Home » Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Top Guns, Mouse Guns, and Campus Guns

Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Top Guns, Mouse Guns, and Campus Guns

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments



Betcha can’t guess what number two is: Top Guns: What Americans Are Buying – “Gun sales are hitting the bullseye. Gun manufacturers, sports retailers, and even the FBI have noted a record numbers of sales and background checks, as reported by FOXBusiness.comOpens a New Window. The firearms industry is worth a whopping estimated $15 billion, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation says the industry accounted for $49.29 billion in total economic activity in 2015.”


2 Charged With Trying to Bring Guns Into Disney World Parks – Authorities in Florida say two guests who tried to carry guns into Walt Disney World theme parks have been charged with carrying a concealed firearm. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office says 61-year-old Michael Langston of Louisiana was arrested at Epcot, and 23-year-old Baleigh Turner of Alabama was arrested at Disney’s Animal Kingdom a short time later on Monday.


Georgia to New York…GFY: New York to Georgia: Toughen up your gun laws – “In a study released this week, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman blamed lax gun laws in states such as Georgia for much of the violent crime that occurs in New York state. New York has some of the nation’s strictest gun-control laws: It bans so-called assault weapons; prohibits the sale of high-capacity magazines; requires background checks on buyers in all firearms transactions, including private and gun-show sales; and issues licenses to people who legally buy handguns.”

Fear and loathing in the great white north: Maxime Bernier Says People Should Stop ‘Freaking Out’ Because He Likes Guns – “Conservative leadership candidate Maxime Bernier says he wasn’t fundraising off of his support for guns — but now he is. In his latest fundraising note to Tory members, Bernier took aim at some of the pundits on Wednesday’s edition of ‘Power & Politics,’ the daily political show on the CBC News Network. Bernier said the commentators were ‘freaking out’ because he was fundraising from firearms.”


Students threatening to transfer, faculty saying they’ll retire…it’s Texas all over again: KU students, teacher protest impending change allowing guns on campus – “Students at the University of Kansas are working to keep guns off campus next year. A Kansas law takes effect in July that allows anyone on campus to carry a concealed gun without a license. Some on campus think the change will make KU safer, but others oppose the change.”

0 thoughts on “Springfield Armory Daily Digest: Top Guns, Mouse Guns, and Campus Guns”

  1. So whiny faculty who barely teach any classes and propagandize when they do, snowflake students that get offended at pretty much anything, are going to transfer or quit, this is a problem how?

    Sounds like win win to me. You can get profs actually interested in educating and lose the over sensitive students that do nothing but complain they don’t like things.

    • My thoughts exactly. College campuses throughout the country would be greatly improved if they could rid themselves of the leftists professors and activists who have turned them into Stalinist re-education centers. Unfortunately, I don’t expect any of these leftists to actually leave Lawrence.

  2. Okay, so I clicked it…
    Fox Business didn’t say what the number two was in any category, only what the number ones were…

    I missed a joke, didn’t I?

  3. “Arrest reports say Langston revealed his gun after a Disney security officer selected him for a random metal detector screening, while Turner’s weapon turned up in a search of her backpack, and neither had a valid concealed weapons permit. Both were released from jail, where records didn’t list attorneys.

    Disney bans guns from its parks, and even guests with weapons permits can face trespassing charges.”

    OK, that ‘splaines it.

    I was wondering why they were charged when Florida’s signs have no force of law.

    Carrying without a permit will get you a ride downtown…

    • If you have a couple of bones laying about, go get one. At less than $200 you can almost afford to not like it, but you probably will because “.22s make people smile”.

      • “.22s make people smile”

        No argument here. On those rare occasions when I find it in stock I find a cheesy grin creeping across my face.

    • My guess: That gun is being held by a beginner student who is still learning grip, stance, etc. You’re seeing a chamber flag, a separate visual indicator that the chamber is empty. Given the squinty look on his face – and the lack of eye protection – the chamber flag is a good reminder for both teacher and student that the gun won’t go “bang” just yet.

  4. #HawksNotGlocks… Has anyone ever looked into falconry as a self-defense option? It doesn’t seem very practical, but I have to admit it would have quite a bit of panache. I imagine the numbers for DHUs (defensive hawk uses) have to be extremely low.

  5. Someone should start selling fans and smelling salts to those special students and faculty at the University of Kansas to help them with their “case of the vapours”.

    • Nope. Perfectly good, fun gun for the price. You’re not going to be taking it to target matches, but for plinking it’s just fine. I carry one on the farm frequently. In .22 magnum it can take out a groundhog easily, a coyote if you’ve got a good enough shot.

    • How do people reach such high positions while remaining so blind? The laws they have clearly do not accomplish what was intended, so they want to force those same ineffective laws on someone whose laws *are* accomplishing what they themselves want, instead of adopting the laws (in this case of Georgia) which actually work? How can you even approach twisting logic into such a pretzel?

  6. A message from Georgia to the NY Attorney General: Much like yourself guns are only tools. If you don’t like how your subjects are using those tools take it up with them, since they are the fools that elected you. In any case, stop your whiny assed bitching about what we do with our freedom!

  7. Walt Disney World (the one in Florida, for those who might not know) is very much a law unto themselves. They are private property, and granted extraordinary, near governmental powers by the Reedy Creek Improvement District Act that essentially created the place. In the end, they can prohibit firearms from their property, just like I can prohibit cell phones from mine.

      • Personnel, you bet your ass. The ‘Magic Kingdom’ is kept under constant surveillance, they are paranoid about a terror attack.

        Remember when the Pulse shooting took place? Afterwards it was found that jihaddi-boy’s looking around was picked up on by their security…

  8. NY AG is setting up the ground work for a Hitlerary White House to push congress into adopting their rules for all of us. The timing is not by chance, they know that other states will not listen but if they seize control of DC they can force new laws on interstate transporting of firearms, which could affect buying online and having them sent to a FFL, an end around play. Much like a NFA SBR, you have to ask permission to cross state lines with it.

    Note the NY AG shut down Trump’s foundation for taking campaign funds but Clinton Inc, I mean foundation is still sucking in millions.

  9. Brody: Where is the Ark?
    Maj. Eaton: I thought we’d settled that. The Ark is somewhere very safe.
    Jones: From whom?
    Brody: The Ark is a source of unspeakable power and it has to be researched!
    Maj. Eaton: And it will be, I assure you, Doctor Brody, Doctor Jones. We have top men working on it right now.
    Jones: Who?!
    Maj. Eaton: Top… men.

  10. If they were gonna make a group that ridiculous they should have thought “Hm we better use a glock in our logo. The gun people will probably spot it immediately if we dont”


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