The son and grandson of Joseph T. Tomasello, a notorious Colombo crime family capo, have been arrested on federal weapons charges after a raid on their Staten Island home turned up a huge arsenal, including a large stash of “ghost guns” and equipment used to produce them.
Joseph Orapallo, 57, and his son Frank, 22, were arrested in the early hours of Wednesday, February 5, at their home in New Dorp, a neighborhood on the South Shore of Staten Island, New York City. It was the NYPD Financial Crimes Task Force that carried out the raid that led to the discovery of a cache of weapons that includes rifles, shotguns and “ghost guns,” a made-up term for firearms that can be built at home with no serial numbers, a practice that has been legal since the founding of America but that has been given boogie man status by leftists in recent years. Ammunition was also found in the raid, as was 3D firearm-making equipment, according to law enforcement sources.
While there is no indication as of yet as to why the raid was being conducted by a financial crimes unit, father and son were arraigned in a Staten Island Criminal Court specifically for “ghost gun” possession. The two face federal weapons charges and were ordered to be held on bail after the arraignment hearing. Family members of the father and son duo who attended the hearing declined to speak with reporters, though one of them used a hand gesture to let a New York Post photographer know he was number one.
It is not clear if the Orapallos are themselves involved in organized crime, as Joseph tried to distance himself and his family from his mob boss father years ago by taking his mother’s maiden name. In fact, it was Joseph Jr. who tipped off authorities as to his father’s whereabouts the night before his wedding in 1998 while Tomasello hid out in the Catskills after six years on the run from racketeering and murder charges. Tomasello went away for racketeering and his complicity in five New York murders between 1991 and 1992, passing quietly in 2016 at the age of 84.
My how the mighty have fallen, now at the base of their inherent criminal level. Time to disappear this trash in a federal prison for the rest of their lives
Like anything else it was all about the wardrobe.
Going to the theater lost its cache when people started going jeans and t shirts.
Air travel lost its appeal when people started flying in their pajamas.
Extortion, prostitution, drug dealing and smuggling dropped to the bottom of the barrel when people started doing it in white t shirts with their pants down around their ankles.
A nice suit really elevates human behavior.
I worked as a telemarketer in high school. Obviously, the people I dealt with never saw me. They made us wear ties to work for a reason.
Where I work, the Customer Service Dept employees are required to have a mirror on their desks next to the phones, so they may be able to see themselves as they speak with those who call in. The reasoning is that a person who sees him/herself with a relaxed or smiling face will tend to adopt that demeanor and vocal tone during the call, and present a higher caliber of experience for the customer.
Before COVID (lovingly referred to now as the “modern B.C.”), there was even a dress code for the CS Dept. That was jettisoned afterward as the business world has transitioned to video calls over in-person meetings, but my employer has been slowly re-implementing standards again.
Dress codes work.
i really should buy a suit.
maybe half of my crew have them, looks kind of lame at all the too often wakes.
the problem with “sharkskin” is it never lasted. and i don’t wanna pop for silk.
blue, brown or grey- yecch.
buy it today, wear it tonight! 1980. effdubdub remembers.
h ttps://
“…turned up a huge arsenal,…” That’s a huge arsenal? Are you kidding me? What is this CNN?
Neither man has a criminal history. What they are being charged with is normal legal behavior in the overwhelming majority of states.
Just one more question.
Er, I have nothing real to contribute to this conversation.
C’mon Andrew,
“Leave the gun, take the cannoli.”
By all accounts neither does anyone else.
Case in point.
“thank you for your contribution. please come again.”
“as was 3D firearm-making equipment”
Translation: A common 3D printer.
They make up all these terms to make it sound more ‘neferious’.
Its not a torque wrench, its a ‘firearm making stress adjustment tool’.
Its not a hand drill, its a ‘firearm making rotary tool’.
Its not a piece of home-depot 5 foot common PVC pipe, its a ‘firearm suppressor part’.
Its not an actual and common farm equipment water filter being used as a water filter, its a ‘firearm suppressor’
(note: these are actual terms the ATF has made up for previous cases)
We are trying for that background check/registry of owners law again this session so they may be trying to up the noise on the topic to gain traction on getting the bill passed and us wasting more time and money in court.
“as was 3D firearm-making equipment”
Translation: A common 3D printer“
So it’s important for you to publicize the fact that a common 3-D printer can be used for firearms-making?
I would think you would be glad they had named it as some piece of specialized equipment as opposed to pointing out that it was a common 3-D printer that should be regulated.
That’s as silly as this whole condoms for hamas BS.
I mean, wouldn’t you want terrorists to have all the condoms they wanted? Wouldn’t you want them to have easy access to contraceptives?
