The mainstream media and gun-hating, leftist politicians (but I repeat myself) love to claim that “smart guns” would somehow stop all accidents and keep criminals from abusing firearms. In fact, some smart politicians have even mandated the sale of so-called smart guns. Now, a company called SmartGunz LLC has released a 1911-style 9mm handgun for the low, low price of only $2,495. Deliveries, they say, are planned for sometime in the second quarter of this year.
Until now, the only allegedly smart gun was a .22 pistol by Armatix that went absolutely nowhere. Because who wants to pay $1500 for a no-frills, unreliable .22 pistol that relies on batteries and technology. Because no one has ever had technology fail and an RFID bracelet is foolproof, right?
Now, along comes Kansas-based SmartGunz seeking to change all that. Their website boldly proclaims their noble raison d’etre: “Our sole purpose for launching SmartGunz LLC is to save lives. Full stop.” Well, maybe that and to achieve their fifteen seconds of fame and make enough money to recover their start-up costs.
They made a splash, if you can call it that, with an announcement at this year’s virtual SHOT Show and by launching a rather, well, austere website.

SmartGunz plays up the unique feature of their product; the requirement that the user wear a…wait for it…fingerless glove to “unlock” the RFID-actuated gun, allowing it to fire.
Because who’s ever lost a glove? And who doesn’t want to wear a fingerless glove 24 hours a day in case you need your home or personal defense gun? Or maybe the idea is, if you’re careful and conscientious, to always keep the glove in close proximity. Maybe you should carry the glove in a pocket, then quickly put it on if you perceive a threat.
The company has a FAQ page which answers what they see as some commonly asked questions.
How does a SmartGunz firearm unlock?
While wearing an RFID enabled glove, the shooter grips the firearm while depressing the activation switch.
How fast does the SmartGunz firearm unlock?
In under 200 milliseconds (less than 1/5 of a second).
How long does a SmartGunz firearm stay unlocked?
As long as the shooter continues to depress the safety activation switch provided the shooter’s RFID-enabled glove is firmly gripping the hand grip.
There’s no word as to whether the glove is ambidextrous or not. Or how long the average user takes to move the glove from their dominant to their off hand in an emergency if, for instance, they have to shoot left-handed for some reason.
I called SmartGunz with some questions of my own at reached their 1980s-technology answering machine. Among the questions I wanted to ask . . .
Do you have any orders yet?
Do you have any dealers yet?
Do you have any inventory yet?
Does the glove only fit an authorized user or does it fit anyone? What if your hand is too large? After all, if it doesn’t fit, the jury must acquit.
Will a poorly fitting glove worn by, say, a petite woman reliably activate the gun in event her bear-pawed husband ordered an extra-large RFID glove?
Furthermore, on the page touting their product to “residential” users, there’s this: “SmartGunz’s 9mm Sentry pistol is a new smart gun option, especially appealing to people intimidated by traditional firearms.” So they want to put a 1911-style pistol in the hands of novice shooters who would be intimidated by smaller, simpler handguns?
Is this even for real? The glove concept and the web site (which looks like it was thrown together by your 13-year-old nephew) resemble something the Babylon Bee might cook up if they wanted to troll gun owners. The Google street view photo of the address for SmartGunz is here.
The bottom line is this: whether or not SmartGunz LLC is for real, if “smart guns” were such a wonderful idea, government agencies would be clamoring for them. Companies like SIG, Ruger, Smith & Wesson and GLOCK would be investing tens of millions in their development. And we’d already have viable models available for retail sale.
Of course then they’d be so popular with the general public that politicians like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi would be passing legislation to keep them away from the little people. Because guns.
Just about the most useless thing ever created. If anything, it will likely cause more deaths than an analog firearm.
Cool, what or where is the activation switch? How many rounds does it hold? The electronics look like they take up space in the magazine. Should be a great seller.
And no one wants to look like Michael Jackson when using a firearm.
Speak for yourself. That jacket was fucking epic.
Plus all the tacticool wannabe 11b cav scouts did it when I was in… They swore they were infantry and those gloves were proof…
I agree with you, MB.
Have to have to ask, since this is electronic, will it work after it gets wet?
Depends on your and their definitions of “water proof” and “water resistant”.
“Smart guns” are for stupid people… Safety will always rely on an educated and active person regardless of the product or tool being used.
“Smart” guns, “smart” cars, “smart” houses… all products contrived especially for the uninitiated masses who are easily distracted by the latest, greatest toy craze.
Digital delusion- a techno-progressive assault on freedom.
