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        • It is a smart move on his part protecting his identity in today’s Navy. If he had posed with his face and name clear to all, I would have called him a dumbass. I believe he is trying to make a statement by taking this photo in uniform, but as least he was smart about unlike a lot of the younger generation who keep finding themselves in deep shit due to pictures and videos they post of themselves online doing stuff they should know will get them in trouble.

          Go Navy!

  1. Fox News March 15 is reporting that the state of Connecticut mailed out letters Friday to gun owners who have not complied with the ban. It appears that the state is starting to escalate the situation.

    • “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”
      -John Parker

    • Any idea how they are assembling a list of who to send those letters to?

      Or, is this a type of repeat of the letter based on those that registered on 2 Jan rather than by 1 Jan?

      • The state already has a registry of (?) gun owners – this whole this is more of a re-registry. Which makes me wonder if the original registry had data on type, make and SN.

  2. Navy and Coast Guard officers seem to be the most likely to be politically liberal supporters of gun control BS. Glad to see one who isn’t from time to time.

    • I used to have a friend who is in Naval Intelligence. She was usually conservative, but surprised me by supporting the assault weapons ban. I think that is one of the main reasons that we quit communicating. I just can’t tolerate that kind of stupidity (not ignorance, ignorance can be fixed) from someone who took an oath to the constitution. It was a shame really; we were actually pretty close before that.

    • That’s a pretty broad brush to paint with. You must have hung out with a lot of pilots…

      • Doh. I smell a black shoe.

        Brings back memories. FYI I started out my enlistment on a ship and left the nav as a pilot. I love harassing SWO’s!

        • SWO’s are to easy of a target. The brownshoe mafia is so much more fun to harass with their holier than thou “I secretly believe I am Tom Cruise” attitude 😉

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