Gun defense (courtesy
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In the video below we have yet another self-defense video where the gun starts closerthanthis to the victim. The difference here? Our man at codereddefense tells the viewer to start talking to the perp and give him what he wants, ’cause the gun’s gonna be moving around and the odds of a clean, quick disarm are lower than a snake’s belly. Well now . . .

I don’t know about that.

I have to assume that someone who points a gun at me has at least some desire to shoot me. The bad guy could, in fact, really want to shoot me, for reasons I’ll never know. Because I’ll be dead.

And I’m really not sure what the bad guy would want to talk about. And whether or not he’d accentuate some rhetotical point by pulling the trigger. So . . .

I’m thinking wait for an opportunity to go all in, and then go all in. I hope I wouldn’t be paralyzed — like I was when I was mugged at knife point back in the day. But that’s the plan.

What’s yours?

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    • Well if it’s a day or two after eating white castle I would release my chemical weapon of mass suffocation.

      • I’m lucky if my chemical weapon doesn’t explode within a couple of hours of eating White Castle. I think their new motto is ‘farm to toilet’.

        • I haven’t had White Castle in years. Doesn’t matter what my diet is. Hold a gun to my head and you will get splashed by the overflow.

          And you will likely suffer hearing damage. I’ll be screaming like a little girl.

  1. Seems like about anything you could do to distract him would be good. Fart, faint, a loud truck passing on the street. Throw your wallet on the ground. Grab his strong hand and kick him in the nuts!

    “Fight back! Whenever you are offered violence, fight back! The aggressor does not fear the law, so he must be taught to fear you. Whatever the risk, and at whatever the cost, fight back!” – Jeff Cooper


    • That quote is relevant when someone is trying to kill you- like in an active shooter situation.

      If they are trying to ROB you, and are pointing a loaded gun at your head, that quote will get your average billy badass killed.

      • Robbing you is an opportunity crime, but If someone is pointing a gun to your head, they are, at minimum, HOLDING A GUN TO YOUR HEAD. As long as its loaded, chambered, and a finger is on the trigger, what’s the likelihood of your ninja like skills to take the gun away? Once in a hundred, thousand? Common street thugs aren’t really known for their trigger discipline, so a ninja move is much more likely to get you killed.

        The key time was before the gun was at your head, at that point, de-escalate to get to a point you can get away, or bring your own deadly weapon to bear with a chance of success. Whatever is in your wallet is not worth your life.

  2. ‘What Do You Do When Someone Holds a G un to Y our H ead?’

    Well, duh! You stick your finger in the ba rrel! Hasn’t anyone here seen the excellent Buggs Bunny self def ense instructionals?

  3. MAJOR ERRORS IN THAT VIDEO. I have seen dozens of disarming videos online and they ALL make the same mistake.

    After the disarm, never use your attackers gun. You have no idea if its real, loaded, jammed or chambered. After the disarm, secure the weapon and use your own gun.

    Also, note the “instructor’s” finger on the trigger.

    This is just one example of how “free” training online is worth exactly what you paid for it.

    • He also states that the gun might go off in the struggle after he grabs it. It will most likely go off well before that point, usually when the gun is rotated with the bad guy’s finger in the trigger guard. The twist will also most likely break the bad guy’s finger

      • And with your hands likely wrapped around the slide will fail to eject &/or chamber the next round. FWIW

    • “After the disarm, never use your attackers gun.”

      I found a reliable source which stated that something like 45% of the firearms that criminals use for their armed robberies do not function for various reasons. That fact emphatically reinforces your point.

      • I’ll try to remember that if someone ever does hold a gun to my head, that would be comforting to know. Well there’s almost a 50% chance that gun isn’t even capable of firing!

      • I have been taught that after the multiple groin and head strikes during the disarm is to use the attackers weapon as a striking weapon of opportunity to beat the desire to hurt me out of his system. Then, seat the mag and rack the slide to verify function with plenty of distance between you and the perp. They are easy to find later with a muzzle shaped mark on their forehead.

      • If you have your own gun on your person, use it, not the perps gun. Here’s why: If you have taken away the bad guys gun, he is now disarmed! Unless you can prove the dude was still trying to do you “great bodily harm” your actions will probably be deemed as unnecessary, and you will probably be “convicted”.
        Remember, The district prosecutor is not looking for a “Fair” outcome, just a conviction!

    • You do have a good point. But anyone who is really capable of disarming (not just getting lucky) could probably use it to pistol whip the attacker.

  4. Okay, I don’t like to mention this but I carry two wallets. My ‘cash wallet’ which usually has less than $20 and no credit cards, just grain size card, insurance cards etc. And my card wallet which goes in front pocket that has ID’s and credit cards, debit card etc. That way I can toss the leather wallet with it’s tiny bit of cash as a distraction, to pull their eyes off me so I can draw my pistol and fire. At least that is the plan. Never hard to do it. Only guy that came close to possibly trying for my wife’s purse fled when he noticed me giving him a look. My wife claims at times I look scary. Maybe. He fled before I even had to draw.

    • Police refer to their “extra” handgun as a “throwaway piece”. I refer to the extra wallet (with all of $10) as a “throwaway wallet”.

    • My ex bosse’s wife went to the bank and withdrew $2,000 in cash. Can’t remember what for, but half way to her car, a dude on a bicycle grabbed her purse, and off he went. Two big one, down the drain.

      • Why why WHY do women carry purses? Stop with the purses, ladies, and you will put hundreds of thousands of dirtbag predators out of business.