Indeed. This company and its products are useless and dangerous. While the founder of SmartGunz LLC, G. Thomas (“Tom”) Holland II claims to be an “avid sports shooter” (, his voting record as a senator in the Kansas legislature suggests he’s anything but a friend of 2A rights. He even tried, unsuccessfully, to repeal constitutional carry in Kansas through a failed amendment to a bill in 2018 ( Now that we know who is behind SmartGunz and their useless/dangerous product, are the motivations of the company a surprise?
The thought crossed my mind that SmartGunz likely doesn’t have the sophistication and resources to design, manufacture, and market their product on their own. Particularly, they likely are purchasing 1911 components or assemblies from other suppliers. It would be interesting to know who these suppliers are and to determine whether or not they are aware that their parts are being used in such a product. Depending on each supplier’s stance, this could mean some undesirable attention from the 2A community, particularly if they refuse to cease conducting business with SmartGunz. What do you guys think?
I think this will solve a lot of threat issues with the people that have the most to fear for unauthorized use of their guns. Law Enforcement. So when are the alphabet bois replacing all of their side arms? Don’t say this is civilian only?
Discrimination against a double hand amputee!
Can’t use their “system “
Clowns in California are going to require this BS! It’s for the children after all.
I don’t know it might be required, but won’t make it to the roster of approved handguns, so still a banned pistol.
You’re correct, you still need the micro stamp I think.
They also have to fire 100 rounds.
only gun available in NJ now………..
This is a silly gun, and we’ve already voiced thoughts on other sites. But really, without biometrics, this doesn’t even prevent accidental use. It just makes it a two step process. I mean if a perp knocks it out of your hand or holster while you’re wearing the glove and picks it up, he can’t shoot you with your own weapon, unless he takes your glove too. But your kid can put on the glove and grab the gun and still hurt themselves. Ok secure them separately, but you could do the same just by separating the mags and gun, or ammo and gun. Or using a lock or gun with internal disabling mechanism. Basically it’s just a gun with a key, but anyone with the key can arm it.
Biometrics would prevent others from using but there are issues with having a finger print scanner on a gun when you need it as well.
Regardless, I don’t want this. “Dumb” guns work.
But on the other hand, think how cool you would look with one fingerless glove and maybe an 80s Beretta 92, ah yeah!
Exactly. This is no “safer” than a gun that takes a detachable magazine.
Excellent points.
I especially like your thinking about a semi-auto handgun and its magazine: simply store them separately and unauthorized people cannot readily harm anyone.
There is a particular beauty and elegance with storing a pistol’s magazine separately. First of all, they are small and you could hide them in hundreds of discrete places where no child would likely ever find them. Perhaps more importantly, even if your child manages to stumble across your hidden handgun magazine, he/she will have no idea what it is or what to do with it if he/she has never seen you insert it into your handgun.
So, the comprehensive and bordering on perfectly safe safe-storage solution is exceedingly simple and inexpensive:
1) Store your semi-auto handgun on a small/discrete shelf near the ceiling. Make sure your child cannot see it up there. Make sure your child never sees you put it up there or take it down from there. Make sure there is nothing close by that your child could climb up to access it. And make sure the chamber is empty.
2) Store your handgun’s fully loaded magazine in another similar discrete location in the same room as your handgun and within 15 feet of your handgun.
At that point, the odds of a child (a) finding your handgun (b) finding your handgun’s magazine (c) realizing that the magazine should insert into your handgun (d) successfully inserting the magazine in your handgun, and finally (e) successfully racking the slide on your handgun is statistically zero. At the very least, this approach has to be significantly less likely to result in a child harming themselves than any “smart gun” implementation.
My point wasn’t so much that “hey, just keep your gun unloaded and it is safe!” I think the SmartGunz marketing as “now your kid can’t get hurt but you can still use your gun” is problematic. There is nothing special about the glove, it is a key, nothing else. If you have the key you can shoot the gun, it can’t tell you from your kid from a burglar. Same with a gun lock, or putting the gun high up, or unloaded, or disassembling it, even in a safe. If someone completes x number of steps, they are armed. This doesn’t seem to be any different other than it locks and unlocks electronically and automatically.
Personally I think the safest spot for your carry gun is on your person, loaded, ready to go. And teach your kids about guns, what to do if they find one out and about, demonstrate safe handling, let them ask questions, teach them to shoot.
While I agree entirely with that statement (and practice it myself), there are several times that you cannot realistically have your handgun on your person, such as when you are showering, sleeping, getting intimate with your spouse, or leaving home to a location where you cannot possibly be armed (such as going to a hospital for surgery). For those situations, you need some kind of responsible storage solution. What I described builds upon the point that you made for an easy, simple, inexpensive, and virtually fool-proof way to responsibly store your handgun when you cannot realistically have it on your hip.
