Jeremy S. for TTAG

I don’t know about you, but when I buy a gun I like the warm fuzzy feeling I get knowing I’m going to have a gun to play with for years to come. However, those who were (un)fortunate enough to get in on the Hudson H9 have witnessed the collapse of the company in recent months. They’ve paid for a gun for which they can no longer get service or repair.

It’s not often that a business of that size leaves consumers high and dry without a paddle, but it does happen from time to time. If you own a Hudson H9 and need parts, what are you to do? We have some good news to report.

Hudson H9 parts
Jeremy S. for TTAG

We heard from some folks in the industry that parts are being offered from the folks over at Hudson Gun Parts who are selling OEM parts for Hudson H9 pistols.

I have to admit that I was skeptical. When it comes to gun buyers, lots of them sit back let someone else go first to see how it plays out. That’s been a bet that has paid off for me more than a few times, but I was told from some pretty reliable sources who I trust that Hudson Gun Parts is reliable and the products are first rate.

This industry has a tendency to pass around good news quickly and bad news even quicker, so I let a few friends of mine who were H9 owners know about this. They had been searching and one just got his Gemtech 45 can mounted up to his H9 with a newly-delivered threaded barrel.

I didn’t want to run a story telling H9 owners to buy parts from this website without vetting them. From the reports I’ve gotten from people I trust, Hudson Gun Parts took a little longer than expected (2 months to QC/deliver) their orders, but they did come in and the parts fit.

Hank for TTAG

I’m hopeful this will be a reliable source for H9 owners who haven’t had the easiest time finding parts. If you’re a H9 owner and have bought from Hudson Gun Part, let us know in the comments.



  1. Still sucks for the people who had their weapons in for warranty “service” and are now screwed out of everything.

    • What’s with all the gun companies on welfare? If the product sucks let it die. Stop enabling the dumb buyers who got in over their head on a POS gun and now want a soft way out.

    • Well said. Glock, HK, Ruger, even Hi-Point have been and will be around for a long time to come.

      • All those companies were new and ground breaking at one point. Took a risk to back them at one point. A company with a unique gun went bankrupt, sucks but sometimes things like this are a gamble.

  2. Hudson still has my H9, but I ordered a new firing pin to get mine back up once the ATF returns my H9 to me. Ordering fro was easy and I received it in a week (I think). I currently do not have my H9, so getting it quickly was not a major concern.

    • Why would the ATF be returning your firearm? Not trying to be condescending. I’d imagine it has something to do with the bankruptcy, correct?

      • I’m not directly involved, but from what I have gathered from multiple articles about the bankruptcy, the company doesn’t have the money to actually send the guns back to the owners and no company can legally step in and purchase that portion of their “assets” (since they don’t own them) to get back to the owners. People tried contacting the courts and the trustee over their specific pistol but were denied, so the only real option people have of getting their guns back is contacting the ATF and declaring it “lost/stolen” by H9’s bankruptcy. Apparently they may have the authority to wade into this mess and solve it, *if* they can be motivated to.

      • Yep. That’s a civil matter. The ATF only cares that your books are kept, and that non-prohibited people are not in possession of anything.

    • Hudson disassembled all the warranty-returned guns, and then dumped them into a big bin, specifically so they could not be returned to owners, in order to claim a total loss in bankruptcy court. Your gun belongs to the sea, now.

  3. I purchased an extra barrel (threaded barrels were not available at the time) and a striker. I think it took about 6 weeks from ordering to delivery. Hoping to see aluminum frames available at some point.

  4. I bought one when they sold for 599 after the company folded. Don’t plan on shooting it but if I do and ever need a part this is great to know. Thanks for the investigating.

  5. And this is why 1911’s still rule. When you buy one in the GI configuration, you can still get GI parts that were part of some huge contract by Uncle Sam from a half-dozen different parts vendors.

    There’s no company going into BK that can disrupt the supply of 1911 parts. There are many companies making the same parts that interchange into a standard 1911. There’s no company in the 1911 market with an attitude like H&K that will restrict parts to the civilian market.

    The plans for the GI model 1911, with full dimensions, materials specs, etc are out there all over the Internet, in books, in various archives. There are already models of 1911’s that have been created in a half-dozen different CAD packages.

    No other handgun can match this level of DIY support to make sure you are able to keep your pistol running, or that would allow you to build your own pistol without hinderance.

    • Except at the end of the day, you’re still stuck with an obsolete platform, a 1911. 😂

    • Substitute “Glock” in place of “1911” in that whole diatribe and it still works. Except for all the “Onlys” and “No one else” parts, well, because Glock.

  6. I see the threaded barrel issue….but what other parts were breaking on a gun this new?

    • Bad firing pins and more. Poor machining and perhaps heat treatment? They never even got the bugs worked out before bankruptcy.

      • Wish I had bought one. Expensive POS guns always bring the most money 30 years down the road.

  7. When I lived in upstate NY. It was very comforting to live 15 minutes from Hudson/Auto Ordinance. An old beatup looking place having tons of old gun parts and brand new Tommy guns too. I think and wonder about that old building from time to time.

    • I’m fairly sure the machines are still owned by the company Hudson contracted to make the guns, unless this debacle dragged them down, too.

    • The raving was about the “low bore axis,” an attribute of handguns that has received far too much obsession in the last 10 years, IMO.

      The H9 had mediocre accuracy, laying down groups that were 2X+ of what many other handguns were capable of at 25 yards. This, after all the obsession and frothy hyping of the low bore axis, which was supposed to make it recoil with much less muzzle flip and make it easier to get back on target, would appear to negate all the low bore axis benefits.

      Add in the fact that it was striker fired, making the trigger not what a 1911 can present for trigger pulls, and you have a serious case of “what was the point again?” being asked of this gun.