Without birth control, you’re gonna have lots of new little terrorists running around, a continual supply of enemies.
Oh wait a minute, now I understand how smart the globalist billionaires are. They need a continual stream of enemies in order to whip MAGA into a fearful frenzy.
That’s why the GOP wants to outlaw abortion and contraceptives, they need targets for the ‘Two Minutes Hate’.
Miner is stupid enough he/she actually believes the US progs at USAID are buying/giving condoms to 3rd world tribal barbarians. Or believes the muzzies use condoms when they r ape women, little boys, and farm animals.
The REAL question is where (WHO) is the money ACTUALLY going.
Hopefully detailed forensic accounting will happen after shutting off the flow. In EVERY DOGE investigated dept. What dead marxist/dem is still getting SS $?
goats that live inside the house are not farm animals.
I ask if I was hurting her and she said, ” Naaaa aaaaa aaaa”
we only laughed because you chose the ugliest one. one rear leg in each boot at the edge of a cliff.
At this point I have to assume you work for Trump. Nothing else would explain your half-assed attacks that only serve to support his platform for the better part of a decade.
miner does not work for Trump as in he’s getting paid or is a supporter.
miner is just too fucking stupid to realize how much damage he’s doing to his cause.
It’s fascinating to watch. And it is proof that we need to burn our education system to the ground and start over.
@Mynr49r (AKA Miner -49er, AKA Missy12)
“So it’s important for you to publicize the fact that a common 3-D printer can be used for firearms-making?”
Wow! You actually can’t read AND comprehend.
From your past spewing of mental illness out of context crap I knew your reading and comprehension skills were about ‘worst public school in the country’ 3rd grade level, but this, the simple thing of “Translation: A common 3D printer“ – how you ever got from that “So it’s important for you to publicize the fact that a common 3-D printer can be used for firearms-making?” simply proves it now.
So this time instead of just telling you to learn what context means, also learn to read AND comprehend.
@Mynr49r (AKA Miner -49er, AKA Missy12)
“I mean, wouldn’t you want terrorists to have all the condoms they wanted? Wouldn’t you want them to have easy access to contraceptives?”
So you are now all for the Hamas terrorists now.
No, I don’t want them to have condoms and I don’t want my tax dollars to pay for it either. Apparently you are not aware they don’t believe in contraceptives – they are hard line old-school fundamentalists Shariah islam and don’t believe in contraception. In their view Islam does not allow family planning (and the use of contraception) to meet with the demands of social reasons or preventing pregnancy.
What I want is for these terrorist to die before they can get a woman pregnant. Failing that, I still want them to die. They don’t hesitate in letting us know they want us to die, so no, I’m not in with letting my tax dollars go to some terrorist who would kill me and my family and U.S. men, women, and children in a heart beat if given the chance.
Everyone will eventually be raided, as soon as an ATF “final” rule declares pillows to be silencers.
Its My Pillow and the ATF can’t have it.
I don’t want mobsters mobstering out in society.
But it sounds like law enforcement may have violated the constitutional rights of some US citizens.
I’m not familiar with this story, or the history behind it. But having “ghost guns” (oooooh, scary term!) and 3D printers? Come on, I half-expected the ATF to be behind this one too, just like the other stories we recently read.
“But it sounds like law enforcement may have violated the constitutional rights of some US citizens”
Of course you come down on the side of the mobsters.
“I’m not familiar with this story, or the history behind it“
MAGA and Proud!
Mobsters have the same constitutional rights as everybody else.
Mynr49r (AKA Miner -49er, AKA Missy12) doesn’t believe constitutional rights should be a thing for anyone.
He’s on record as saying rights can be limited by .gov.
And yet he denies he’s a fascist.
radical left wingers always deny they are fascist as they remove your rights and replace them with their control over what you can and can not do. Its part of something else > h ttps://
Either you believe our rights are God-given, or you believe that the government can give or take them at any time.
I see where you stand. You’re not even in the United States; at least not legally, are you?
two more “new dorps” for the hooskow.
That would be “hoosegow”
i’m of phoenecian descent. i often spell thing phoenecialy. c’monomatopoeia.
Who’s cow
never herd of her.
Are you sayin I ever seen a ghost gun? Fuhgeddaboutit. Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. I seen a lotta things…
why is anyone crowing about THIS ” public safety triumph “?? all gun law are infringement.
literally everything found there should be (and is in more liberty minded areas)lawful to possess.
is private sector organized crime any worse than the haunted public sector?
That’s a real nice 3D printer you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it.
A “boogie man” is a dancer
A “bogeyman” is
an imaginary evil spirit or being, used to frighten children
a person or thing that is widely regarded as an object of fear