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Springfield Armory’s Hosting a Duel. (Not THAT kind of duel.)

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Every so often, a gun manufacturer comes up with a promotional idea that involves free stuff. (Here at TTAG, we like free stuff.) Unfortunately, we came away from the NRA shindig swag-less, as far as Springer is concerned. You, however, may be a little more lucky. SA’s holding a “duel” between their XDm 3.8 Compact 40 S&W and their new 1911 Range Officer model. It’s a beauty contest, and you get to judge. There are daily prizes, but the big prize is the one who votes the most number of times over the duration of the contest wins BOTH GUNS. Interestingly, they are encouraging you to have family members spell you when you sleep, as you can vote but once per hour. Obviously, the one that manages to vote EVERY HOUR will win this thing. Are you that OCD? That desperate to win? (If you win, for God’s sake, get some sleep before you take ’em to the range!) Good luck.

0 thoughts on “Springfield Armory’s Hosting a Duel. (Not THAT kind of duel.)”

  1. It would be easier to just buy them since they’re not very expensive anyway. I’ve owned and tried out several springfields(I no longer own any of these) and I’ll take my Kimbers over any of their guns everytime.

    • Joe, you’d take a Kimber over a SA pistol? When was the last time you shot a Springfield 1911? I guess an equally synonomous question would be when/what was the newest Kimber 1911 you’ve shot? Having thoroughly shot both manufacturers and multiple models, I can say hands-down that the SA 1911 (and XD/XDms) are probably the best sub-$1000 1911’s on the market today. You never hear of SA 1911’s needing to be “broken in” to feed/eject properly. Both my Loaded and my Trophy Match are phenomonal shooters and (regardless of Gunnutmeggar says) feed every round flawlessly! My Trophy Match is/was my Single-Stack competition gun for a long time and has had 6000+ rounds through her (almost a 1000 in a single day of training and competition at Rob Leatham’s “Day of Steel”). Of all the Kimber’s – new and used – that I’ve shot, all seem to lack the smooth “feel” in the trigger, grip safety, disconnector, and trigger reset. I’m curious on your take…

  2. Hi Pat, My favorite Kimber is the Super Match 2, and I love this gun. I also have the the Ultra carry 2, RCP 2, Pro Carry, Gold Match, Aegis , Eclipse, Tactical and the Raptor. I’ll soon own the Solo, even thou I don’t really like 9’s. I’ve also shot the newest Springfields, and they were nice but I prefer Kimbers as you can tell by now.

  3. I’ve got both a Springer and a Kimber 1911. My ex has (or had) an XD 45 and and XD 40. I’ve shot all of them. I’d have to say that the fit and finish edge goes to Kimber on the 1911. I like the trigger on the Kimber better than the Springfield. However, in the plastic pistol division, the XD’s better than anything I’ve handled, including the Glock 4G. I don’t think Kimber even makes an under-$1,000 1911, while Springfield has a number of them at the under-$1,000 price point. I’d also offer that, of the under-$1,000 guns, Springfield’s offer the best value/quality ratio.

  4. I love the trigger on my Kimbers more than any springfield I’ve ever tried. I don’t buy my guns based on anything to do with cost or value/quality ratio because I don’t care what they cost me. I buy quality guns that I really like and that’s all that counts, cost be damned. I know most people can’t just buy any gun, and they try to get the best bang for their buck which is fine. I go through bullets that cost two or three dollars each with blinking, because I enjoy what I do. I was being a little sarcastic about the Springfields, but they’re fine guns with a big following. I just love Kimbers, Colts and Wilsons more and I’m looking at some of the top of the line Wilsons for my collection. I guess that I’m very fortunate to be able to buy whatever gun I want, and I shouldn’t pick on the other models that I really don’t care for.

    • ” I don’t buy my guns based on anything to do with cost or value/quality ratio because I don’t care what they cost me”… then why are you even looking at Kimber/SA’s? Wilson, Les Bear, etc all make fantastic 1911’s that are WORLDS greater than anything mass-produced!

  5. Well,.. Springfield’s IT has foiled my attempts at Auto voting… Good on you SA for staying secure on all fronts.

  6. Duel? Oh hell yes! Oh wait..damn it all-not that kind! In a real shooting competition the single action would sweep the competition.


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