Newtown Sandy Hook Shooting Gun Maker
An image of the weapon used during the Newtown school shooting is displayed while attorney Josh Koskoff speaks during a news conference in Trumbull, Conn., Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022. After agreeing to a $73 million lawsuit settlement with gun-maker Remington, the families of nine Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims say they are shifting their focus to ending firearms advertising. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)
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[ED: When the settlement was announced in the lawsuit brought by nine Sandy Hook families against Remington, some blamed “Remington” for deciding to settle the suit. To be clear, the Remington named in the suit no longer really exists. The former Remington Outdoor declared bankruptcy and was liquidated. The suit was settled by the insurers representing what remains of the defunct entity. The two current Remingtons — the ammunition company and the separate firearm maker — had no part in the Sandy Hook lawsuit or the decision to settle it.]

The Sandy Hook families’ strategy was to make use of a tiny gap in the language of the P.L.C.A.A., which leaves room for cases in which a gun manufacturer “knowingly violated a State or Federal statute applicable to the sale or marketing of the product.” The law that the families pointed to was the decades-old Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act, or cutpa.

This move set off a chain of litigation about whether the trial could even proceed: the Remington side argued that claims under cutpa were exactly what the P.L.C.A.A. was meant to preclude, while the families argued the opposite. After the Connecticut Supreme Court decided in the families’ favor, the question was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, in what at that point had become the case of Remington Arms Co. v. Donna L. Soto. (Donna Soto is the mother of Victoria Soto, a twenty-seven-year-old teacher who was killed while trying to protect her students from the shooter.)

On November 12, 2019—in many ways, the crucial date in the case—the Court declined to hear the company’s petition, and this meant that the trial could proceed.

The Court did not issue an opinion in Remington v. Soto, or resolve substantive questions about the limits of the P.L.C.A.A. There is a separate case, known as Gustafson v. Springfield, which is working its way through the courts in Pennsylvania and directly challenges the constitutionality of the P.L.C.A.A. (That case was brought against the firearm manufacturer Springfield Armory by the parents of a thirteen-year-old boy who was killed when a fourteen-year-old friend pulled the trigger on what he thought was an unloaded semi-automatic handgun.) But the Court’s decision, and the prospect of a trial, substantially raised the potential costs for the company.

The hope of the Sandy Hook families is that it will put fear into the hearts of all gunmakers. And maybe, with any luck, it will.

This settlement was, no doubt, an accomplishment on the part of the families and the lawyers who stood with them. It’s a tribute to the family members whom the plaintiffs lost. But joy may be hard to come by in this fight. The country has never been on a straight road forward in the effort to reduce gun violence.

In just the two years since the Court declined to hear Remington v. Soto, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, and Amy Coney Barrett replaced her. This spring, a conservative supermajority is expected to issue a ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, a challenge to that state’s laws for obtaining a license to carry a concealed handgun. That decision is not likely to mean real justice for the children of Sandy Hook, either.

— Amy Davidson Sorkin in The Sandy Hook Settlement with Remington and the Road Ahead on Gun Violence

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  1. WTF is “real justice” to a murdered, maimed, or permanently scarred individual? Mankind lacks the means to provide “real justice” to everyday victims of crime. The term “real justice” is just some hook on which to hang a bunch of emotional baggage.

    • Paul,

      Which is exactly why phrases like that are so popular with Leftist/fascists. “Don’t reason, emote” is their mantra. Of course, it wouldn’t matter, since the Left is incapable of reason.

        • Hi everyone. I’m Dacian. And I like to talk shit, and troll everyone to outrage. Then, I like to whip it out and start beating it, fanatically, to everyone’s responses, until spurting inevitably happens. I love playing the emotional card to a rhetorical extreme. I pretend to know about guns and be a “gun guy” while advocating for endless gun regulations. I also like to post “studies” to “Your preferred results for hire” research institutions like the Harvard injury control research center and other anti-gun orgs.

          I like to “vote” on how you live your life, and one of those things is how you store your firearms in your own home. As if that is my business at all, but it should be. Also, background checks. Because I need lists of everyone you are talking to about guns and who has what.

          I’m a “results are more important than the methods to reach those results” kind of guy, and that means I lie a lot. A lot of manipulating and lying. Almost to a sociopathic level. So that’s me; Tyrant, plus sociopath. Let the trolling begin!!!


      • RE: “This spring, a conservative supermajority is expected to issue a ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, a challenge to that state’s laws for obtaining a license to carry a concealed handgun. That decision is not likely to mean real justice for the children of Sandy Hook, either.” amy davidson sorkin

        Sounds like “real justice” to the sneaky fixated on the gun amy davidson sorkin means rounding up all law abiding Gun Owners and putting them on trains to concentration camps. Apparently her version of “real justice” is along the lines of what the sick knee jerk reaction to Sandy Hook was in the US Congress. First the knee jerk congressional plan was to confiscate firearms and then comes the train rides according to the history of Gun Control Gun Confiscation rot.

        Since the firearm “advertising” that adam lanza may never have knew existed caused the “insurer” to cave then by a much larger token it was Gun Free Zones Signs that advertised to adam lanza and held the school doors open for him.

        In other words…Real Justice is seeing all of those who were behind the insanity that led gullible parents to leave their kids beneath the Gun Free Zones Signs that emboldened adam lanza were held liable for All Damages. That includes the $70 million fraudulent judgement based on the same milquetoast mentality that initially led parents into a false sense of security…Your rebuttal amy davidson sorkin?

        • It is NOT a judgment, it is a settlement win which “Remington” did not admit liability. The only part of the case, the decision of the Conn Supreme Court, is the only part of the case that can be cited as precedent. And the amount paid more than it wold cost to go to trial, but less than the risk of losing and the cost of appeals. The case has already cost the insurers a fortune, and they undoubtedly wanted to staunch the bleeding.

        • That’s right Mark. Nothing says “Justice” like the lawyers swimming in other people’s money, and handing a little bit of it, to the smiling victims. Because what did they get out of it? Money. That is literally what they fought for, and what they got out of this. Money. So it’s not about Justice, it’s about getting paid. And why? Because some young man (20 years old) killed his mom and stole the guns whom his mom bought from a dealer, who bought from the manufacturer. Yet “justice” is punishing the manufacturer. Because of the “marketing” of this firearm? Lanza didn’t even buy it. He was not the buyer of this firearm. He may not have ever even seen the marketing behind this firearm. Ever. Yet garbage people (Sandy hook parents – yes I said it), don’t care about their methods. They only care about their results, and their ideology. They don’t understand that their methods affect more than just the outcome. Everything about this case was bad litigation. It was harassment – plain and simple. And this is precisely why more protections like the PLCAA are needed – to address the immoral methods, of the left.

      • Particularly since the murderer took care of tlat little detail himeslf, at least as per the accounts in the news. Seems the piut turned one of the guns he stole from his mother whom he murdered to get them, onto his own sick head and sqeezed off a round. The ONLY round that day that was used to any benefit. I”m glad, as it saved the people of that state a boatload of tax money by not having to warehouse and pamper the rotter, nor to put on a charade of a court trial.

    • Exactly. The only way ‘justice’ could be served in this case is if we could turn back time and Victoria Sotto was Free to be armed, proficient in it’s use and prevailed over the aggressor. Monetary ‘rewards’ after the fact are nothing more than misdirected and wholly insufficient compensation tainted by the (understandable) desire for revenge. And, of course, greed.