All I can say is that if we need “safe” guns, and/or mandatory storage laws because…kids, then…..
To me, “safe” and “responsible” equal “accessible”. I am very much in agreement with those who stated their belief in houseproofing (training and disciplining) their kids rather than kidproofing their houses; mine made it through OK.
With the (extreme / remote) exception of the surgery scenario, in all the cases you mentioned the safest solution would be to place oneself and the pistol on the same side of the lock (i.e. pistol in/on nightstand in a locked room).
It’s worse than that. If an intruder gets the gun, you wouldn’t be able to try to take it back, because trying to grab it would enable the trigger. Also if the intruder tries to pistol whip you, blocking with your hands would risk causing the gun to go off. Unless you took a time out during the life and death struggle to take off your glove. The unintended consequences of an RFID based system in a close quarters fight are actually fairly horrific.
That kid’ll have to remove the glove from my cold dead hand…
May their business go bankrupt in a month a thousand f…ks be upon them
Do you want young Timmy to grab that gun out of the drawer and shoot himself??
Buy a $2,500 unproven gun or…
Buy a $25 safe. Choose wisely!
Or, and I know this a really novel thought, but stick with me for a minute, or we could TEACH Timmy about guns, and take him shooting, instill some discipline, and a pattern of appropriate punishment if Timmy violates household rules. Then Timmy might not even try to get to to the gun.
Or teach little Timmy never to touch a gun. I know several people who grew up with loaded guns in the home, my wife grew up with a home with a loaded rifle standing in corner of the living room. She and her bothers were instructed never to touch it…. They all managed to survive. The best place for a loaded gun is on your person at all times. Solves the storage issue.
I can see it now. Homeowner leisurely smoking his favorite cherry tobacco in a pipe while reading a book in his favorite happy chair in the family room. Suddenly, the door bursts open and in comes a home invader wielding a knife/axe/hammer/broadsword/pike (choose one).
The homeowner grabs his SmartGunz from the holster and pulls the trigger to no effect…no glove.
The invader chases the homeowner around the house. While running past a library table, the homeowner opens the drawer and pulls out a glove. The homeowner struggles to put on the glove while being chased in circles by the invader. With glove on, the gun still doesn’t fire. Dammit, it’s the wife’s glove.
Running around the kitchen island, the gun owner opens a drawer and pulls out out another glove. He struggles to remove his wife’s glove and put on his glove, all while the chase continues.
Finally! He has the glove on, quickly aims and pulls the trigger… nothing. The homeowner looks dumbfounded at his SmartGunz while snapping the trigger with no “bang”. On the last trigger pull and just as the intruder’s weapon is embedded in the homeowners chest, the gun finally fires and errantly strikes the homeowner’s wife.
It would almost be a comedy sketch if it weren’t so serious and so sad an outcome.
And you forgot about the part where the homeowner (in an understandable panic) wastes 20 seconds trying to put the glove on wrong with his/her pinky finger going in the glove’s thumb and his/her thumb trying to go into the glove’s pinky finger.
Using an HK as an example of a “regular” gun just shows how out of touch with reality they are. 😉
I’m holding out for a Lawgiver.
I am the law!
I’d love to see what Big-Tech, Silicon Valley, Democrat Party Billionaire Oligarchs are subsidizing this Company, bar-none.
Looks like no more Pistol Sales in NJ, NY, and California, via, legal methods.
Isn’t this the same company that a US senator partially owns?
Tom Holland
Even if their technology works as advertised I could make the gun function as a normal gun in a single day. I don’t even have to see how they implemented the locking mechanism to be able to say that.
“Extra gloves only $299.99” *
* disclaimer: gloves have a designed life of 12 months…register for our automatic once-a-year shipment for replacements. ..only one glove authorized per firearm.
** payments processed by Bloomberg Financial Services
Why not dispense with the glove altogether and just have a couple RFID chips embedded in your hands? They can nestle nicely against the ones that the progressives will want to embed so they can keep track of insurrectionist right-wingers.
“The newest thing in firearm safety”…Mom’s demanded action. Give it to ’em😏😄😎
Finally an idea I can get behind. 🙂
And this very typical/expected implementation of “smart gun” technology unveils the true purpose of pushing/mandating “smart gun” technology: substantially increasing the cost of firearm ownership — well beyond the reach of the hoi polloi.
Why not just make a key like trigger that you can keep in your pocket? Just insert the trigger into its magnetic slot, release the auto safety and fire away. You could put the trigger on one of those key rings that beep if you misplace them. Problem solved for those fearful of firearms which is reason enough for such drama queens not to own firearms.
