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  1. Oh look, a UCMJ violation. While I share his ideals, I do not condone using the uniform for political statements.

      • Back when I was in, the military used to have a sort of catch-all article when they couldn’t find anything else. Good for at least an Article 15–probably Article 134:

        Though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.

  2. Only suggestion for such a fine looking AK would be to ditch the Tapco mags – and at least get some US Palms, or maybe spring for a few Circle 10’s and/or wait to see if Magpul releases a new version of AK MOE Mag with steel lockups.

    • Oh damn, pulled a picture switch! Oh well, scratch all that AK stuff then. Ahh well, I can’t comment on UCMJ violations either way, not being MIL myself, but will respect the opinions of those that are.

  3. We need a minuteman/Founding Fathers “Stand Strong CT” picture. I’d love to do it, but my oldest gun was designed in 1891 so it’s too young.

  4. UCMJ violation this, UCMJ violation that, blah, blah, blah…

    Would you rather see military members with signs saying,”I would gladly take your guns as long as I didn’t feel it violated the UCMJ, Connecticut”?

    And, quit saying “why are they hiding their faces?”

    We all know damn good and well why they’re hiding their and they’re damn smart for doing it…

    Man, I hope none of you “this violates the UCMJ” people are current military, cause by the sound of it, y’all would be the first to fold under the pressure of “just following orders.”

    It’s take more balls to post these pics, masked or not, and risk your career than it takes to come in here like an internet lawyer and bitch about the UCMJ.

    Keep it up, current servicemen and women, as a former serviceman, I support you.

    • Apparently, for some reason, this post changed from a Marine in a mask, to a not Marine without a mask.

      Either TTAG is jacked up or I’m crazy.

      • I’m glad someone finally explained what was going on with the earlier comments. I felt like I was taking crazy pills there for a minute.

  5. Agreed, this picture does not line up with the first ~dozen comments. Did it change?

  6. I think we’re about at the point where we can declare the AK-47 “Favorite Gun of the U.S. Military”!

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