  2. how about instead of “real justice” you provide “real training” in the use of a firearm for teacher.
    and a “real requirement” for teachers to be armed at all times, with a “real firearm”
    so that they can provide “real protection” for the children under their care.

    • oh … and if teachers refuse to take responsibility for the safety of children under their care … they can find a “real job” somewhere else.

      • I can’t agree with you there, merlin. We all have our talents, abilities, and proclivities. I am incapable of being in a room with a bunch of silly children all day, working my arse off trying to teach them the most basic facts of life. I hope people don’t judge me based on that inability.

        Let’s not judge people overly harshly if they are incapable of picking up a weapon to take another human life.

        All I demand from the education system, is that teachers and school staff who are able and willing to defend the children be permitted to do so. Offer teachers an extra $500/month if they will commit to getting proper training, then carrying a self defense weapon. Leave it at that. Those who will not pick up a weapon should not be penalized.

        • Simply remove all restrictions on carrying in schools for people with licenses/permits, or for non prohibited people in Constitutional carry states, and the problem will solve itself.

          Government is always the source of problems and it’s removal is always the solution.

        • Only correction there would be that it’s not and education system, but rather a government indoctrination system. It stopped doing any serious educating a long time ago.

        • The idea should not be to arm all teachers just as it should not be to arm every person in general.

          The idea should be to NOT disarm everyone. Buy, own, train, and carry for people that choose to. If a teacher wants to then they should be allowed to. There are many that do. Just as there are a great many people in general that want to.

          This is a very important distinction that too many people miss.

        • I disagree with the statement not to scrutinize those not willing to arm themselves in order to take a life to save another. EVERYBODY IS CAPABLE OF KILLING. If they’re of the type to withstand the challenges faced when teaching groups of children schoolwork then they should being able to defend them also. If not then those folks should not be teachers as the safety and security of the students begins with the staff.

      • I have to agree. The idea of hiring retired cops and military police, etc., to work as armed security in our schools was a viable option and best idea yet but most likely that was the very reason this option has not been pursued. I have more than once been told that armed security wouldn’t have been useful with the Sandy Hook shooting as “even the FBI says none of the children died in the school.” I find this hard to believe and is most likely another leftist ploy to win more gun control. This incident has been a huge incident of confusion since it happened. Suing Remington was absolutely ridiculous as it brings no justice for the kids but only provides a of revenge for the parents against something their warped leftist and liberal privileged minds hold against the gun industry. Sick people all around.

        • “even the FBI says none of the children died in the school.”

          Really? I’m hoping you have some sort of credible source or reference to substantiate your claim.

    • Withn a few weeks of this incident some folks, mamever of the Buckeye Firearm Association, in Ohio, put together a comprehehsive programme to do exactly that, Adult staff working at schools coud, at their option, take a week long intensive trainging programme specifically desugned to equip them to defend their students when and as needed, conflict avoidance, and FirstResponder first aid trainging, medic, etc, all in one packed week. The organisers arranged for volunteer instructiors,wlready well quaified to teach such things, arrenged donated space for the training including live fire, and convinced the OhioState Legisatlure to change thelaws to allow this. NO ONE is forced to carry al the time, only as they wish. TStaff brought their own handguns, the ones they already carry everwhere but school, and now do. Concealed carry rigs as needed for each one, etc. Ini all the years since this programme has beenin effect, some 2000 adult staff are now qualified to carry at their discretion. Only the one top admisintrator at each schoo knows who as taken the training, butnot who IS caarrying at any given time. That ifnromatioin is private. NOT ONE INCIDENT involving firearms in any of the districts where this programme has been put in place. Sancdy Hok won’t happen in Ohio. Ohter states, I believ Coorlado and NEvada? have implemented similar programes in teir own state.
      On and anohter good part. the entire programme has never cost the peope of Ohio one dime. EVEYTHING has been donated or volunteered.

      • “Ohter states, I believ Coorlado and NEvada? have implemented similar programes in teir own state.”

        Florida has such a program.

        It was a response to the south Florida school shooting…

  3. Whole the individuals who were murdered or maimed, and their families and friends also suffered, so did society.

    We all need justice, but the bad guy isn’t around anymore. The closest thing we can do for justice for all victims of crime, or those in fear for their lives daily because of rampant crime in their neighborhoods, is to put recidivist violent criminals away forever, including gang members.

    And make it a crime punishable by death for district attorneys to aid and abet them or to set bail to low.

    And make sure that domestic terrorist laws are never applied to ordinary citizens.

    • We never had the issues before with District Attorneys as we’ve had the past several years. I’m convinced more every day the behavior of these officials to coddle the criminals who should be locked up is all part of the grand mission to “change America” as the turd and traitor Soetoro stated he planned to do and in the process of doing so hurt whites and white culture as much as possible. There is no other explanation to be found. The only way they can accomplish this is by stealing elections while taking our firearms.

      • “turd and traitor Soetoro stated he planned to do and in the process of doing so hurt whites and white culture“

        “Hurt white culture”?

        Total BS. Lame racist feels his white privilege slipping away.

        To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.

        • You’re out of your pathetic twisted mind. Soetoro is the worst kind of racist; hater of self and kind, both races. No matter what the gay Marxist does he’ll never erase the fact his mother was nothing more than a traitor and white trash slut that raised her funk son to be the very traitor he is today. You’ll never have the qualifications to correctly identify those that are privileged like you can’t control the patriotism in this country running over you like the cockroach on the floor you always are.

        • Oh, nice spin, MinorIQ!
          GRA gave an ACCURATE summation of Barry Soetoro’s (who was an incompetent, demagogic SCOAMF) blatherings . . . and your feeble response is to throw down the race card.

          Your “race card” was overdrawn, years ago. Find a new argument, of f*** right off, MinorIQ.

  4. If a decision that an individual can sue a company for the illegal or negligent actions of a person not connected to said company, then I will recommend that my great-niece sue the company that manufactured the bat used to murder her father. This action would be the same as what is being tried with firearms.

    • That is exactly what is needed. About 20 cases in each state, each with the goal of reaching the Supreme Court. First case should be the Brooke case in Waukesha. We need a suit filed against Ford Motor Company because a Ford was used to kill all those people in the Christmas parade. Let’s not forget the oil companies – Shell BP and all the rest should be held liable every time an arson is committed.

  5. The people in Waukesha should sue the maker of the car used by the anti white terrorist there to run down wipipo.

  6. In “honor” of this capitulation I’m getting another AR. The left sure makes it EZ to make that decision…no under 16″ barrel stuff. I’d hate to have a brace be banned.🙄

  7. I think schools should provide a room for combat vets with free coffee and donuts to sit around around and play cards in!

    • That’s not a bad idea at all. My little town has a community center, where old folks get together to browse the internet, get a free snack, get government and medical brochures and handouts, and shoot the breeze. Just start moving those centers into the schools. I don’t go to the existing community center, but if it were presented as a sort of obligation to watch over the children, I might show up once or twice a week. And, free coffee. Yeah, I could justify spending the time slurping down free coffee!!

    • Won’t work. The cops would descend en masse on those free donuts and there’d be no room left for the vets.

  8. If the PLCAA is not constitutional, then neither is the law that prohibits citizens from suing big pharma for the carnage resulting from their “safe and effective” vaccines. A case could certainly be made based on the advertising done by them.

    • to Gipper mouth sycophant of the criminal Pres. Reagan.

      Look Moron do you live isolated in a cave. The drug companies were indeed taken to court and lost big time paying out millions in compensation.