  5. I’ve been mugged twice in the last two years. I’m from the prairies in Canada, so I don’t have the option of carrying a firearm, knife, taser or spray. The first time were 3 kids with bear spray, didn’t have much of value that wasn’t insured so i gave them my stuff and we all walked away, all they wanted was an old phone and 10 bucks in my wallet. Second time, i was mugged by 5 Indian Posse gangbangers taking a shortcut home from the bar, moderately intoxicated. One with a visible gun in his waistband, one with a machete, two in a getaway vehicle that pulled up and one behind me.

    The thing that pisses me off is the attitude that “if you take my course” or “if you’re trained enough” you will kill/win vs. all the bad guys and walk away the hero. I don’t give a shit if it was any V.C. or MOH recipient in that alley instead of me, if he was unarmed like me (lawfully I must be), 4v1 against at least one gun and one knife? Those are odds you don’t gamble on. Even if i could carry those odds are still dog-shitty.

    • A martial arts instructor I once knew near DC once told the story of how his son, who was very proficient as well, had been mugged by three guys in some nasty part of town. With his impressive martial arts skills he knocked two guys out before the third pulled the gun out of his pocket and shot the victim dead.

      There’s a reason people carry guns and it’s because they work.

      • One of my martial arts instructors decided that enough was enough with two guys at a bar. He took those two guys down in seconds and then woke up in an ambulance some time later: my instructor had not seen their accomplice from behind who knocked him out cold.

        That is why really nasty people travel in packs of three or more and target single people. And no, they don’t need anything more than their hands and feet (assuming that they are at least average size and fitness) to take down a single victim, no matter how much training that single victim has.

        • Even happens to Chuck (of course it’s 20+ to one). The cue ball to the back of the noggin leaves a mark.

    • Here in Illinois, with our recent concealed-carry legalization, thugs have quickly adopted new tactics, working more in teams with multiple firearms against single victims. Our cities are sh!tholes.

  6. Hopefully the urine running down my leg will distract him long enough to hit him in the bullet with my head

  7. If some one tried, they will not get that close. They would be dead before they got within 5 feet of me.

    • Man! I love that scene. I’ve replayed it many times. I made a recording of it when I first saw the movie. Nothing thrills me more than to see a really bad guy catch a bullet, or two, or three.

  8. In the last few years I read a claim:
    If an attacker is pointing a firearm at you at contact distance and you are going to try to disarm your attacker, ask your attacker a question right before attempting to disarm him/her. The attacker’s mental process to formulate an answer and communicate it allegedly slows their reaction time — possibly enough to enable you to get hands-on and point the barrel just barely away from your body before they can pull the trigger.

    I searched casually for anything that seemed to corroborate that claim and I did not find anything. I even tried my own experiment with family members to see if I could measure an increase in their reaction time and I did not see any noticeable increase in their reaction time.

    Does anyone know of any trustworthy sources that can corroborate that claim?

    • For reference my experiment was:
      (1) I hold a ruler in air.
      (2) Test subject holds fingers at bottom of ruler ready to pinch ruler as soon as they see the ruler begin falling.
      (3) The higher up on the ruler that they pinch, the longer their reaction time.
      (4) I measured their average distance (time) to pinch the ruler without any distractions something like 10 times.
      (5) I measured their average distance (time) to pinch the ruler after asking them a question and waiting until they began telling their answer before dropping the ruler — the same number of times as without distractions.

      I saw no noticeable difference in their reaction times with and without distractions. Unless the “distraction” only affects a mind under stress — and assuming that a criminal’s mind would be under stress while they are threatening to kill you — I don’t see that asking your attacker a question is going to provide any advantage for you.

      • Your method may be flawed, in that, if your subject knows you are testing, they may, consciously or unconsciously, react faster(or slower)…

      • DON’T wait for them to get an answer. Ask the question, then ACT immediately.

        REMEMBER, action beats reaction, proximity negates skill ( unless the skill involves proximity, e.g. wrestling, ju juitsu.)

        That’s the theory, anyway.

  9. I have no reservations about attempting a disarm if the gun is close enough. It is not that I am brave or particularly skilled it just seems easy enough and I lost most of my fear of dying years ago. I’d also really really like to kill anyone asshole enough to threaten other people so. I do practice with friends from time to time as well. I am not a man of faith but I am at peace with the notion that I am going to die and that it could be sooner rather than later. time.

    • By ‘easy enough’ I meant quite possible if the gun is held carelessly like in the still image and not moving about randomly like the instructor posits it will be. I suspect that movies and TV have trained a lot of stupid people to do stupid things.

  10. My best friend and I were mugged in NYC leaving a bar on the Upper Westside back in 1989.
    Bobby decided to be a hero and now hes dead.
    25acp to the head..
    My gun was at home as I knew Id be drinking. In NYC if you have a permit you can go into bars by the way. Just don’t drink.
    Give them what they want. They have the advantage.
    The best you can do is to try and get home alive folks.
    Talking doesn’t always work. Trying to grab a gun with the bad guys finger on the trigger rarely works in real life. That bullet is going to go someplace.
    Don’t try to be a hero.
    Most times it wont work.

    • NYC leaving a bar

      Definition of stupid place, stupid time, stupid thing. Self inflicted.

      1. NYC
      2. Bar
      3. NYC

  11. The big question is: Now that I’ve given him my wallet, and he asks what’s in my other pocket, do I give him my gun too? That’s the hard one. Any thoughts?

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