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Special SAF Report: ATF Lied to Convict Sailor for Selling Legal Gun Parts

Lee Williams - comments 104 comments

Patrick “Tate” Adamiak never sold a single real firearm—not one—even though he sold $10,000 per month of military gear and gun parts legally as one of Gun Broker’s top 500 dealers. That is until the ATF decided to target him personally, frame him and lie under oath about the facts of his case. Now, unless someone quickly rights this unconstitutional wrong, Adamiak will be held in federal prison until 2042. 

Adamiak, clearly, is the type of American most people admire. 

“I am extremely patriotic. My whole life has been that way,” he told the Second Amendment Foundation by phone from a federal prison in New Jersey. “I am still proud to be American, proud of our flag and proud to be in this country. I have always had a strong desire to succeed.”

Adamiak enlisted in the Navy when he was 17, and eventually became an E-6 Master-at-Arms. He has a bachelor’s degree and was working on a master’s until his arrest. He was on track for an officer’s commission within Naval Special Warfare. 

“I was pursuing becoming a SEAL officer,” he said. “I went to California for the first phase. A few months after that I was arrested, after a decade of working my ass off.” 

He has always been “into guns.” 

“My dad started teaching firearm safety,” he said. “I had BB-guns, and then I got my first rifle when I was eight. Since then, I’ve been hooked. I started collecting military gear and guns until I had a vast collection. This was our hobby together – me and my dad. We were building a collection together. I have about 150 firearms in my collection,” Adamiak said. 

By 2016, his personal collection was gaining serious momentum. 

“I was buying guns, military surplus and replica firearms,” he said. “My idea was to build a military display museum. I started buying, selling and trading to start my business, while I was in the Navy.” 

Adamiak’s hobby quickly turned into a side-hustle – a hobby or pastime that pays for itself.

“I started focusing on that,” he said. “I got an LLC, a business license and a tax number. I started selling on Gun Broker. I became one of the top 500 sellers of niche gun parts. I’d buy in bulk and sell off a couple items. That’s how my business started, and it really took off.” 

Adamiak was contacted by another large dealer who had similar interests and owns a military surplus museum. 

“Basically, I put in a big list – a bulk order,” he said. “He started shipping to me every two or three weeks. I would buy at wholesale prices. It was completely legal – a big bunch of gun stuff. I obtained a replica Mark 19 grenade launcher and a replica M240 machinegun, which they later lied about at my trial.” 

Confidential Informant

The confidential informant, or CI, that brought Adamiak’s freedom to an end was cooperating with the ATF to work off charges of his own. 

“He used to own a machinegun shop,” Adamiak said. “The ATF raided his house, found a gun and charged him with felon in possession. He kept asking me for a machinegun, which I never got him. I got him a shroud off of Gun Broker. The ATF paid him around $8,000 for my case alone.”

“To be clear, I never sold a single item that qualifies as a firearm or requires an FFL (Federal Firearm License). Only non-regulated gun parts,” Adamiak said. 

While dropping off gear at Adamiak’s home, the CI saw the replica grenade launcher and belt-fed machinegun replicas. He asked Adamiak if he had an SOT (Class 3 FFL). 

“No, they’re replicas,” Adamiak replied. “That was the end of the conversation. We finished trading and bartering and he left.”

From this point forward, Adamiak said he became the target of a “fishing expedition by the ATF.” 

“I was repeatedly asked by various people if I had machineguns for sale, and my answer never changed: No!” he said. “They attempted over and over again to have me source or put together a machinegun for them, but as a law-abiding citizen, I refused. I even cited NFA rules on several occasions in writing. I wouldn’t even bend a MAC-10 flat for them, which they asked me to do many times.” 

Adamiak did agree to broker the purchase of a PPSh-41 barrel shroud for a client. The part does not qualify as a firearm. 

“It was literally purchased in open commerce, with a business check, from a confirmed FFL as an unregulated part directly off of Gun Broker,” he said. “Evidently, the ATF must have realized this was the closest thing they could get from me to a firearm, but what they really wanted was to get in my house to see the Mark 19 and the M240 replicas that their CI was boasting about.” 

“When applying for their search warrant the ATF told the judge in a criminal complaint that at issue was the PPSh-41 barrel shroud that they said was a machinegun, but that was not even close, legally,” Adamiak said. 

Show Trial   

More than 40 federal agents and police officers raided Adamiak’s home and a rental property he owned. Agents came from the ATF, FBI, HIS, NCIS, SWAT, Bomb Squad and local police. 

“They turned my house upside-down, but did not find a single functional machinegun or destructive device,” Adamiak said. 

The agents seized about 35 replica firearms and parts from Adamiak’s personal collection and labeled them “suspected machineguns and destructive devices.” 

Most worrisome, the agents seized money and silver Adamiak collected as “proceeds of illegal activity,” including his antique currency collection, which was worth thousands of dollars. Eventually, hiring an attorney was difficult for Adamiak because law enforcement took all of his savings. 

“It’s my opinion and that of my family’s that the ATF realized they had messed up after they didn’t find a single illegal weapon,” Adamiak said. “So, they completely reinterpreted the statutes and implemented a new rule to spin the jury and get me convicted. They manufactured crime to convict me.” 

The ATF’s first indictment charged Adamiak with possessing 33 machineguns. There were no destructive devices mentioned. To counter, Adamiak and his attorneys hired former ATF senior official Dan O’Kelly as a defense witness. 

O’Kelly joined the ATF as a Special Agent in 1988 after serving 10 years as a sworn police officer. He became a legend within the agency, including a stint as the lead instructor of Firearm Technology on staff at the ATF National Academy. O’Kelly has taught internationally and co-wrote the program establishing the Certified Firearm Specialist for the ATF, while he was at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. 