      Try again moron you are a laugh a minute.

      • Feeble minded dacian claims that the wuhan-flu vaccinations have been taken to court and made to pay for their damages. In actuality, only the Sacklers have been taken to court – and that case is still pending. China flu vaxxes are immune to any sort of legal action, as stipulated by the liberal congress.

      • …to Gipper mouth sycophant of the criminal Pres. Reagan.

        Look Moron…

        Intelligent intro Dacian. Anymore gems for us today? It’s obvious you are just here to piss people off and not make any cogent arguments.

        • anonymous,

          “It’s obvious you are just here to piss people off and not make any cogent arguments.” No s***. That is a succient precis of dacian’s entire existence. His parents must be so proud.

      • The drug companies were indeed taken to court and lost big time paying out millions in compensation.

        There is a big difference between taking a medicine that you don’t know if it will hurt you are not, after prescribed by a doctor, and purposely, with full intention, shooting up a school knowing what the result would be already. Remington sold a firearm to a dealer, who sold it to a lady, who was killed by her son and had her firearm stolen which was then used to shoot up a school, and “Remington marketing” is the problem??????? Marketing?????? The gun wasn’t even sold to Adam Lanza, he may not have ever even seen the marketing of this firearm, and they are going to taken 73 million dollars for marketing??????? Marketing???? No. It’s not a moral campaign here. The Sandy Hook parents involved in this lawsuit, are democrat leftist garbage beings. They walk and talk, and look like people, but they are just pieces of garbage. People supporting this sort of thing are extremely dishonest, and morally bereft.

    • “suing big pharma for the carnage resulting from their “safe and effective” vaccines“

      Could you please cite specific cases and damages that you reference, thanks!

  9. Can we sue the various levels of gov and the the NGOs that were responsible for shuttering the asylums that would have been housing all these head cases in the first place?

    They’re either going to be watched by their families (which are being obliterated thanks to progressivism), locked up in jails, congregating under bridges or locked in an asylum.

    The families don’t want them, the police and jails are inundated with them, there aren’t enough bridges to shelter them and the asylums have all closed.

    So we live with them and the best anybody can come up with to handle it is to treat all of us like we’re schizos and the nation as a whole as one giant open air asylum complete with checkpoints, searches, arbitrary regulations and limitations and “doctors” eager to drug us all.

    I know, better a hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man be punished but now we’re all to be treated as guilty. So what’s the answer: embrace it and go full anarchist or embrace it and go full totalitarian? Doesn’t seem to be much room left in the middle of those two unless you’re okay with an arbitrary and capricious bureaucracy hammering your every move while bleeding your finances dry until inevitably you find yourself searching for that sweet under bridge real estate.

    • Where did all the “homeless” come from? If you look at most major cities, 20 years ago, tent camps in parks and under bridges just wasn’t a thing. Now, even small cities are being overrun and are no longer safe.

      I ask these questions and most people say, “it’s the drugs” or “it’s a mental health issue”. We had plenty of drugs and mental health issues 20 years ago. We also had relatively safe streets and neighborhoods. So again, where did these people come from?

      • to Ragar

        quote—————So again, where did these people come from?


        The answer is two fold. We now have 330 million people in the U.S. and when I was young it was about 100 million less.

        Also the Capitalvanians shipped all the high paying jobs overseas. In the last 50 years wages have stagnated while the Capitalvanians wealth has increased over 920%.

        We now have over 4 generations of people that have never had a decent paying job and the Republicans have consistently refused to fund any job retraining programs that civilized European countries have done decades ago.

        We have married couples now working 2 and even 3 part time jobs without any benefits or even vacation time or holidays off. In short they have become modern day Medieval economic troglodyte slaves to the Capitalvanians. They are so poor even while they are employed they make so little money they still qualify for welfare.

        The America of long ago is extinct, that is why so many well meaning people fell for the Trump lie on how he would turn back the clock. Trump himself soon found out that one man, even the President, is no match for the blind greed of the Capitalvanians.

        • Dacian, your assessment is clearly biased and unsupported by facts. I have no doubt you put a lot of effort into your explanation and perhaps, you even believe it. However, my life experiences, both in the USA and decades in many “third world” countries contradicts your thesis.

          I may not have went from rags to riches, but I did go from rags to nicer rags. Not through government handouts, but through my own hard work and sacrifices. This, in spite of my “privileges'” that often left me at the back of the line behind protected classes of people.

          I can’t imagine the life you have lived that makes you so bitter towards those that achieve versus those that await handouts.

          Either way, you didn’t answer the question.

        • To Ragnar

          quote———-Dacian, your assessment is clearly biased and unsupported by facts. ———quote

          Your refusal to accept historical facts are quite appalling and based on pure ignorance.

          Studies prove beyond all doubt the American standard of living fell drastically in the last 50 years. Study after study points to stagnation of wages and the blind greed and excessive profits of Corporations as well as the lowering of tax rates on them.

          I might add in the 50’s under President Eisenhower, a Republican, some tax rates on Cooptation were as high as 92% which did not harm the economy at all. Today the tax rates on many Corporations are ZERO as when Amazon made 2 billion profit, paid no taxes and shared none of the profits with troglodyte slave workers who were not even allowed sufficient bath room breaks.

      • “20 years ago“

        20 years ago George W. Bush had just started his first term with a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, with seven more years to go.

        In just a few short years, their mismanagement had led to the financial collapse of 2007-8.

        Looks like you should be talking with the Republicans…

        • Yeah, MinorIQ, it’s all the Republicans’ fault. The highest inflation in over 40 years, the highest influx of illegal aliens, one of the lowest labor force participation rates, highest deficit AND highest public debt, Russia threatening to invade the Ukraine, China threatening to invade Taiwan, Iran has scaled up uranium enrichment, Trudeau has gone full fascist and the Presidential Turnip is threatening to follow suit . . . but it’s those damn Republicans who are causing all the problems.

          Eff off, MinorIQ, you pathetic, partisan troll. No one wants to hear your Leftist/fascist bulls***. Save it for your next Antifa meeting, you pathetic clown.

        • ROFLMAO … WHINER-MINER … You’re spinning backwards again.

          FYI … (again) … you’re perverted treasonous hero WILD BILL CLINTON … has already PUBLICLY admitted the FANNIE MAE – FREDDIE MAC debacle was a monster created in his administration and by him taking disastrous risks to make owning a home possible for all Americans and illegals. He admitted this publicly more than once.

          You being totally wrong and giving us all a chance to watch your ignorant failing spin reverse it’s direction to backasswards all on it’s own is never boring but always expected.

    • That’ll never happen, The Right To Drive is not in the Constitution, if it were then yes theyd be getting sued.

  10. Real justice or revenge?
    So I see the Supreme Court is going to rule( maybe) you can carry a gunm in NYC.
    Ain’t that just dandy when everyone that gets shot can sue the gunm manufacturer.

  11. Since Columbine and later Sandy Hook massacres multitudes of massacres have been taken place, so many that we have lost count, and the Federal Government has done zero to end the insanity and prevent maniacs and criminals from buying all the weapons of mass destruction they want 24 hours around the clock and 365 days a year.

    Corrupt politicians who operate in a Government founded on corruption and designed to work on corruption are bought off by powerful special interests like the NRA. Nothing gets done and the slaughter goes on daily.

