
Send your STAND STRONG CONNECTICUT photo to [email protected]. We’ll post them on our Facebook album [click here to view.] Please put STAND STRONG in the subject field of your email. You can click here to purchase a Stand Strong Connecticut t-shirt (half of profits go to Connecticut Carry).


  1. Wow. Even the Taliban wants CT to stand strong.

    I am just jealous of his beard growing ability.

    • Damn. My first thought was why does Obama Bin Laden want Connecticut to be armed with adaquate rifles?

      Then I remembered not everyone with a beard is Taliban.

      Eh. You live, you learn I guess.

          • I don’t doubt you, but it is forbidden. So they are likely converts, not original Muslims. If they’re inked, they probably have to pray facing Mecca ten times daily. /sarc

  2. King Leonidas: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed.

    Just seemed appropriate. Regardless of beards or tats, Continue to stand strong CT. You are not alone .

  3. I know not to judge a book, but anyone who Tats their body like that lacks some common sense and judgement. He looks scary and would avoid him on the street and report him to cops if I saw him with a gun.

  4. Great image. Gun owners come in all types. Takes courage to post your support here, plenty of people to pick apart your statement. I support you supporting CT.

    • “Gun owners come in all types.”

      How true; they even come with “scary” tattoos!

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