The prosecutors knew that O’Kelly would make mincemeat of their charges, so they reindicted Adamiak, charging him with possession of one machinegun and four destructive devices.

“They knew we’d make them look like fools at trial with Dan’s testimony, so the AUSA filed motions to block his expert testimony saying, ‘Any testimony about the definition of a frame or receiver of a machinegun would be both irrelevant and confusing to the jury.’” Adamiak explained. 

His trial, he said, was “literally theatrical.” 

“The AUSA absolutely twisted every fact, cherry-picked messages to completely change the whole narrative, and blatantly lied about everything to make me look bad,” he said. 

  1. She claimed the down payment for Adamiak’s house were profits of illegal gun trafficking. Adamiak bought his house a year before he started his hobby business using his Navy pay.  
  2. She claimed Gun broker is the dark web. 
  3. She used his military training against him.
  4. She claimed he stole parts from the military, despite the fact that he had detailed records for every single part. 
  5. She claimed his honest business strategy of buying low and selling for profit was “greed.”  
  6. She attempted to make Adamiak look like a neo-Nazi because he had his grandfather’s WWII war trophies stored in his safe, some of which had German markings on them.

Throughout the trial, the ATF claimed that their CI had warned Adamiak about the “illegal weapons.” Most worrisome was the replica M249, which cannot even chamber a live round. 

“The ATF even admitted in the report that it’s a replica,” Adamiak said. “The judge even brought this up in my sentencing order which indicates that she still thinks it’s real. It’s fake!”

All of the counts against him were almost laughable. None made any legal sense.

  • Counts 1 and 2 concerned the PPSh-41 receiver, which is not a firearm under current federal law. 
  • Counts 3 and 4 concerned his M203 and M79, which are Title 1 firearms that were legally transferred by an FFL. Neither had a 40mm barrel affixed. Adamiak had 37mm barrels for both, which are legal and not subject to National Firearms Act (NFA) regulation.
  • Count 5 concerned two inert RPGs, which were missing all of the parts to make them functional and had holes drilled directly into their chambers. 

“My lawyers said that they were almost happy that I was charged with these RPGs because it was so ridiculous that it would damage the ATF’s creditability and made the jury question their logic,” Adamiak said. “Unfortunately, the ATF decided to take my inert RPGs to their lab, completely rebuild them with components off one of their own real RPGs and demonstrate that they would work by shooting a .30 caliber training round in a self-contained firing mechanism. They essentially inserted a bolt-action rifle into the tube that looks like a rocket, fired one shot and then said it’s a destructive device.”

Continued Lies

Throughout the trial, the ATF’s attorneys showed jurors pictures of Adamiak’s extensive personal collection, including random parts, barrel shrouds and MAC-10 flats. 

“They told the jury these were all machineguns,” he said. “The worst was the M240. They displayed a photo of the ATF case agent holding the belt-fed M240 replica and testified that it was a machinegun, and also made filings saying the same thing, despite the fact that the ATF’s own report says it’s a replica and not a firearm at all.”

Rather than winning the trial as his attorneys had claimed they would do, Adamiak was found guilty and sentenced to 20-years imprisonment. His attorneys never even called O’Kelly to testify, whom Adamiak had paid thousands of dollars just to be there. 

O’Kelly was not impressed by the prosecution, which he believes was unfair. 

“This was a prosecution by people who don’t know enough about guns, who don’t realize that what they’re looking at doesn’t satisfy the statutory definition,” O’Kelly told the Second Amendment Foundation. “When ATF encounters some of these devices, they say a forced reset trigger is a machinegun or a brace is a shoulder stock when they’re not. Then, armed with not enough information, they take it to a federal prosecutor, who takes them at face value. The next thing you know is someone is indicted, and their entire life is over.” 

An FFL is not required to purchase a non-firing RPG available on Gun Broker this week.


The ATF did not return calls or emails for this story. However, they could not wait to tell the world about Adamiak’s 20-year sentence. 

“NORFOLK, Va. – A Virginia Beach man was sentenced yesterday to 20 years in prison for possessing and selling unregistered machineguns and possessing unregistered destructive devices,” a press release sent out in June 2023 falsely claims. 

“According to court records and evidence presented at trial, between approximately October 2021 and April 2022, Patrick Tate Adamiak, 28, was obtaining illegal machine guns that were not registered and he was selling these machine guns online. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) purchased eight machine guns from him through a confidential source. They then executed a search warrant at Adamiak’s residence and recovered 25 additional unregistered firearms. A search warrant at his residence found that Adamiak was in possession of two grenade launchers and two antitank missile launchers. Adamiak is a Master at Arms in the U.S. Navy,” the Justice Department press release states. 

Thankfully, the Navy never believed any of these false allegations. They never prosecuted Adamiak. In fact, the Navy never even sent him a letter. 

Rather than demoting him, they let him burn through his personal leave while in jail. Usually, once a sailor goes to jail, they’re considered as an Unauthorized Absence (UA in military parlance), but with Adamiak, things were different. 

The Navy continued to pay him as an E-6 on the 1st and 15th of every month. Once he ran out of leave, he received a DD214 with an honorable discharge.  

Unfortunately, Adamiak’s mother died about a month after his arrest, according to his father, David Adamiak. 

“It was terrible. What scumbags the ATF are,” his father said. “They arrested him on my wife’s birthday and she died about a month later. They put her in the grave.” 

Said David Adamiak: “I’m at my wit’s end. I can’t focus. I can’t believe this would happen to such a patriot. He’s been around guns since he was very young. I taught him how to shoot, and it was all used against him in court. The ATF took this model Sten – it’s just a Sten model. They took it back to their lab, but they couldn’t even get it to fire, but they said now that’s a machinegun. That was pretty much like their entire case.” 

GiveSendGo account has been established to help Adamiak raise funds for his legal battles. 