    The sick paranoid Far Right of course cheer on the corrupt politicians while ignoring the ever growing graveyards of innocent children slaughtered either through mass murder or by shiftless and sick paranoid parents who leave loaded guns laying around the house that kill on average 1,300 children a year and cripple 3 times that number for life.

    The Far Right care zero about child deaths because they will say “Who cares it did not happen to my kid”.

    The Naked Apes of the Far Right because of their sick paranoia cannot be reasoned with as their warped minds are incapable of logical thought or sane reasoning.

    The Far Right even blaspheme every principle and practice of their own Bronze Age Mystic religions as well making a complete mockery of their religious faith and beliefs.

    When you have a country that has become so insane that you do not thoroughly vet all gun purchase nor have safe storage laws you are living in a mad house where even many of the insane realize that something has to be done to end the everyday carnage. But not the Far Right, they live in an alternate universe and an alternate reality. To them “It will never happen to me” and “losses can never be to high”.

    The Far Right think that they need heavy firepower to fight a war that will never come against their own government and one that could not be won if it did and they believe that their home will be invaded at any moment by the ever present bogey man so they need weapons of mass destruction only they end up using them on their own families. Pure insanity of course but they fail to see reality because of their mental illness.

    And so the daily slaughter goes on while corrupt politicians offer prayers and thoughts while pocketing wheelbarrows full of cash as they laugh and skip over piles of the dead bodies of their citizens or their children lying in rivers of blood and carnage in the schools and streets while the politicians are on their way to the bank. Just another day In Capitalvania where life is considered cheap and expendable.

    I might add it is the Republicans that have consistently failed to pass affordable mental health care as well.

    • Mental midget: The United States had mental health care for decades. These people were kept in mental hospitals if necessary, and off the streets. What happened? The Liberal left happened. It was inhumane, or unjust, or whatever their stupid reasoning of the day was, to keep these people confined. So because of them, countless numbers are now living homeless on the streets. I’m sure you’re in favor of that because you’re afraid if they reinstated mental hospitals, you’d be in one of them.
      It was glaringly obvious that you made no mention of the slaughter that goes on daily on the streets of Chitcago and many other large cities, all of which are run by liberal leftists. The vast majority of these killings are of minorities, with far too many of them being children. These leftists don’t give a damn, otherwise they’d be doing something about it, like locking people up who are the cause of it. But no, it doesn’t suit their agenda, which is to paint gun owners, NRA, neighboring states, etc, etc, etc. as the problem.
      Crickets on your part. Why? Because like the rest of the leftists, you really don’t give a crap.

      • to Ghost the Ripper

        quote————–Gipper’s Ghost February 20, 2022 At 11:31
        Mental midget: The United States had mental health care for decades. These people were kept in mental hospitals if necessary, and off the streets. What happened? The Liberal left happened————-quote

        Nice try on distorting history. It was the cheap skate Pres. Reagan the blocked more funding for mental institutions and promoted shutting them down. The Left not being able to clean up the mess figured it was more humane to get them out of such inhumane medieval torture chambers and in most cases this was correct. The ignorant, savage, Far Right, like yourself, wrongly believe that mentally ill people are a danger to others while in reality science (which the ignorant far right always reject) has proven the opposite. Mentally ill people are usually a danger only to themselves with only a small minority that actually harm others.

        It is the Republicans that have consistently refused to fund mental health care and the Left stated that rather than lock them up in prison affordable health care is far more effective. But our health care system is broken and does not provide the affordable care that is needed.

        Try again Ripper you are out of your league.

        • LOL you blame Reagan still?
          After NEARLY 40 years and 2 lefty presidents that had 8 year terms the left owns it just as much and could have piad for the fix, if they were not pushing funds towards illegal aliens so that the DNC could gain their voting block!

        • That is a f***ing LIE, dacian the stupid, and you know it.

          Reagan signed a law handed to him by a DIMOCRAT controlled House, you complete retard. And THAT was in response to a SCOTUS ruling that involuntary institutionalization could ONLY be done if the state could prove that the subject was an “eminent danger” to themselves or the public.

          Your pathetic lies get more pathetic by the day, dacian the stupid. You are not only too stupid to insult, you are too stupid to tell a decent lie. Go pound salt in your @$$.

      • to the Ghost Ripper

        Quote———–It was glaringly obvious that you made no mention of the slaughter that goes on daily on the streets of Chitcago and many other large cities, all of which are run by liberal leftists———-quote

        You are really on dumb ass Hill Jack. Cities can do nothing when there is no Federal Law that stops States with lax gun laws from funneling thousands of second hand guns into States and Cities with tough gun laws.

        And I might add if you had not flunked sociology and economics dumb ass you would know that our big cities lost their high paying unskilled jobs decades ago. There has now been over 4 generations of people who have grown up in extreme poverty. Again the Republicans have blocked every attempt at massive Federal Programs that could have retrained workers as was already done in rich European countries. Where there is desperate poverty there is crime and drugs but what would an uneducated hill jack like you know about inter city problems and poor people.

        Try again Hill Jack you are out of your league.

        • Dacian said “Try again Hill Jack you are out of your league.”

          Considering that Dacian is in league with the devil, we have to concede that point to him.

        • You mean funneling guns as in Brobama sending them across the border to the cartels? If these states are funneling guns as you say, then there are laws being broken. That being the case, why isn’t brain dead Biden doing something about it? How is it that these states that are supposedly funneling the guns have nowhere near the kinds of problems that are in these hell hole cities?
          If these big cities lost their jobs, why is that? Who was in charge at the time? Chitcago has not had a Republican mayor in well over 80 years. Are you going to go back that far and blame them? Could it be the useless liberal policies in these cities caused the jobs to disappear? Or is it Reagan’s fault again?
          What a jackwad.

        • dacian the stupid,

          I freely admit that I am “not in your league” – I have no wish to be in the “league” of the demented and pathologically dishonest and stupid. I freely award that honor to you, dacian the stupid, dishonest, ignorant, uneducated, brainless, Leftist/fascist troll. Enjoy your “honor”; you’ve certainly earned it.

      • “These people were kept in mental hospitals if necessary, and off the streets. What happened? The Liberal left happene“

        The modern push to deinstitutionalize the mentally ill began in California, under republican Saint Ronald Reagan:

        “Reagan signed the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act in 1967, all but ending the practice of institutionalizing patients against their will. When deinstitutionalization began 50 years ago, California mistakenly relied on community treatment facilities, which were never built“

        Saint Ronald also began the modern gun control push by signing the Mumford act into law, intended to disarm black freedom activists.

        I had never really thought of Ronald Reagan as a liberal, but the facts of history are clear… Republicans stealing our freedom.

        Reagan is even the guy who took your right to carry firearms on millions of acres of taxpayer owned national parks and forests.

        Of course, President Barack Hussein Obama ended that Prohibition by signing the 2009 CARD act, restoring your gun rights.

        Thanks Obama!

    • dacian…

      “The sick paranoid Far Right of course cheer on the corrupt politicians while ignoring the ever growing graveyards of innocent children slaughtered…”

      More people died between Sept 2020 and Sept 2021 from drug overdose than all the mass shootings in the last 30 years.

      Nation wide in 2021 (month ending Sept 2021 reporting period from Sept 2020) – 99,543 reported deaths due to drug overdose, and according to the CDC that’s under reported due to incomplete data. (includes 78,388 suicides due to drug overdose). 95.4% of those drug overdose suicide people also had access to a firearm but still used drug overdose.