Stupid Jackson song in my head now….
LOL! The ghost of Michael Jackson approves of this smart gun. Hee-hee!
Because you can prevent unauthorized access to your super cool 80’s glove but not your gun.
If you look at Google Street view, the website listed address of Smartgunz of 609 High Street, Baldwin KS, is a building with a sign that says, “Baldwin City Public Works”.
Pan around, it’s a box at the post office next door.
Ya, I wanted to see what must be an amazing mfg facility.
Anyone tried voice recognition for this yet? Something along the lines of “Gun! Shoot that SOAB!” 😉
Gun: fuck you.
“Gun: fuck you.”
Or, – Gun – “Fuck you. That’s what you get for feeding me crappy reloads…”
While the goal is the weapon shops of Isher, we are far from there. I always say, “Sell it to the cops first. The public buys what they do.”
“This is a silly gun, …”
No, it’s a dangerous gun. It is an unreliable gun. A gun that is actually dangerous just sitting on the table. Such dangerousness is a feature. Once smart handguns are mandated, all other handguns become contraband. Don’t want a dangerous gun for protection? Then don’t buy the gun; free market at work. Mission accomplished.
The only ‘smart gun’ i’m interested in is the one from ‘Aliens’. Mmaayybbee one from Shadowrun. Kinda surprised one one has cooked one of those up in RL.
This is a big tech/big government ruse, this is garbage.
So, the address of this company takes you to a building on Google Maps that says “Baldwin City Public Works” on the front and Googling the address brings up a few city offices and what appears to be a small-town lawyer, though actually googling the lawyer’s name shows that yellow pages has his address wrong and he is actually across the street, so he probably has nothing to do with this.
Where things get interesting though is the company’s Facebook page. The profile picture is a person and after doing some sleuthing, that person is Kansas State Senator Tom Holland (D).
The whole thing is shady as hell.
SO I make a company as a Senator and then push for laws that force my company to profit largely.
Or, I invest in ammo sales and introduce anti gun laws as a scare tactic and capitalize on the panic?
It’s actually a dumb@ss pistol with a smart glove.
What if i take the RFID chip out of the glove and glue it to my dumbgun and then its just a…. gun…?
My thought also.
We already have action locks that require a key. Lead balloon.
You know, if your kid is like my kid, your kid wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a glove like that. So who needs the real RFID system? A bit of sleight-of-hand and convince the kid, no creepy glove then no fire. But, if your kid is like my kid, then your kid would see through your ploy and all you’d get for your efforts is an eyeroll. However, if your kid really is like my kid, then your kid would know gun safety and would properly respect firearms, and you wouldn’t need any of this nonsense, even if it is real.
Tell Holland’s lawyers to find another way to pay off their student loans.
Nailed it!
One could argue that the real goal here is to virtue signal, instill an iniquitous perception upon a naïve populace, contrive a nominally feasible product, conscript governmental backing and funding, and then realize exorbitant revenues simply by providing a dysfunctional product to consumers.
This strategy aspires to be a progressive win-win: duplicitous, hypocritical, pernicious ideals exemplified by contributing a non-operational firearm to the market… because the only firearm deemed acceptable for use by citizens is one that doesn’t actually function.
Inventively malevolent the progressive left can be.
I view it like the Solyndra fiasco…SmartGunz (owned, at least in part, by a Democrat Senator) will receive $200 – 300 million for “development” from the Biden Administration, the executives will pay themselves a huge “bonus”, will declare bankruptcy, and return a sizable portion to the DNC through political “donations”…all nice and neat…just like Obama and his VP used to do back when.
Great…..Let the Secret Service test it out, trial run for the next 4 years!
If it fails….Oh well it’s election time again & we’ll get new ones.
I’m calling my shot. They sell 37 of them.
Gloves sized to fit everyone except O.J.
Besides out right banning guns. Historically forcing them to cost more, was the second most popular way, for the racist gun grabbers, to keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.
I hope it’s smart enough to learn to swim.
Is the idea to make a gun and system so ugly and stupid that a child wouldn’t want to touch it?
“Is the idea to make a gun and system so ugly and stupid that a child wouldn’t want to touch it?”
Given that the vast majority of Leftists (Democrats…but I repeat myself) are children in adult bodies, I don’t understand their fascination with “smart” guns; a child will figure out a way to defeat the safety features.
How do I shoot it when cold weather rapidly drains any battery it relies on?
I must already have one. All of my 1911s work while I’m wearing fingerless gloves. Nice to be ahead of the curve for a change. (None of them cost me $2500 and only one shoots the 9mm.
If there ever was a company to short, that’s it!