He can be contacted at FreedomforTate@gmail.com or by mail at: 

Patrick Tate Adamiak, #95252-509

Federal Correctional Institution Fort Dix

PO Box 2000

Joint Base MDL NJ, 08640

This story is courtesy of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support the project.

104 thoughts on “Special SAF Report: ATF Lied to Convict Sailor for Selling Legal Gun Parts”

    • Disband one three letter then another will most likely ‘take up the mantle’. I can’t think of a single agency that does not lie. How many people have had large amounts of cash withdrawn from a bank (for some it’s their life savings) to make a purchase, i.e. down payment, etc., and loose it all in asset forfeiture.

      • “Disband one three letter then another will most likely ‘take up the mantle’.“

        There may be actual consequences to disbanding safety efforts by certain three letter agencies:

        “JANUARY 21 – Trump freezes hiring for Air Trafic Controllers, fires head of Transportation Security Administration
        JANUARY 22- Trump disbands the Aviation Safety Advisory Committee
        JANUARY 28 – Trump sends out a buyout/ retirement demand to existing employees, removing experienced safety staff
        JANUARY 29 – First American mid-air collision in 16 years“


        “Earlier this month, Trump moved quickly to remake the Department of Homeland Security Tuesday and fired the heads of the Transportation Security Administration and Coast Guard before their terms are up and eliminated all the members of a key aviation security advisory group. Members of the Aviation Security Advisory Committee received a memo saying that the department is eliminating the membership of all advisory committees as part of a “commitment to eliminating the misuse of resources“

          • The crash was the result of ‘abnormal manning’ in the control tower.

            Normally, per FAA rules, basically: A separate controller is assigned for incoming and out bound. But on this incident one guy had to leave early leaving the tower short in manning so the supervisor instead of being able to re-balance manning to compensate he had to assign one person to both functions in violation of FAA rules because no man power was available because Biden’s DEI policy could not find enough actually qualified people to man the ATC tower.

            Trumps executive orders had nothing to do with it.

            Nice try for the TDS there Mynr49r (AKA ‘M -iner49er’ AKA ‘Siss-y 12′).

            (note: the – are ’cause apparently your other miner name usage sends one to moderation from which they never return indicating your other account was banned. So ya sneak back in here like the sniveling whining left wing mind-virus infected TDS mental illness doesn’t-know-what-context-or-research-means person you are.)

          • In other words, the chopper should not have been where it was. But the controller, initially, didn’t know that having either not been trained at this dual task assignment or not use to the sudden abundance of ‘sensory input’ and didn’t have a firm grasp yet on where everything was or simply not realizing this Black Hawk should not have been there to begin with when he took over the responsibility of the departed controller. But the controller did call traffic in sight, it was too late.

            The Black Hawk was flying perpendicular to the approach path, had busted altitude, was in a nose-low attitude, and because of the nose-low attitude, due to the way the Black Hawk is constructed (limited upward visibility), could not see the other aircraft that was in its correct location. Some are claiming the fact that the Black Hawk “flies right into” the regional jet as proof it was purposeful, but that’s not what the track data and videos actually shows.

            Most telling, is that the regional jet was descending on the final approach path after making its base-to-final turn while the Black Hawk seemed to be in a slight climb (according to the track data). That means the two aircraft were not at the same altitude until the moment of impact. In other words, the regional jet essentially descended into the flight path of the helicopter, with Black Hawk crew having little to no upward visibility.

            But just to clarify, the regional jet was where it was supposed to be. The Black Hawk’s flight path was the issue, and it never should have been where it was. Further, the Black Hawk called the wrong traffic in sight when warned by air traffic control, it’s also very possible they were distracted and not even looking in the right direction when the collision occurred.

            Had adequate manning been available for the tower, the dual tasks would not have been assigned and the Black Hawk’s error with busting altitude could have been spotted and corrected earlier and likely the collision would not have occurred. But alas, Biden DEI policy strikes again.

          • “indicating your other account was banned“

            Nope, there are no accounts on the TTAG forum.

            And I really enjoyed reading your accident report, have you notified the NTSB that you have determined the root cause of the tragedy?

          • I don’t need to notify them. If ya knew anything about real research you would find what I wrote came from pieces of what the NTSB investigators have said already.

            “Nope, there are no accounts on the TTAG forum.”

            You are correct, but false in your reply. There aren’t accounts like at regular forums, but there are accounts in the sense of using a regular name under which to post. And in a past post a few days ago to someone else you even admitted you are ‘Min -er- 49 -er and we already knew you were Missy – -12 because in a past post you also admitted it without realizing it. Using a new name is not a cure for your mental illness, its simply tells us that you are still a liar.

          • I don’t need to notify them. If ya knew anything about real research you would find what I wrote came from pieces of what the NTSB investigators have said already.

          • “what I wrote came from pieces of what the NTSB investigators”

            Really? Including this gem of wisdom:

            “In other words, the regional jet essentially descended into the flight path of the helicopter“

            You heard it here first, 40 ounce has determined that “the regional jet essentially descended into the flight path of the helicopter”.

            You are as full of shit as a Christmas goose.

            Even your savior, Donald Trump says you are wrong:

            “Trump says helicopter in crash was flying too high
            BY BRETT SAMUELS 01/31/25 09:35 AM ET

            President Trump on Friday asserted the military helicopter involved in Wednesday night’s deadly midair collision near Washington, D.C., was “flying too high.”

            “The Blackhawk helicopter was flying too high, by a lot. It was far above the 200 foot limit. That’s not really too complicated to understand, is it???” Trump posted on Truth Social.“

          • So conflicting reports don’t exist in the early stage of a shock incident? Are you new or is some form of type 3 diabetes at play for you Miner?

          • “conflicting reports“

            so you’re saying Donald Trump is wrong? He didn’t mention anything about ‘conflicting reports’, he spoke confidently about the cause of the accident.