      Considering all causes of death between Sept 2020 and Sept 2021 – excluding firearms use – ~15 million people died end of reporting period Sept 2021 from Sept 2020 from causes other than firearms.

      Your “graveyards” are not being filled up with children victims of mass shootings, they are being “filled” up by deaths due to causes other than firearms.

      • to Booger Brain that is warped

        quote———–Considering all causes of death between Sept 2020 and Sept 2021 – excluding firearms use – ~15 million people died end of reporting period Sept 2021 from Sept 2020 from causes other than firearms.———–quote

        So in your depraved mind you prove my prior statement that the sick Far Right with a wave of the hand scream “losses from gun deaths can never be to high so lets ignore them and do nothing to stop 1,300 children each year from losing their lives”. You are one sick lunatic.

        • dacian…

          So in your depraved mind you prove my prior statement that the sick Far Right with a wave of the hand scream “losses from gun deaths can never be to high so lets ignore them and do nothing to stop 1,300 children each year from losing their lives”. You are one sick lunatic.

          I never said any of that. I was responding to your very gross exaggeration that was completely disrespectful, callous, and void of fact as it relates to the victims you claim to speak for.

        • I’m sorry. I was wrong. It isn’t 1,300 child each year. It’s less than half of that. There are probably bigger priorities we need to focus on. Like Cancer, or heart disease. Or Ladders. Accidental firearm deaths are practically at the end of the list. But even one death is too many. The other day, I saw a kid died of taking an aspirin. Apparently it is a super rare thing called reye’s syndrome that can happen. And because at least one child died, we should ban aspirin, nationwide, every state, every city, every hospital. If it saves one life – we should do it.

    • You liberals have lost count of the massacres – primarily because you can’t even define a mass shooting. The FBI has definitions, that you mostly ignore. Using the whacko progressive definitions, there must be 10 or 20 mass shootings every day.

      Allow me to point out that most killings, shootings, and imaginary mass shootings take place in liberal run cities. That qweer beatch in Chicago presides over most of them, and that is just what progressives want.

      Tell us more about the graveyards filled with children. Some whacko recently climbed to the top of a crane, to dance in the blood of dead children in Washington. Your side loves that blood – without it, you would have no message at all.

      I suspect that the DNC trains and funds crazy people to go out and slaughter innocents, to help advance their gun control agenda.

      • to the fake dacian our local waco

        The man you mentioned on the crane was protesting the Government doing nothing since his daughter was murdered in a mass shooting. What planet do you live on?

        quote———-Allow me to point out that most killings, shootings, and imaginary mass shootings take place in liberal run cities.——–quote

        Look Moron read my above post on inter cities and become educated as to why there is increased poverty and crime in our cities. Insinuating cities can solve the massive problems of low wage jobs, unemployment and drug addictions is about as ignorant as a hill jack can get. But hey none of you clowns are products of higher education.

        • dance in that blood, you can’t be a victim until you’ve drenched yourself in blood

          why aren’t conservative cities suffering all the same problems to the same degree? why is it liberal run cities that can’t attract business, can’t feed their poor, can’t stop the bloodshed?

        • I’m sorry. I was wrong. I just looked it up, and almost every large city is blue. Democrats make up the majority in the cities. And virtually every major mass school shooting was in a city. I tend to claim that the problem we face is always a problem the government needs to address. And governments are typically in capitals and in cities. So I’m wrong. Democrats haven’t fixed the cities in decades, almost centuries now, so maybe they just can’t fix it. Maybe they need a different perspective on how to govern.

      • To the Fake Dacian who cowardly steals other peoples names.

        quote————-why aren’t conservative cities suffering all the same problems to the same degree? ————quote

        More of your unsubstantiated rectum gas. You should just copy and paste the same response over and over and that is “Since I do not agree with the Stats I refuse to believe them”.

        It matters not if the city is run by the Dems or the Gangster Criminal Republicans. When you compare like cities with roughly the same numbers of people and the same level of poverty and lack of good paying jobs you have like levels of crime and drug addiction’s. Anyone who has studied crime and how it relates to poverty is aware of the stats.

        You only continue to show that you are not a product of higher education.

        • So, dacian the stupid, LIST for us all those “Republican-run” cities that are “just as bad” as comparable Dimocrat-run s***holes, and give the statistics. You’d better have more than one or two. Your assertions are flat out LIES – of the 100 cities with the highest crime rates in the U.S., all but a handful are Dimocrat-run. The FEW that are “Republican-run” usually have mixed government (either state and/or local). So, once again, you are a liar.

          You’re REALLY not very good at this, dacian the stupid. Perhaps if you actually HAD that “education” you love to brag about, you could do a better job . . . but probably not; education can’t fix stupid.

          You are too stupid to insult. Go pound sand in your @$$.

    • Firstly, everything you said was outrage rhetoric, over the top, massively exaggerated nonsense devoid of any real honest discussion material. Now lets go over it:

      Since Columbine and later Sandy Hook massacres multitudes of massacres have been taken place, so many that we have lost count, and the Federal Government has done zero to end the insanity and prevent maniacs and criminals from buying all the weapons of mass destruction they want 24 hours around the clock and 365 days a year.

      It’s not the federal government’s job to do tasks that the states can do. And, preferably, it’s not the states job to do tasks communities’ can do. And even more preferable than that! – it’s not the communities’ job to do tasks that individuals can do themselves! You think the problem is not enough government power and control. I think the problem is societal moral decay. And you can do more as an individual in making good decisions, proper parenting, and properly treating your fellow man, voluntarily I might add, than vote for a government to crack down on people by using a MOAB where a fly swatter should be used. The left can’t discern the difference, most of the time, between a criminal with criminal intent, and a moral, honest, citizen that happens to own a gun. So no. The government should not be used to solve this problem – at all.

      • anonymous,

        Well, you put your finger on the problem. Since dacian the stupid in incapable of doing ANYTHING for himself (other than literally doing himself), he needs the gummint to wipe his arse. ONE of the reasons he’s a deranged Leftist/fascist troll.

    • Corrupt politicians who operate in a Government founded on corruption and designed to work on corruption are bought off by powerful special interests like the NRA. Nothing gets done and the slaughter goes on daily.

      In other words, this is not my fault, this is not my problem, and this is not my solution to fix. The is a problem for….THE GOVERNMENT! Any time I come across something I don’t want to do. The government needs to fix it for me. And the problem isn’t me. The problem is “the system” needs to be restructured. I’m not responsible, someone else is!

    • The sick paranoid Far Right of course cheer on the corrupt politicians while ignoring the ever growing graveyards of innocent children slaughtered either through mass murder or by shiftless and sick paranoid parents who leave loaded guns laying around the house that kill on average 1,300 children a year and cripple 3 times that number for life.

      According to the CDC, there are 200,955 unintentional injury deaths. Of those, 535 come from firearms. This is in year 2020.

      In other words, everything you said is bullshit, and of the major problems regarding accidents, firearms are at the bottom of the list!!!!

      So are you a liar or a fool? You tell me. There are around 400-450 lightning deaths per year. Perspective Dacian!

      • anonymous,

        “So are you a liar or a fool?” Embrace the healing power of “and”.

        dacian is a proven liar, and he proves HIMSELF a fool on the daily. He continues to ignore Samuel Langhorne Clemens’ brilliant advice: “Keep your mouth shut and let people think you a fool; don’t open it and remove all doubt.”

    • The Far Right care zero about child deaths because they will say “Who cares it did not happen to my kid”.

