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SC Gov. Nikki Haley visits FN (courtesy

South Carolina recently won the competition to lure Connecticut’s PTR Industries to the Palmetto State. Just in case residents weren’t aware of their governor’s pro-gun proclivities. Nikki Haley had a little trigger time with FNH USA in Columbia. America’s youngest governor (41) posted the montage above on her Facebook page to universal huzzahs. Unless someone’s deleting the baby killer comments, of course. Anyway, Ms. Haley’s better half, a National Guard member, is currently deployed in Afghanistan. The Gov points out that “his unit are equipped with M4s, M240s, and M249s – firearms made right here in South Carolina! They employ 500+ people and have been a staple in our state for decades.” Someone should staple that to Connecticut Governor’s Dannel P. Malloy’s forehead, figuratively speaking. [h/t Tom in Oregon]

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  1. American by birth. Southern by the Grace of God! Loving me some South Carolina. Never leaving.

    • Born in Ohio, raised in Chicago, living in and loving South Carolina. Proud of Nikki Haley

  2. Just bought an FN barrel for my AR build. Looks great – hope it shoots as good as it looks.

  3. Story made my day. Glad to hear positives about, government, industry and military all together.

  4. She’s a pretty lady, and sharp as a tack. She was on The Colbert Report a while back (maybe 18 months), and it was a good interview.

    • She is sooooooo wonderful, guess what she did? She allowed the SC state revenue dept to be underfunded in security, allowing a known computer weakness exist which resulted in ALL business and ALL (as in every) SC taxpayers personal tax info to be HACKED. She then pulled a backroom non compete deal with Lifelock at HUGE expense to cover every SC citizen and business with fraud protection for a year. Real leadership from a broad who got into the statehouse on her back.

    • TTAG didn’t send Ms. Haley to see FNH. You want to hear good things about some other brand, write it. I’m sure we’d all be happy to read it and take potshots, as you have done here.

    • The FNH plant is based in the capital, it is less than 20 miles from the state house. If it was S&W down the street, I am sure she would have been happy to visit there as well.

  5. I love my state. If we could get rid of the few bad (liberal) legislators and that RINO Lindsay Grahm, it would be paradise.

  6. Is she single by chance? If so I’d be willing to break my “never ever ever get married again” promise to myself.

  7. Oh yeah, this corrupt broad is SOOOOOOO conservative, thats why she just found 10 million in the busted SC budget to fund mandatory DNA collection from all felony arrestees in SC, but can’t afford to mow the grass along the highways (only once a year, because no money y’know.) SC is a state where felonies are handed out like Skittles on Halloween, with many many abuses of gun owners rights by overuse and abuse of the “pointing/presenting” law which is a FELONY. SO, if your neighbor doesnt like you and gets you locked up on a bogus warrant for “pointing/presenting a firearm” or any other felony, Nikki Haley the phony freedom lover will have your DNA forever, whether you are indicted or not. Do some research on this RINO, she is a sellout on many levels.

  8. I am loving SC. There should be more guvs with an appreciation of guns like her.

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