            “That’s not really too complicated to understand, is it???”

            Well, maybe for the MAGA crowd it is…

          • @Mynr49 (AKA ‘Miner – 49 –er’ , AKA ‘Missy12’)

            “You heard it here first, 40 ounce has determined that “the regional jet essentially descended into the flight path of the helicopter”.

            You are as full of shit as a Christmas goose.

            Even your savior, Donald Trump says you are wrong:

            “Trump says helicopter in crash was flying too high”

            you ignorant moron. Evidently you don’t understand the English language or what context means.

            The Black Hawk was “was flying too high” at the moment of impact. I indicated this with > “while the Black Hawk seemed to be in a slight climb (according to the track data).” and > “the Black Hawk’s error with busting altitude” > encapsulated together it means, simply put, the Black Hawk was “was flying too high” at time of collision.

            So thus, ““the regional jet essentially descended into the flight path of the helicopter”.”

            Lets put that more simply for your 3rd grade reading comprehension level: whirly bird thing goes up and wing thing goes down and they crash into each other.

            or in adult grown up language and the English language …thus “the regional jet essentially descended into the flight path of the helicopter”.”

            See, Trump agrees with me, and you verified what I said was correct.

        • Published 10:09 a.m. ET Jan. 2, 2024
          Early last year, a series of high-profile near-collisions at airports left many experts and travelers alike wondering what’s going on with the nation’s air transportation system. A recent New York Times investigation found that according to FAA data, near-miss accidents increased nearly 25% in the last decade, with about 300 such accidents in the most recent 12-month period for which reports are available.

          “JANUARY 22- Trump disbands the Aviation Safety Advisory Committee”

          I bet they were mere days away from advising on safety. Then Trump came in and ruined everything.

          If only we had some sort of reporting on impending disaster.

          • “near-miss accidents increased nearly 25% in the last decade“

            Hmmm, last decade, that would include Donald Trump‘s first term, got it.

            The fact is, our towers have been understaffed for decades, ever since Ronald Reagan fired the ATCs en masse to break the union.

            So Donald Trump‘s hiring freeze exacerbated the short staffing situation.

            Trump could have appointed an acting FAA leader at any point in the last 10 days. He didn’t.

            Hopefully, Donald Trump will choose to reconstitute the travel security advisory committee.

            And we haven’t even discussed his Executive Order cutting off grant funding to our nation’s airports, funding for safety improvements that are desperately needed (to avoid those near misses you cite above).

            But I understand, you folks voted for Donald Trump so you get what you get. Enjoy.

          • “We are enjoying.“

            Yes, ha ha, 67 dead is one big joke to you people:

            “Donald Trump jokingly asked a reporter if he should swim to visit the Washington DC plane crash site.
            The president was asked if he had any plans to visit the site of the American Airlines and military helicopter collision, as rescue workers scoured the Potomac River.
            He replied: “I have a plan to visit, not the site. Because what, you tell me. What’s the site? Water. We’re going to go swimming?”

          • Yeah, minor. We had all kinds of laughs when your illegals were raping and murdering. More than 67 I’d wager.

            Your false outrage is just that, false. You still haven’t got the smarts to figure out how Trump beat you. It shows because you’re making the same mistakes over and over.

            You are a priceless asset to our side.

          • …nearly 25% in the last decade, with about 300 such accidents in the most recent 12-month period for which reports are available.

            But what about Trump??? *screams at sky*

            Just 14 months before Wednesday night’s fatal mishap near Ronald Reagan National Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration received a safety expert report that warned America’s air traffic control system is suffering from quality control issues and staffing shortages that put safety at risk.

          • Fmr Air Traffic Controller Sheds DISTURBING Light on Obama/Biden DEI Policies that Destroyed FAA (Watch).

            h ttps://twitchy.com/samj/2025/01/31/former-air-traffic-controller-obamabiden-turned-away-controllers-for-being-white-n2407633

          • “And we haven’t even discussed his Executive Order cutting off grant funding to our nation’s airports, funding for safety improvements that are desperately needed (to avoid those near misses you cite above).”

            You evidently don’t know how government funding works.

            1st, the funding freeze is only for 90 days max.

            2nd, no one is going to sufferer because of the freeze now as all gov agencies were funded already in 2024 on 1 October for fiscal year 2025. This means they already have funding for the fiscal year 2025 and this is not affected by the funding freeze. Nothing Trump did here causes any such thing as you so falsely accuse.

            3rd, the reason for the freeze is to examine where the money is actually going. Before he left office Biden had hidden away tax payer dollars in various programs, mostly for DEI stuff outside of government (for example, like funding a queer comic book for 6-8 year olds in Peru).

            The freeze has already located $20 billion. Biden had his EPA stash $20 billion in a non-descriptive ‘other green’ slush fund with Citibank before leaving office to hide it to keep it from being rescinded when Trump came into office. The purpose was that people outside of government could draw from this slush fund from the bank instead of being awarded grants thus hiding the source of the money as tax payer dollars – effectively, this is basically ‘money laundering’

            Biden had hidden away billions of $$$ for stuff, that people outside of government get with zero accountability for who got the money and what it was for.

            Bidens government placed a $7 Trillion dollar debt on the American tax payer to pay for; ‘trans’ medical/surgical to convert them to an opposite gender, DEI to only hire based on sexual-identity or race, paying for elective abortions, actually channeling federal funding to Planned Parenthood though their affiliates over seas by hiding it as ‘foreign aid’ funding.

            Yes, a freeze is a good thing to recover some of that money going to fund things that’s its illegal for tax dollars to be used for.

            Ahhh here’s the hiring freeze lie again > “So Donald Trump‘s hiring freeze exacerbated the short staffing situation.”