      That’s not true. What is true, is the “right” doesn’t want to go into someone’s house and say to the parents to give a talk like this:

      Leftist: “I know you keep yoru house locked, but your guns are not secure! You have kids around, with unsecure guns!”

      Right winger: “Excuse me? This is my house. Outside my house, we can talk about what rules you want, but inside my house? Not so much. Further, my 12 year old kid can handle a firearm better than you can. He will exhibit better safety and gun etiquette than you also. And in all honesty, I want him to have access to the guns.”

      Leftist: “I don’t care about that. You have unsecure guns, and did you all go through a background check? If you give firearms to your son when he gets older, he needs to be registered and go through a background check. I’m going to “vote” for what you need to do based on my opinions, in your home. The kings and queens of old, tyrants and dictators, are now gone, and displaced by voters. Me. And I’m going to vote for things you don’t want, because I think my opinion is right, and yours is not. I’m not a live and let live person. I’m a ‘I’m going to vote for what you are going to do for me’ kind of person. Force is my solution. Always. Get ready to secure your guns and do some background checks, because I’m voting for it, and don’t give me a lot of crap about ‘rights.’ There are no rights. Just votes.”

    • The Naked Apes of the Far Right because of their sick paranoia cannot be reasoned with as their warped minds are incapable of logical thought or sane reasoning.

      Oh this is fun. A game. Let’s play:

      The impulsive emos on the far left because of their sick quest to destroy all freedom of choice in life, will play any card necessary to get the result they want, even if the card they play directly violates the principles of the end result they want. Filled with emotion and outrage, they are incapable of logical thought or sane reasoning.

      The Far Right even blaspheme every principle and practice of their own Bronze Age Mystic religions as well making a complete mockery of their religious faith and beliefs.

      The far left’s endless quest for impulsivity, impulsive pleasure, and a delusional world of unicorns and rainbows and no guns, is a complete mockery of their new religion based on conformance, existential meaninglessness, and woke dogma.

    • When you have a country that has become so insane that you do not thoroughly vet all gun purchase nor have safe storage laws you are living in a mad house…

      In other words, living without the government, and voters in particular, ruling and running your life like the tyrants of old, the kings and queens, now evolved into “voters” ruling over you, and force you do to on their behalf, is unacceptable. #YayDemocracy.

      You’re going to do stuff in your home that I want you to do. And i’m going to vote for it. Because nothing is off the table when it comes to votes. Is there anything, any topic, any time, that should not be voted on? No. (Except maybe my stuff, like abortion, etc.) I have opinions and votes. And it’s time for me to “Karen” this up. – Dacian.

      This sounds silly, but it really is the impression i’m getting from these kinds of people. They are just so upset, that you are living in a manner that they don’t approve of. And they are tyrants. Because they want to vote on your life.

    • When you have a country that has become so insane that you do not thoroughly vet all gun purchase nor have safe storage laws you are living in a mad house where even many of the insane realize that something has to be done to end the everyday carnage. But not the Far Right, they live in an alternate universe and an alternate reality. To them “It will never happen to me” and “losses can never be to high”.

      No. We live in the reality that it can happen to us. And we prefer to handle our own safety, rather than delegate it to a massive, inefficient governmental machine, that doesn’t know our situation, doesn’t know our kids, doesn’t know our home, doesn’t know our community, and is just going to blanket mandates on us, on the basis of votes from people with opinions. So no. It’s not about losses, and it’s not about thinking it isn’t going to happen to me. It’s about who should be delegated that responsibility, that choice, for whatever options, and we would prefer individuals themselves have control over that, not the almighty government.

    • The Far Right think that they need heavy firepower to fight a war that will never come against their own government and one that could not be won if it did and they believe that their home will be invaded at any moment by the ever present bogey man so they need weapons of mass destruction only they end up using them on their own families. Pure insanity of course but they fail to see reality because of their mental illness.

      Right. So. Throughout history, nations change. Governments fall. Regimes capsize. This is everywhere. From the democracies and republics of Greece and Rome, to one day, yes, the United States. Nothing lives forever. This is true of all things. Now maybe the US will live a hundred years more. Maybe a thousand years more. Or it will merge with Canada and Mexico. Who knows. But it will change, and as history shows, eventually fall too. There is no Rome today, and there are no Romans. There are no tribes of Greece. There are no egyptians. But this is Italy, and there is Egypt, and there is Greece. And a great many battles were fought along the way.

      The idea, that the populace will not have conflict with their government goes against all of history. Normally, it’s not just a government they are fighting, but a political faction, such as the Nazi’s in Germany, the Fascists’ in Spain and Italy, etc. And it’s a faction of the populace against another faction of the populace. Not really simply, man against government.

      The idea that a battle against a governing faction is futile, even goes against modern history and current times. Afghanistan, a desert filed with Nomads and the impoverished, literally won, against the United States, in a decades long resistance movement and battle of attrition.

      Also, an AR15, or other black rife, is not a “weapon of mass destruction.” That is just funny rhetoric. And it is funny.

      The idea, that they end up using them on their families, is also silly. Like I mentioned before above, from the CDC, in 2020, there were 535 unintentional injury deaths by firearm. And if the problem is to address domestic violence and death with firearms, the problem there isn’t the method of death, but the root causes behind it, because methods can change. The left’s fixation, on the method of death and violence by firearm, is either a lie for fake outrage in order to get what they want, which is common, or some kind of mental insanity.

    • And so the daily slaughter goes on while corrupt politicians offer prayers and thoughts while pocketing wheelbarrows full of cash as they laugh and skip over piles of the dead bodies of their citizens or their children lying in rivers of blood and carnage in the schools and streets while the politicians are on their way to the bank. Just another day In Capitalvania where life is considered cheap and expendable.

      The quintessential leftist viewpoint. See the collective, not the individual. Judge the collective, not the individual. Don’t see a group of people as individuals, but as a collective to social engineer. Don’t blame individuals hurting others or otherwise judge individuals, blame policies and regulations, or the aspects of the social engineering.

      Your rendition of money over sympathy is a facade. It’s not real. It’s a false perspective. The real perspective is – we want to decide for ourselves. We want control over our own lives, not you to control our lives for us. And that is why you paint this picture, this rhetoric, meant to play the emotional card, of people laughing and pocketing money, and “rivers of blood” – lol – it is a delusion. Maybe to satisfy some self justification of some kind. The reality is, these are decisions that we should be able to make. Not decisions for you to make a ballot box.

      I might add it is the Republicans that have consistently failed to pass affordable mental health care as well.

      Why don’t you pay for it Dacian. Flying loose with other people’s money, but the second it’s yours… you don’t want to volunteer it??? Here – I’ll just paste this back again, so you can read it once more, and soak it up:

      It’s not the federal government’s job to do tasks that the states can do. And, preferably, it’s not the states job to do tasks communities’ can do. And even more preferable than that! – it’s not the communities’ job to do tasks that individuals can do themselves!

  12. Remington got what it deserved as they were indeed guilty of the crimes they were accused of but did this teach the gun industry a lesson? Apparently not, the latest insanity was another gun company bringing out a Child size AR15 Complete with a sick double skull and crossbones with a pacifier in its mouth. When I first saw the gun I thought it was just a cartoon, a joke and it could not be real but then I realized that there is no depth of blind greed and insanity that the gun industry these days will stoop to so they can laugh all the way to the bank while wading through rivers of children’s blood.

