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Stacey Abrams’ Whopper: ‘No one believes in eroding the Second Amendment’

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By Larry Keane

Just like Seinfeld’s George Constanza, failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams probably thinks to herself, “I must be liked!”

She’s trying awfully hard as she auditions to join 2020 presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s ticket as the vice presidential candidate. Millions of gun-owning Americans have reasons for concern and should pay attention as election day nears.

Abrams joined Everytown for Gun Safety’s Veepstakes pageant, the gun control group bankrolled by failed 2020 Democratic presidential contender and billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Abrams spent a decade in the Georgia state legislature, including six years as Democratic minority leader, where she championed gun control. She introduced gun confiscation legislation deemed “some of the strictest gun regulation in the nation.”

This is the same Stacey Abrams who ran for Georgia governor in 2018 and lost to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. Abrams cried foul and repeated inflammatory accusations. Still, none of it was true. That didn’t keep her from repeating her false claim that she had actually won the race to be governor of the Peach State.

Biden’s gun control history is well-known.

Gun Grab, Different Name

Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts spoke one truth during the Twitter townhall that gun control advocates usually avoid. “We know firearms don’t cause hate crimes…,” Watts admitted. Millions of law-abiding firearm owners would agree. Abrams did too, but added her presence in Washington, D.C. would include a reinstatement of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

“We need to make certain that we have an assault weapons ban put back in place. It has worked before and it will work again.” That ban did not work, of course.

Abrams’ comments now are considerably different than her views on gun confiscation just a few short years ago when she told CNN’s Jake Tapper the gun grabbing bill she cosponsored in Georgia was just, “to start a conversation.” That bill wasn’t even referred to a committee for consideration.

If enacted, it would’ve turned thousands of law-abiding Georgians into felons by forcing them to turn in their modern sporting rifles, destroy them or go to jail. If she joins the Biden ticket and gets her way, that could mean owners of the nearly 18 million modern sporting rifles  would be instant felons.

Abrams tried to tell Watts, “There is no one who believes in eroding the Second Amendment…” Her legislative track record isn’t eroding the Bill of Rights, it’s taking a wrecking ball to it.  Her record is more in line with former U.S. Rep. Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, Biden’s proclaimed gun control sheriff, than Main Street, USA.

Belittling American Rights

Shannon Watts Stacey Abrams

Watts and Abrams also demonstrated they have little sympathy for the legitimate concerns of law-abiding Americans who recently purchased firearms for the first time. Instead, they smugly dismissed them as an easily manipulated group. They also cast aside their reasons for purchasing firearms during the coronavirus pandemic.

Watts instead blamed the NRA. “They’re using this pandemic to fearmonger. To divide our communities. And of course, above all, to sell guns.” Abrams smiled and agreed. There was no mention of local law enforcement stretched thin. No talk of criminals being released from jail. Not a word about those criminals committing crimes again.

November is Coming

Wrapping up the discussion, Abrams urged people to get involved and educated on the issues. She boasted of a 139 percent increase in youth voters in the race she lost in 2018.

Education and information on the issues is something all voters need. There are hundreds of thousands of new gun owners who now must consider what the candidates would do to their right to protect themselves and their families, even as they are learning about safe and responsible firearm ownership, handling and storage.

To get informed, get registered and get ready, visit NSSF’s #GUNVOTE.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

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