            100% lie. Agencies were already funded for fiscal year 2025, and they could have already hired and didn’t. Trump didn’t cause the “short staffing”, their previous Biden admin did by having the money spent on DEI instead of finding qualified people.

          • Pete Buttigieg Responds to Trump Criticism, Humiliates Himself in the Process.

            A June 2023 Inspector General report also slammed Buttigieg’s FAA for severe staffing shortages and lack of planning. It found that 77% of critical facilities were understaffed, the FAA had no plan to fix the issue, and there was no guarantee enough air traffic controllers could be trained in time to maintain operations.

            The FAA itself acknowledged that staffing levels were ‘not normal for the time of day and the volume of traffic,’ a clear admission of a systemic problem—one that was no doubt exacerbated by the Biden administration’s misguided hiring practices, which prioritized diversity, resulting in thousands of highly qualified white applicants being denied jobs.

            Joe Biden’s first pick to lead the FAA was also a blatant DEI hire named Phil Washington. During his confirmation hearings, it was revealed that Washington didn’t know anything about aviation, and couldn’t answer basic questions about standards or safety. He eventually had to withdraw his nomination, but guess who defended him? That’s right, Pete Buttigieg.

            While Buttigieg had nothing but praise for a man who had no business leading the FAA (and, thankfully, didn’t) Buttigieg went on to blame Trump for Wednesday’s fatal midair collision.

            ‘President Trump now oversees the military and the FAA. One of his first acts was to fire and suspend some of the key personnel who helped keep our skies safe,’ Buttigieg’s post continued. ‘Time for the President to show actual leadership and explain what he will do to prevent this from happening again.’

            Claims that Trump fired key personnel tasked with aviation safety have been debunked. While it’s very much on brand for a Democrat to peddle disinformation, it’s beyond irresponsible to do so.

            Buttigieg should really consider shutting up. Trump didn’t just throw random accusations; he’s addressing genuine concerns about the failures of the FAA—a department that went to hell on Buttigieg’s watch.”

            h ttps://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2025/02/01/trump-was-right-about-pete-buttigieg-and-weve-got-the-receipts-n4936578

          • Trump’s Spending Freeze Is the Great American Reset We Need.

            h ttps://pjmedia.com/julio-rivera/2025/01/31/trumps-spending-freeze-is-the-great-american-reset-we-need-n4936563

          • “the travel security advisory committee”

            Oh yeah, that thing.

            Trump didn’t actually gut it as its been reported in the left wing media religion you worship. It self-gutted by people resigning before Trump took office. Plus it wasn’t doing anything really. It was staffed by DEI hires who were not qualified, and those were fired …it was being used a ‘holding area’ for DEI hires who had zero qualifications, before they could be placed somewhere else in government. Its one of the dirty little secrets of the Biden admin, not only was Biden hiding tax payer money to use for things that’s its not legal to use tax payer money for – he was also hiding thousands of unqualified people trying to build his own little ‘army’ of ‘government underlings’ to do his bidding.

            “Trump could have appointed an acting FAA leader at any point in the last 10 days. He didn’t.”

            Oh, and Trump has appointed someone.

            New acting FAA Administrator Chris Rocheleau fills the vacancy left by Mike Whitaker, who resigned when Trump took office on Jan. 20. Whitaker was confirmed as FAA administrator in October 2023. Prior to that, the FAA had gone without an administrator for more than a year.

            How odd that you did not complain about this when Biden let the position go vacant for more than a year.

          • Oh and …. Immediate Assessment of Aviation Safety. (January 30, 2025).


            SUBJECT: Immediate Assessment of Aviation Safety

            On January 29, 2025, a commercial aircraft and a military helicopter horrifically collided near Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. American families today woke up without their loved ones after what should have been a routine trip, and the entire Nation mourns the loss of the victims.

            This shocking event follows problematic and likely illegal decisions during the Obama and Biden Administrations that minimized merit and competence in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Obama Administration implemented a biographical questionnaire at the FAA to shift the hiring focus away from objective aptitude. During my first term, my Administration raised standards to achieve the highest standards of safety and excellence. But the Biden Administration egregiously rejected merit-based hiring, requiring all executive departments and agencies to implement dangerous “diversity equity and inclusion” tactics, and specifically recruiting individuals with “severe intellectual” disabilities in the FAA.

            On my second day in office, I ordered an immediate return to merit-based recruitment, hiring, and promotion, elevating safety and ability as the paramount standard. Yesterday’s devastating accident tragically underscores the need to elevate safety and competence as the priority of the FAA.

            Consistent with the Presidential Memorandum of January 21, 2025 (Keeping Americans Safe in Aviation), I am further ordering the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (Administrator) to review all hiring decisions and changes to safety protocols made during the prior 4 years, and to take such corrective action as necessary to achieve uncompromised aviation safety, including the replacement of any individuals who do not meet qualification standards. This review shall include a systematic assessment of any deterioration in hiring standards and aviation safety standards and protocols during the Biden Administration.

            Consistent with the Presidential Memorandum of January 21, 2025, the Secretary and the Administrator shall take all actions necessary to reverse concerning safety and personnel trends during the prior 4 years, instill an unwavering commitment to aviation safety, and ensure that all Americans fly with peace of mind.”

            (note: the acting SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION was appointed on 20 Jan 2025 inauguration day)

            h ttps://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/immediate-assessment-of-aviation-safety/

          • “And we haven’t even discussed his Executive Order cutting off grant funding to our nation’s airports, funding for safety improvements that are desperately needed (to avoid those near misses you cite above).”

            We don’t need to discuss it because you have no knowledge of which you post and your post is 100% false.

            Our nations airports did not actually have their grants shut off for fiscal year 2025. The airport grants money for “safety improvements” were awarded for fiscal year 2025 on 1 October 2025. The grants applied for, for the fiscal year 2025, were automatically funded on 1 October 2024 which began the government fiscal year 2025. So the airports already have the ‘grant’ money for “safety improvements” if they applied for a grant for fiscal year 2025 and that was not affected by the grant freeze.