    • Again mental midget: What the people accused Remington of is not, and was not, a crime. It was advertising. There is no law on the books that prohibits a company from advertising. Are you too stupid to understand that?
      So if there is now a child size AR15, how many are you getting?

      We all assume that you are one of the countless idiots that thinks AR stands for assault rifle.

      • to Ghost brain

        Its obvious Remington committed a crime because they lost in court and they knew it that is why they decided to settle rather than fight on in court. They were guilty as hell of what they were accused of and lost big time.

        The families argued that Remington, the gunmaker, promoted sales of the weapon that appealed to troubled men like the killer who stormed into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, 2012, killing 20 first graders and six adults. The lawsuit was filed by relatives of five of the children and four of the adults.

        In addition to the financial settlement, lawyers for the families said that Remington agreed to release thousands of pages of internal company documents, including possible plans for how to market the weapon used in the massacre — a stipulation that had been a key sticking point during negotiations.

        • Again, you blathering idiot – Remington didn’t lose in court, nor did Remington agree to any settlement, because Remington is bankrupted, sold off, closed up shop, shut down the office, has zero employees, no board of directors, no executive officers, nothing. INSURANCE COMPANIES reached this agreement, because, as usual, the agreement is cheaper than fighting it in court.

        • To the fake Dacian.

          quote————-Remington is bankrupted, sold off, closed up shop, shut down the office, has zero employees, no board of directors, no executive officers, nothing———-quote

          Remington is still in business and still making guns. They are under new ownership but its still the same company, same production machinery and same people employed and in addition they have built a new manufacturing facility in Georgia.. Play games of semantics with the unwashed.

          In 1928, Remington moved his operation to a larger plant in Ilion that the company still operates today. Since then, Remington has developed firearms and ammunition for both military and civilian applications. On November 8, 2021, the recently revived Remington Arms announced the move of its global headquarters from Ilion to LaGrange, Georgia, outside of Atlanta. The company also announced the opening of a new manufacturing facility alongside the headquarters in Georgia.

          However, the Remington brand name was bought by Vista Outdoors, which now produces several types of ammunition. It took several months, but the old Remington facility in Lonoke, Arkansas is now up and running, almost at full capacity, Outdoor Life reported. It hired back hundreds of former and new employees and is now producing upwards of a million rounds every day

          Next time research instead of speaking out your ass. Your rectum gas is most nauseating.

        • How is it they are still in business and still the same company? It is now owned by a totally different company. Just because they choose to keep the same name on the products doesn’t mean the company itself is still in business.

        • To Gipper the sycophant of the criminal Pres. Reagan.

          quote———-How is it they are still in business and still the same company? It is now owned by a totally different company. Just because they choose to keep the same name on the products doesn’t mean the company itself is still in business.——–quote

          Look Moron have a 4th grader read my above post and explain things to you. Same workers, same manufacturing facility plus a new one. Even a child can understand this. They have just another new owner.

          Give up you only continue to make a bigger and bigger fool of yourself.

          Smith & Wesson has changed hands so many times I have difficulty remembering all the buyers so do we call Smith & Wesson defunct when they have continued to make guns non stop for decades.

          Get real your so hell bent on refusing to admit you are wrong you are making yourself look like an idiot.

        • you still don’t get it

          the defendants are FACT the insurance company representing the DEAD ex company of OLD Remington
          so they “THE INSURANCE” company settled, not Remington!

          Just as If I died in a car accident, they can sue my estate/insurance you goof! They are not talking all that time in court to my corpus! BUT to my ‘hired at THAT time’ insurance company

          its so simple even left wing attorneys get it!

    • dacian,

      Remington was not accused of a crime. It was a civil lawsuit over marketing advertising.

      • Also dacian…

        Remington got what it deserved

        Yes it did, that former entity basically won the lawsuit. The families capitulated when they went for a settlement. If the lawsuit would have continued its pretty likely that Remington entity would have won, the families were not able to prove their claim and the lawsuit had gotten to the point where wording over emotion were being argued. In other words, had Remington continued its pretty likely they would not have been held liable – and by settling they are still not held liable.

        The kid had mental health issues that led to his crime. Remington can not be held responsible for a persons mental health driven misuse of a product they stole from someone else. (he stole the firearm from his mother then killed her).

        So yes, Remington got what they deserved – vindicated.

        • to Booger Brain

          You are too prejudiced to admit that Remington did indeed promote violence in its advertising and its involvement with violent video games. Its a well known fact that advertising in the past has indeed influenced mentally ill people who were predisposed to violence to carry out their fantasies and this is exactly why Remington lost and settled before they had to pay even more money by fighting the law suit. It was proven Remington deliberately formulated its advertising to appeal to such nut cases.

          Its well known that the news media often refrains from mentioning the names of deranged killers because other deranged potential killers often want notoriety and then copy cat the killers they have admired.

          In conclusion Remington was guilty as hell and had fought tooth nail and claw to prevent its advertising meetings and records from being exposed.

        • Wrong Booger Brain. Remington took the cheap way out because they knew they had lost big time. Blind Greed rules the corporate world and if they had thought they had a ghost of a chance in hell to win they would have fought it. The Insurance company did not make the decision to quit fighting Remington did.

        • It wasn’t Remington’s fault. This is practically an indefensible position. You can claim “marketing” but Adam Lanza may not have even see the ads. The gun was bought by his mom. And his mom got it from a dealer, with a background check + registration and all the connecticut bells and whistles, and the dealer got it from remington, with all the permits, fees, and licensing associated with them, and Remington has to pay their fees and have a manufacturing license, so it’s impossible to claim that remington should pay 73 million dollars because a criminal shot someone up. This was a bad lawsuit. Bad settlement. The insurance company should have said “no” and litigated it, based on these facts. But instead we all just went along with it, because we wanted gun owners punished. And it was wrong.

      • to Booger Brain

        Nice try on trying to blur reality and play your usual smoke and mirror games in semantics.

        How does civil and criminal law intersect?

        They remedy different types of wrongs: civil law refers to private wrongs and criminal law to public ones. But increasingly, the line between these disciplines has blurred. Criminal penalties may be monetary and involve restitution to victims, who are often private parties.

        • dacian, you deluded idiot.

          We are speaking in terms of law suits vs criminal prosecution. In those terms civil is (mostly) tort, and criminal is crime. The fact that restitution may be awarded in a criminal case does not mean its equal to a civil case.

          There was no crime, for it to have been a crime Remington would have had to be charged with a crime and they weren’t.

          As usual you lied with your asserting a crime.

        • dacian the stupid,

          If that is your understanding of how the law actually works, you are even stupider than I believed. Remington was sued in CIVIL COURT, for an alleged CIVIL wrong. Remington went bankrupt, sold off ALL of its assets (to several different companies) and the companies who INSURED the original Remington settled the lawsuit. Remington (neither the original company NOR any of the buyers of the assets) acknowledged liability or wrongdoing, or even AGREED to the settlement. Since you are too stupid to understand how bankruptcy works, let me put you some knowledge – this was an “unsecured claim” in the bankruptcy. ANY settlement must be approved by the BK court. The debtor has no veto over such a settlement (and only limited rights to even object). The settlement was PAID by the insurance companies.

          You really don’t understand f***-all about this, dacian. Remember, and FOLLOW, Samuel Langhorne Clemens’ advice: “Keep your mouth shut and let people think you a fool; don’t open it and remove all doubt.”

          You, once again, removed all doubt – you’re a fool. And too stupid to insult. And need to go pound sand in your @$$.

