Or, burn it up to heat your home, or maybe go to the club and make it rain on those hos?

  4. He’d better get some ear and eye protection before he does too much more shooting. I like it though.

  5. Looks like fun and probably is a lot cheaper than other options. I am not sure I would want to fire my AR pistol in .300BLK in bump fire mode. That would get expensive.

  6. Somebody educate me. He said he cant own a pistol because he’s 18 yet he converted his rifle into a pistol. Isnt he now a felonalbeit with an interesting idea? Anybody know the rules regarding firing the rifle without the stock?

    • He’s holding an AR rifle without the stock on it. It’s still a rifle. As he says it “represents” what an AR pistol would kinda/sorta look like.

      Would be interesting to see how this functions with a Sig Brace and a 300BLK 9″ barrel.

    • Dude. He didn’t turn his rifle into a pistol. He took the buttstock off of it. If that constituted making a pistol (it doesn’t) then we’d all be breaking the law every time we swapped buttstocks.

      Also, under federal law, at 18 year old can possess a handgun, but cannot buy one or buy ammunition if it’s to be used in one.

      Also, there are no rules regarding firing a rifle without a stock. That’s completely asinine.

  7. Cool Accessory if you have wheel barrows of money to burn.. also, firing with his head turned towards the camera… I put that in the NO-NO category… no back stop of any kind, and not looking where you are shooting.

  8. I thought a pistol was a firearm designed to be shot with one hand. Doesn’t installing this, which requires the use of two hands for operation, make the firearm no longer a pistol?

    • Yes, that is correct it is no longer a pistol. I designed a bump fire grip without a stock too. ATF response specifically excluded pistols from use as they would be then be considered AOW’s as it would require both hands to operate as designed.

    • Neil, thank you for support of the SlipGrip! Although the campaign has started off slow, I am projecting the ability to get the model out so long as the initiative hits 20 contributors. I won’t be able to get a patent processsed, but the exposure will be enough for greater processions later. (In other words, tell your friends!) In terms of legality, if two hands on an ar pistol were considered illegal, then they would have to ban ar pistol handguards, wouldn’t they? And in terms of those who think I have violated patents, I must mind that this device (Bumpfire in grip form) does not yet exist on the market. Bumpfire STOCKS reach their stability front the connection of the STOCK, which is slid over the buffer tube. This device does not. And yes I know I made several blunders in this video, but I am a college student, so putting together the money to shoot this didn’t allow for tons of provisions. For those concerned about accuracy, this is a PERFECT set up to pair with a laser. Thank you for all your comments. Any feedback on this project has been endlessly helpful. If anyone else would like any more info, I can be reached personally at [email protected]

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