  8. I’m confused; for one thing, the company page linked in the article is dead, for two, I thought OEM parts were the problem on the troublesome guns ergo selling leftovers from the bankruptcy auction isn’t likely to remedy the situation. Am I missing something?

  9. KE arms, one of their OEM suppliers, is picking up production of new parts for the pistol also. Hopefully they take up production also.

  10. It seemed strange to me how much press the gun got as if it used no ammo and gave blowjobs. And then everyone who bought into it is left holding the bag.

    I hope they can get spare parts but there’s a lesson in there somewhere.

    • Their marketing game was entirely too slick; it made me instantly skeptical, the moment I laid eyes on their website, followed by incessant unquestioning ad-copy coverage by TTAG, TFB, various YouTools, and so-on, all centered around a clearly impossible physics violation. Almost the very moment real guns started getting into the hands of independent shooters at trade shows let alone stores, you started hearing infrequent comments about inconsistent quality. Obviously as the guns didn’t sell, and some portion of those out in the wild came back in for service, Hudson eventually ran out of money for their suppliers & was cut off, and forced to begin cannibalizing customers’ guns to repair others (or I suspect, to produce ‘new’ guns to keep cash coming in). The whole thing screams of amoral scumbag upper management, using flim-flam to get a bunch of people & suppliers on the hook too deep to back out easily, and outright fraud to keep the game going so as to rack up as much debt as possible, before vanishing into the night under cover of bankruptcy. “Things simply got out of hand” might have been a believable story had they not been so professionally slick & well connected up until the snap bankruptcy.

      I’ll always remember that hilarious promo video they made, showing the progression of slow-mo human combat from caveman club, to atl-atl, to swordsman, to archer, to flintlock handgun, to Colt SAA, to 1911…to arrive at the *Hudson* –such transparently ridiculous arrogant bullcrap for a brand-new no-name company to be peddling, let alone with Hollywood-quality production values. I bought one during the 600$ fire-sale…because I knew fools will pay several times that in a couple years. Price has already recovered to 800$-1000$ in less than six months. I’ll cash out when some movie inevitably features the gun prominently & stirs up interest.

    • From my standpoint, I was interested as it was a new gun from a new company. I was swept up in the hype, I’ll admit. It looked good.

  11. Unless you have bags of money, don’t invest in first generation technology period. It’s a risk!
    The first generation kinks discovered/exposed will either break or make the company.

  12. I have warned people for years that never should you buy a newly marketed handgun or even buy a new model handgun even from an established handgun maker for at least 2 years after it was introduced. The Greed Mongers who manufacture guns rush them into production and never even bother to test them except of course on the public because they know the gun market is so big that there will always be more suckers out there to buy their trash even after they screw the first batch of suckers who bought a gun that does not work and must go back to the factory for an “upgrade” Capitalvanian double talk for recall.

    I remember the people who got ripped off sending their money in for the Bren Ten in advanced because the crooks that were starting the company had no money to even start it up and then they shipped the guns with no magazines making the 10mm into nothing more than a single shot. What a rip off that was. Yours truly got cold feet and cancelled his order for two of them and that was the smartest move I made back them. I am wondering if this handgun manufacturer ran into the same cash flow problems that led to its very early demise.

    In the past before computerized manufacture of plastic fake models gun companies would make wooden mock ups of their new handgun that was not even being manufactured yet and then have it plastered all over the front page of a gun magazine and their prostitute gun writers would then claim they tested it and it was just this side of 7th heaven.

    Yes over the last 7 decades I have seen it all. Big dinners given to gun writers with free guns and ammo and paid for hunts and even ladies of the evening supplied free of charge and all the booze they could slop down before passing out. I remember one hilarious article that appeared decades ago showing two gun writers with a new Pickup truck camper loaded with guns, ammo and camping supplies with them standing next to it and writing an article about all the free stuff they got and how perfect it all was. I am still laughing every time I pick up that old annual and re-read it decades later.

  13. Ive bought from this company and my parts came in. They look to be of excellent quality. I ordered 2 strikers and 1 threaded barrel. The man behind the website works for a supplier who made OEM parts for Hudson. I was skeptical myself until I called and spoke with him. Seems like a good dude and just wants to help people get the parts they need.

  14. On the other hand, Bill Wilson built a great company from the cash flow of customer deposits.

    Honest people treat you well………and it used to be that people of the gun were the most honest, straight forward, shake on it and follow through people you could do business with.

    I hope “our” culture will survive

  15. that is one C O M P L I C A T E D looking firing pin …complicated….and there are a lot of other complicated looking parts……just for that reason I would say “no thanks”

  16. Funny seems like the Hudson gun is just like the Hudson car. Short lived. Ashame I really wanted one with a name like mine. Thank God I waited.

  17. I knew from the Git Go that this company was doomed for failure. You know how I knew that you ask??? No customer service. I called their phone number on numerous times and they didn’t answer the phone but it did have a “Voice Mail” that said leave a message and we’ll get back to you. I left “numerous messages” and they NEVER RETURNED MY CALLS. I knew right then and there that I would never buy their pistol because they don’t even know what customer service even is. And low and behold I was right. OUT OF BIZ.

  18. Każdy klient bukmachera może oddać jeden głos na swojego faworyta. Zastosowaliśmy techniczne ograniczenie do 1 głosu na każdego buka z jednego IP. W zestawieniu znaleźli się wyłącznie legalni bukmacherzy którzy zgodzili się poddać pod głosowanie i ocenę internautów oraz redakcji. Grasz na którejś z powyższych stron bukmacherskich? Poleciłbyś ją innym graczom? Zagłosuj i pomóż wybrać najlepszych buków w Polsce!

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