          • correction for: “were awarded for fiscal year 2025 on 1 October 2025.”

            should have been…were awarded for fiscal year 2025 on 1 October 2024.

          • Mynr, I will explain things as simply as possible in hopes you can keep up. Aircraft on final approach are generally in a slightly nose-high attitude, limiting the field of view directly below and behind the cockpit. Large, ungainly military rotary aircraft such as the UH-60 Black Hawk in a slow climb (as indicated by ground radar reporting) would be in a nose-down attitude, further limiting the already shitty field of view above the cockpit screen. Additionally, the crew was wearing NVG*, further limiting their peripheral vision. Neither of the aircraft probably saw the other, certainly not in time to take evasive maneuvers, even if the cockpit TCAS* reported an impending closure. Maybe the former FAA and DOD heads can explain why military training exercises such as this was evidently being held directly in the approach zone airspace of one of the busiest East Coast civilian airports, especially one within three miles of the White House.

            *denotes shit you can look up.

          • Hey Mynr, of course the jet descended into the helicopter – – – THAT’S HOW YOU LAND A FUCKING AIRCRAFT !!!
            Go back to Newton’s Laws of Physics and see if you can determine which one was responsible for the incident. (Hint, it’s the one about an object that’s not supposed to be where it was trying to occupy the same space as an object that was CLEARED to occupy said space.)

        • Your purported action dated Jan 28th refers to Trump’s wish to offer government employees a buyout. Nothing has happened yet on that issue. No employees have quit, taken a buyout, been laid off, or been fired.

          How many of your other issues have no bearing on this crash? All of them, I suspect.

  1. Incentivized “justice” is guaranteed to be corrupt and a jury of your peers is no failsafe. Have you spoken you your peers lately? Mouth-breathing, smooth-brain morons.

    Somehow all those lefties screaming about the prison industrial complex, policing biases and the inherent flaws of the US justice system are always silent when it comes to guns. Go to bat for drug dealing, wife beating even kiddy diddling but not for guns.

    • Drug dealing, wife beating, kiddy diddling and in fact most other crimes don’t threaten their power. You potentially being armed does.

      Actually, most other crimes actually increase the power of the Left if *used* correctly. This is generally true for institutional power once corrupted.

      Look at how well the people who want an end to the forever wars have been co-opted into seriously considering, and indeed often now supporting, a military adventure all throughout Central and South America to go after the cartels. It’s almost enough to get you thinking that the MIC really does have the level of control some tinfoil hat wearers have been claiming.

      • “Drug dealing, wife beating, kiddy diddling and in fact most other crimes don’t threaten their power“

        I don’t know, it apparently cost Matt Gaetz his congressional seat:

        “Matt Gaetz ethics report finds evidence he paid for sex with minor
        This article is more than 1 month old
        House report finds he made payments totalling tens of thousands of dollars to women for sex and drugs on at least 20 occasions
        Robert Tait and Joseph Gedeon in Washington
        Mon 23 Dec 2024 23.56 EST“

          • Fake narrative?

            You are denying reality, why didn’t Matt Gaetz sue, he’s a millionaire and clearly has the resources.

            Why did he abandon his seat in Congress if this is a fake narrative?

            Why didn’t his comrades in Congress support him and bring out the truth in the committee meetings?

            Face it, it’s all about tribalism with you folks, you propagate the false narrative of comet pizza having a basement full of children, yet you continue to support an actual drug dealing child predator.

            Hypocrisy, thy name is conservative Republican.

          • Yes false narrative stacked on false premise with a dash of contrived accusation. If you are going to attempt to be Minor back up your accusations or fuck of to the commie board you came from.

          • “If you are going to attempt to be Minor back up your accusations“

            No problem:

            December 23, 2024.—Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed“

            h ttps://ethics.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Committee-Report.pdf

          • Lol so the same tired ass baseless allegations from 2+ years ago? Yeah fuck off back where you came from commie. That bullshit rang hollow then and it is just as fake and gay now. With that said going to be fun seeing what shakes loose on the investigation of his accusers coming up.

          • @Mynr49r (AKA ‘Miner – 49-er’, AKA ‘Missy12’ – note: dashes and spaces in ‘Miner – 49-er’ are there to avoid moderation limbo because he was essentially banned here from posting so he sneaks back in using other names. How very ‘Miner – 49-er’esque to deceive.)

            lets set aside your contrived narrative and look at something else you so ‘conveniently’ ignore that matters:

            “Sen. Moreno: Mayorkas let in about 12,000 murderers. How many would you let in?

            Gov. Noem: None.

            Sen. Moreno: Mayorkas let in 6,000 rapists into this country. How many would you let in?

            Gov. Noem: My goal would be none.

            Sen. Moreno: Mayorkas let in 600,000 with criminal convictions. How many would you let in?

            Gov. Noem: Those with criminal convictions will be immediately removed.

            Sen. Moreno: How many private jets will you send to fly people into this country?

            Gov. Noem: We won’t be undertaking that program.

            Sen. Moreno: How many illegals will you be housing in luxury hotels?

            Gov. Noem: That will not be a part of this new administration.

            Sen. Moreno: How many sex change operations for illegals would you fund?

