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This afternoon, I stopped by my local BOA to pick up some pre-Valentine’s Day $2 bills. The branch manager said she’d noticed an unusual amount of TJs submitted for deposit. Guess what’s across the street? Starbucks. There are twelve days  left before Starbucks Appreciation Day—wherein gun owners will signal their approval of the Seattle coffeesmith’s firearms toleration policy by spending a $2 bill at one of the company’s outlets. It seems America’s armed intelligentsia are already plying Starbucks with $2 bills. There’s also a move afoot to make the TJ the official calling card for gun owners seeking to acknowledge ANY business that supports the Second Amendment. That’s probably jumping the gun. What are you hearing?

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  1. I explained the $2 bills to the ladies in my small-town bank, and now they’re trying to find an excuse to go to a Starbucks in another town.

      • Here is where someone points out not all towns have a Starbucks, or even a nearby Starbucks. I have to drive over 30 miles to get to one. I’m still going to go out of my way on the 14th.

        • Wait just a minute! There is a five square mile range without a Starbucks? I thought I could find one anywhere; Las Vegas Strip, Death Valley, Whichita Wild Live Preserve.

        • Not the point. The ladies at the bank are talking about going to the Starbucks in the next town over on the 14th because they heard from Wade about Starbucks Appreciation Day. Which is nationwide. Since the next town is presumably also in the same nation…

  2. Thanks Robert! Good on ya.

    A number of my colleagues at work are already tuned in and turning on. The word is out. From what I’ve been seeing around the net this subtle and subversive little gesture is really starting to get some serious traction. TJ for the 2A. We owe it to ourselves to co-opt the two dollar bill as the currency of the Second Amendment and all that it and a free and sovereign citizen stands for.

    Tiocfaidh ár lá!! Pronounced “cho-kee ar law”. That’s Irish for “our day will come”. Up the Republic!!

  3. Gots my TJ’s, ready to roll – I don’t drink much SB’s coffee anymore (health issues), but for this cause, to hell with the heart….

  4. Pretty sure it’s a smith and Wesson – Ruger uses a “push button” cylider release, Smiths usually use a “push forward” cylinder release.

  5. I think it’d be a great idea. Symbols are powerful, and enough influx can create a very real presence unable to be ignored by businesses.

    I know it’s wishful thinking quite a bit, but enough dedication can bring the 2 dollar bill back into regular circulation and use. That’d be a powerful symbol in itself.

  6. If the $2 bill becomes the calling card of gun rights advocates, should the $3 bill be claimed by the Brady Campaign and MAIG?

  7. I recall hearing about something similar when I was “in”.
    Apparently there were some complaints about Camp Lejeune by nearby civilian residents. Some did not like all those guns and bombs so close to home.
    The Commanding General arraigned for all hands to be paid in $2 bills. The area was flooded with deuces, and the source of that impact on the local economy was soon discovered by the townies to be the Base. That stopped the complaints.

    • You mean the guy who wrote the Declaration Of Independence. So spending a $2 is like reaffirming our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And it reminds our government that it can be overthrown if it gets too oppressive.

      Yes, that is perfect.

  8. This is a joke to me because #1 when Desert Storm and Shield were going on “Starbucks” said they would not support the war on terror by not even sending our men and woman coffee or hot cocoa, nothing. But now they want us to ” This afternoon, I stopped by my local BOA to pick up some pre-Valentine’s Day $2 bills. The branch manager said she’d noticed an unusual amount of TJs submitted for deposit. Guess what’s across the street? Starbucks. There are twelve days left before Starbucks Appreciation Day—wherein gun owners will signal their approval of the Seattle coffeesmith’s firearms toleration policy by spending a $2 bill at one of the company’s outlets. It seems America’s armed intelligentsia are already plying Starbucks with $2 bills. There’s also a move afoot to make the TJ the official calling card for gun owners seeking to acknowledge ANY business that supports the Second Amendment. That’s probably jumping the gun. What are you hearing? Every base in AMERICA pulled off Starbucks from there posts because they would not support the war on terror its not supporting the war its helping out men and woman that put there lives on the line everyday to keep this country free,and now this I really don’t know what to say BOYCOTT STARBUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Not true, I was in Afghanistan for 15 months. I was with a small group and each of us signed up with Starbucks & Pete’s online. Starbucks & Pete’s both sent us a pound of coffee to each each a month completely free. That’s 270 lbs. of free coffee just for the small group I was with. As far as I know they are still doing this for thousands of our fighting men in-country.

      Non Sibi Set Patrie

  9. We’ve come up with a way to turn ordinary $2 bills into what we’re referring to as “portable billboards” of support for the 2nd Amendment – check out the stamp we created at!

  10. Using dollar coins can also prove a point. I used to keep about 20 or so to use with drive thru food emporiums that have brain dead employees. Just to keep them on thier toes.
    One employee did not want to accept them because there was “no place in her change drawer to put them”. I could have made THE suggestion, but it would have been too easy.
    It is too bad we don’t have $2 and $5 coins.

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