    • You blathering idiot – Remington is bankrupted, dead, and gone. Insurance companies agreed to this settlement, Remington did not.

      • to the fake dacian. Read my above post you uneducated hill jack moron. Remington is not out of business.

        • to the blathering idiot dacian, I read the post above written by a fourth grade child

          Remington made no settlement with the parasites you refer to – it was the INSURANCE COMPANIES that settled

          Remington (the company that was sued) could not make such a settlement because it no longer exists.

          Fourth grade dropout is incapable of following a conversation.

        • dacian…

          The Remington entity that got sued is out of business, has been for a while now.

          What you see today is not that Remington that got sued, basically today its just a different business entity using the Remington name.

        • somebody does not understand that a freaking TRADEMARK can be sold
          look at Sears…its DEAD
          yet they still sell craftsman tools in non-sears stores?

          how can that be?

        • Yes, dacian the stupid, you absolute fool, Remington IS out of business. The ASSETS of Remington (INCLUDING the name) were sold to at least three other companies. THOSE companies are, indeed, in business, using the assets they purchase from the bankrupt estate. Following a bankruptcy, there IS not “successor liability” for the purchasers of the assets. Once again, you are a fool.

          Do yourself a favor, and stop showing your @$$ in public, attempting to talk about matters about which you are wholly ignorant (but, then, that would include almost ANY subject except serial onanism, wouldn’t it??).

          You are too stupid to insult. Go micturate up a cable.

    • Remington got what it deserved as they were indeed guilty of the crimes they were accused of…

      Why? by “promoting unlawful military use of the rifle by civilians.” LOL you are delusional for the following reasons:

      A) Shooting up a school with a gun was never promoted or marketed by Remington.
      B) Military use of arms, is the purpose of the second amendment. It is literally for the “militia” to have “arms” for “defense.” So framing it as “unlawful military use of rifle by civilians is ridiculous nonsense.
      C) Adam lanza may never have seen marketing ads for the rifle at all.
      D) Adam Lanza didn’t buy the rifle. Period. So what does marketing have to do with it.
      E) Remington is being held responsible by an individual crime committed by an individual 20 year old man who shot and killed and stole the firearm, from a woman that bought the firearm from a dealer, whose said dealer bought the firearm from the manufacturer. The idea that remington, three levels up the chain of the activities committed, should be held responsible for intentional and purposeful crimes that the criminal “decided” for himself to perform, is preposterous.
      F) Everyone knows that this lawsuit is ridiculous on its face, not logical, and not moral or reasonable. Everyone knows it. But the left goes along with it, because it is a means to an end to them. And they don’t care about the means, they only care about the end. The problem with that, is they don’t understand that the means they pick to an end, affects the end itself. If you are dishonest with people, in getting what you want, others will be dishonest with you, when they seek what they want. And the end result, is everything crumbles. And they think it’s not going to crumble. They think they can get the gun free utopia and all their dreams will come true, if they just manipulate everyone they know into getting it. It’s not going to work that way.

  13. “Sorkin: The Supreme Court Isn’t Likely to Provide ‘Real Justice’ for the Children of Sandy Hook”

    The Supreme Court has never provided ‘Real Justice’ to anyone.

    That’s because their purpose is not to provide ‘Real Justice’. As the final arbiter of the law</b?, the SCOTUS is charged with (their purpose is) ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.

    equal justice under law does not mean any form of an undefined, nebulous, emotional ‘Real Justice’ term and concept.

    The families of the Sandy Hook case got their equal justice under law, according to law, when they accepted a monetary settlement to ‘compensate’ them for their loss.

    So its pretty unlikely the Supreme Court is going to provide ‘Real Justice’ for a completely unrelated case for violation of constitutional rights.

  14. And while we wait of the Supreme Court to do anything, firearm companies will suffer the death of 1,000 cuts and the legal suits drain away their profits.

  15. Amy Davidson Sorkin – “an American author, journalist and magazine editor”

    So useless irrelevant overhead.

    SCOTUS is not IN the “justice” business.

  16. The real murderer was the sick individual who pulled the trigger, with an assist by all the pansies that put up “Gun Free Zone” signs. There is no doubt the killer was not intimidated by the signs, and he unlikely would have been intimidated by the prospect of armed teachers if that had been the case. BUT the carnage would have likely been less if teacher, janitor or parent shot the little prick DRT after he got the first shots off, but he had more than 12 minutes of uncontested free fire. So tell me how is the gun manufacturer libel since the gun didn’t malfunction and drive itself to the school and start shooting on it’s own.

    • The very fact that criminal shootings happen in areas with “Gun Free Zone” signs is evidence in and of its self that they don’t work.

      For some reason someone thought that people who do criminal shootings are like movie vampires, that they will be repelled by a “Gun Free Zone” sign like movie vampires are repelled by a cross or garlic. Its a stupid idea, but it made the states lots of money in federal funding and some politician was able to get the rest of his/her special interest pork barrel into a bill and passed because he/she appeased the ones that wanted it.

  17. So how is justice served by destroying firearms manufacturers who have no control of what is done after someone purchases a firearm? Just as Chicago Cutlery has no control of what might be done with a knife they sold a decade ago. Or Ford Motor Company has no control if their vehicle is used as a get away car during a bank robbery or drive by shooting. Should they be held accountable for the unintended criminal uses of their products?
    Next question is how is justice served by punishing those who have not committed a crime and just happen to own a particular type of firearm or particular size of magazine?
    As always, it is not the hardware, nor the manufacturer of that hardware who committed the crime of murder. it always comes back down to the person who chose to rationalize the irrational and believes killing is somehow the best answer to whatever problem.
    The whole suit was nothing but some lawyer’s dream of cashing in on the tragic loss of a community and an attempt to punish the industry for doing nothing but sell a popular product.

  18. you cannot post anything here about _C_H_I_N_A__F_L_U_

    Try it, your comment will be stuck “awaiting moderation”.

    • As you have discovered there are ways around WordPress woke offensive words list. Unfortunately there is no way to scrape the actual trolls from my viewing, but I can still scroll down and leave their long bloviating unread and ignored. I still think if people wouldn’t feed them and just ignored them they would eventually go away.

      • Rusty,

        Nice idea; doesn’t work. dacian the stupid, our nameless, brainless troll, and MinorIQ all believe they (i) are correct in their delusions, (ii) are smarter than the rest of us (it is to laugh!!), and (iii) need to rescue us from our belief in liberty, human rights, and freedom. I ignored dacian the stupid for a long time – and he keeps coming back, more deluded each time.

        If I can’t get these useless trolls to go away, I can at least have fun c***-punting them around. Playing whack-a-mole with these nitwits at least provides some entertainment value; trying to “reason” with them is like trying to teach calculus to a cow.

    • Chinese influenza, from China, particularly, Wuhan Flu, is a weapon of mass destruction, that China released on the world, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

  19. “Amy Davidson-Sorkin”?

    That’s all I needed to know, well that and the fact she “hyphenates” her name and went to the Commie’s “elite” academies ie. Hunter College High School and of course Ha-Ha-Ha-Haaar-vud.

  20. I don’t know what all this “awaiting moderation” in here is these days but it’s adding up to this page being designated as a publisher. Keep it up and see if that won’t happen.

  21. I find myself posting less and less. Why? I find myself less and less interested in the articles TTAG puts out. By the time I hit the “comments,” I’m even less interested. The Trolls have made reading the comments a waste of my time.

Comments are closed.