            Gov. Noem: We will not allow that.”

            h ttps://x.com/joma_gc/status/1880285736974340483

            Senator Blumenthal to Kristi Noem: Ignore the 300,000 Missing Children (note: that went missing under the Biden-Harris criminal enterprise tyranny).

            h ttps://hotair.com/david-strom/2025/01/17/senator-blumenthal-to-kristi-noem-ignore-the-300000-missing-children-n3798918

            Report: Biden-Harris Administration Has Lost Track Of Up To 300,000 Illegal Alien Kids.

            h ttps://thefederalist.com/2024/08/21/report-biden-harris-administration-has-lost-track-of-up-to-300000-illegal-alien-kids/

            note: some of these kids, or their status, have been found since. Some of them were found with child predators being pimp-ed out to other child predators, some were found to have been simply given by the Biden DHS to unsavory businesses such as strip clubs where they vanished from there…etc…and some were found safe but living on the streets…and some were found to have been taken in by others…and some were found to have been raped…and some are suspected to have been murdered or died …

            But you, Mynr49r (AKA ‘Miner – 49-er’, AKA ‘Missy12’) – you defended the Biden-Harris criminal enterprise tyranny illegal and unconstitutional intentionally open and insecure border policy that let this happen, and at one point you did it with a ‘But who will pick our crops if Trump closes the border’ excuse that echoes back to the very thing the democrats said about abolishing slavery when they complained those many years ago if slavery were abolished, basically, ‘who’s going to pick the cotton?’

            But here you are sooooo concerned with trying to spin a contrived narrative into disrupting a whole comment section so you can vent your mental illness TDS.

            So tell us, where is your outrage over the murderers and rapist and criminals the Biden-Harris criminal enterprise tyranny let in, where is your outrage over those children, where is your outrage for the over 60,000 rape victims of these criminals, where is your outrage over the murder victims of these criminals, where is your outrage over these known and identified criminals being protected from capture by left-wing liberal ‘sanctuary cities’, where is your outrage that the the Biden-Harris criminal enterprise tyranny did nothing to locate these missing children then lied about it … where is your outrage over all this ?

            Oh wait, you don’t have any outrage over this because you are proud it happened, you are happy it happened…you must be because you spent a few years here at TTAG under your ‘Miner – 49-er’ name defending the Biden-Harris criminal enterprise tyranny that made this happen. Oh yes you did you criminal racists sick twisted lying POS. And now you use deception, to which you have admitted already, to continue posting your BS and crap.

    • “Somehow all those lefties screaming about the prison industrial complex, policing biases and the inherent flaws of the US justice system are always silent when it comes to guns the political enemy.”

      They’re also silent when a peon member of the enemy party gets thrown in jail for an inconsequential lie to investigators “investigating” what they knew was a complete hoax. Actually, they cheered for that. They live for that.

    • Do ATF pay their staff a commission on successful prosecutions?

      That’s a good incentive to lie, fabricate evidence, commit perjury, and pervert the law.

  2. Thank God we can still trust the rest of the government to not invent cases to throw at people they don’t like and toss them in a hole for years based on nonsense.

    No, we can sleep quite soundly knowing that there are ZERO other agencies nationwide that would do such a thing and never have.

    • If they can concoct cases against DJT they can concoct a case against you. Obviously the Gun Control sickos with machine guns want it where if your firearm looks like a machine gun it’s a machine gun. If the accused has a non-violent background perhaps POTUS DJT could pardon him; at least none of his replicas were found in a dumpster. Contact your members of congress.

      • Quite clearly this is unpossible. Government never has and never will abuse its power because the Constitution doesn’t allow it to do so.

        If .gov comes after you, you did something wrong. This is clearly true because .gov said so. It really is that simple.

        Trust the government, it’s the only thing with a perfect track record of benevolence.

      • “If the accused has a non-violent background perhaps POTUS DJT could pardon him“

        Why would DJT care if he was violent, DJT pardoned hundreds of individuals who physically assaulted police officers on January 6.

        Pardoning his violent brownshirts, establishing a concentration camp in a foreign country just a couple days after the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German concentration camp in Poland, priceless!

          • Wrong.

            Leonard was not pardoned, and he wasn’t convicted of shooting police officers.

            His conflict was with FBI agents, you know, the agency you folks say should be abolished.

            And Trump is directly responsible for the death and injuries caused by the violent rioter he pardoned:

            “A Missouri woman convicted in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and recently pardoned by President Donald Trump was sentenced to 10 years this week for killing a mother of two in a drunken-driving crash.

            Emily Hernandez was seen holding the broken nameplate of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., after the mob of Trump supporters attacked the Capitol in 2021. She served 30 days in federal prison and was released.

            On Wednesday, she was sentenced in Missouri state court to 10 years in prison for a 2022 drunken-driving crash that killed Victoria Wilson and seriously injured her husband, Ryan Wilson, court records show“

          • Peltier’s life sentence was commuted by the Puppet. He killed law enforcement officers. That better?

            “And Trump is directly responsible for the death and injuries caused by the violent rioter he pardoned:”

            What are you talking about? She pleaded guilty to the DWI in November of 2024. The crash happened BEFORE the Jan. 6 pardon!

            Now let’s talk about the assaults, thefts, rapes, and murders by the illegals that the Puppet and Border Czar ushered in. Oh, and what about 300,000 children that were unaccounted for? What about the children found by themselves near the border? What about the record level of dead immigrants found near the border? What about all of the women and children that were raped on their way in? What about record levels of human trafficking? What about empowering the cartels by making them rich? Why don’t you people care about that? Now the mess you people created has to be cleaned up.

          • @Mynr49r


            Leonard was not pardoned, and he wasn’t convicted of shooting police officers.”

            100% false

            He was pardoned by Biden commuting his sentence. A commutation is a pardoning power of the president, it is not a separate power – it is a pardon, but only specifically in relation to the sentence. All powers exercised by the president under his pardoning powers to grant any relief from sentence is a ‘pardon’ – it just varies according to the type, i.e. ‘full and unconditional’ or ‘relief from sentence only’ (commuting) – and as a result its termed like two separate things but in reality its the exercise of the only single-power the president has to affect sentences which is ‘pardon’.

            Leonard Peltier did receive a pardon by Biden, it was commuting his sentence.

            learn what context means Miner-49-er AKA ‘Mynr49r’ AKA ‘Missy12’

          • “And Trump is directly responsible for the death and injuries caused by the violent rioter he pardoned”

            100% False.

            If he is, then you Miner-49-er AKA ‘Mynr49r’ AKA ‘Missy12’ are directly responsible for the death and injuries caused by the criminal aliens the Biden-Harris criminal tyranny knowingly let invade our country.

  3. It sounds like the government employees who participated in the defendant’s prosecution have perjured themselves AND violated the defendant’s rights under color of law AND conspired to violate the defendant’s rights under color of law. Note that all three of those alleged crimes are felonies.

  4. Details, details…

    “On Oct. 26, 2021, the informant used the name “Rick Hayes” of Bat Cave Ordnance to email Adamiak at Black Dog Arsenal to purchase “Thompson things,” which were parts for a Thompson submachine gun. Adamiak sent him a photo of a Thompson receiver with a slit cut in it but instead proposed selling him a Soviet PPS-43 or PPSh-41 receiver with a single cut.

    After haggling, he agreed to sell both receivers for $3,250 from his Virginia Beach home. He later sent the informant five Polish PPS-43 receivers, another PPSh-41, a Thompson M1A1 submachine gun, and a Russian RPD machine gun with a single saw cut through them.

    It’s legal in the US to own and sell machine guns, as long as the parties have the proper federal licenses and the firearms are registered. It’s also lawful to own and transfer an unregistered machine gun, so long as the receiver or frame has been rendered permanently inoperable, usually by slicing it into several parts with a cutting torch.

    A single saw cut isn’t acceptable to the ATF.“

    • huh.
      in regards to ppsh- 41, receiver isn’t mentioned until charges 1 and two. previously the word shroud was used. in any case, semi- auto versions with welded (closed) folding stocks can be found. cut receiver or not, it’s not full auto unless assembled as such.
      the ppsh- 41 is pretty ideal for size and firepower. but i’m not rockin’ through buckapiece norinco tok stash in a ~braaap~.

  5. Y’all can keep trusting the government, either state or federal. Lies and violence are their M.O.

    I’m not going to trust them. Treat all agents of the state like a plague — avoid at all costs.

  6. Any government official that puts someone in prison with lies, should be forced to serve the sentence (without parole or any good behavior reductions) the sentence that the person lied about had been sentenced too.

    This would go far to making this stop

    • “Any government official that puts someone in prison with lies“

      Now you see why liberals want better oversight of law-enforcement, LEO have been authorized by the Supreme Court to lie to subjects, and yet charge them with obstruction of justice if they lie to the police officer.

      And these LEOs and AUSA are just doing their job, getting convictions for the government, DJT has promised them immunity for doing their job:

      “During a May 1, 2024 rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin, Trump said, “We’re going to give our police their power back, and we’re going to give them immunity from prosecution, so they’re not prosecuted for doing their job.”
      Trump said something similar during a July 27, 2024 rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota: “We’re going to give immunity to police, so they can do their job. I’m giving federal immunity to police officers, so they can do their job.”

      Yeah baby, “federal immunity”!

        • “we should be able to put Trump in for a 3rd term“

          Thanks for speaking openly of your plans to violate the Constitution of the United States of America.

          When someone is willing to tell you they are a traitor, believe them.

          • Do you think amending the Constitution is a violation of the Constitution? Someone needs to retake the sixth grade. Don’t cheat your way through this time.

          • If I remember correctly jwm called him out as being a professor out in some WV college who may have had some issues with age of consent which brought the typical overactive denials, demands for proof of a guilty mind…… Sort of like how void called the helicopter crash out as likely intentional and now we are hearing that pilot was a rabid anti trump tranny. Need more info for both but neither would surprise me in the least

          • MU, safe. And I never accused him of being a pedo. Another MU proff used to spend at least twenty minutes of each class period discussing the sexual connotations of Shirly Temple movies.

            I have no doubts that miner is a leading light around campus in supporting hamas and condemning Israel.

          • If I remember correctly jwm called him out as being a professor out in some WV college who may have had some issues with age of consent…

            Wait, what? What did I miss here?

            Though, come to think of it, the habit of citing sources that don’t actually back his position and assuming that no one would bother to read the sources does check out…

            Fun fact, the average IQ of a professor is a mere 115. Sure, they’re an sd above average but, really, they’re basically midwits.

          • Thanks for the correction jwm I half remembered it and likely filled in based off having to deal with similar personalities from work.

          • “If I remember correctly jwm called him out as being a professor out in some WV college who may have had some issues with age of consent”

            Thus the use of his ‘Missy12’ handle.

            Hes a convicted felon.

      • “Now you see why liberals want better oversight of law-enforcement,”

        False, 100%.

        They don’t want over-sight, they want control. In every proposal from any liberal politician in this regard they have cried for ‘control’ not oversight. They want to be like the U.K., the government there controls the police forces, and they recently ordered those armed police forces to oppress their citizens for simply exercising free speech in protest and they even tried to extend it to U.S. citizens on U.S. soil by threatening extradition.

        That’s what your liberals want, the power to control police forces to oppress any sector of society that doesn’t agree with them or doesn’t bend to their will. Its even outlined in the U.N. plans these liberals sometimes refer to, and its part of The Democratic Socia -lists of America plan from which Kamala took her talking points almost word for word and then regurgitated it in word salad because she didn’t understand it.

  7. lying is apparently part of the ATF job description. They just spent 4 years doing it so obviously it literally let the get away with planning and excuting ‘murder’.

    • That’s standard way of doing things with investigations/entrapments. A large part of crime in America is committed by CIs and good ol’ boys. It’s why some drug dealers are either ignored for decades or booked for a quick show ever five years or so, released and back to business as usual.


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