
Baffle strike. Baffle strike baffle strike baffle strike, baffle strike baffle strike. Baffle strike baffle strike? Baffle strike!


All kidding aside, Stealth Engineering Group has developed this idea for a mount that allows you to quickly fold your rifle silencer to the side for easy storage or concealment. The idea is that it makes a direct thread silencer even quicker to use than a fast-attach, and you don’t even need to match the threads on your rifle to the can (since the threads in the device can be changed out to accommodate whatever).


The device will be available for about $299, and while I definitely would hesitate to put it on anything big (like a .308 rifle), I could see using it on a sub-caliber setup. For example, if you’re shooting a 9mm rifle through a 45ACP can. Or a 22lr through a 9mm can. That would be pretty cool.


    • Eh I’m not digging that idea. It wouldn’t be compact enough with double the width in a specific axis and carrying a larger, more controllable handgun is probably more important than hearing protection.

    • Top-folding, spring-loaded mount that snaps into position when you draw? That would be insane. The engineering involved would be even more insane, but there’s gotta be someone willing to try it. I would pack a spring-assisted suppressor-equipped sub-compact 45 in a heartbeat!

      • How about a suppressor that retracts axially? Holstering it pushes the outside of the can back over the barrel and possibly the trigger guard. Drawing it allows internal springs to extend it and the baffles automatically.

  1. This actually is not a very bad idea. Pathetic, however, they want to charge so much for a machined piece of metal. People wonder why foreigners keep kicking our butts in manufacturing….. greed

    I could cast/machine this part for $6

    • Ok, so for $6 can you supply enough to meet their expected demand while making enough profit for your company, which has advertising and payroll expenses to mention but two?

      • I make dentures(medical devices), pick up and deliver 3 times across town, do everything by hand, and charge less than this. $6 is obviously too low, however people with genuine skills do not need 4 people (accountant, office person, hr, and shipping) to support one technician, $200+ obviously too high.

        I’m sorry if you don’t agree

        • How many lawyers do you need to not run afoul of the BATFE&RBFs&DIs (bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives, and really big fires, and dental implants)?

        • I’m wrong, you’re right. They should in fact raise the price to $399.

          Even though parts are AFAIK only regulated under rare circumstances (full auto, import/export), they should hire a couple full time lawyers just to be sure.

          Also, just in case it hurts someone, they should have an accountant house their assets in shell companies ready for the bankruptcy when the judge rules against them in a civil case, just in case you know?

          Gotta have a full time web designer……

          Wow these costs add up quick….

          Since the lawyers and accountants now control all the decisions maybe they can convince engineering to use substandard materials.

          Look, that design is a one man operation, two max. Scaling it up doesn’t make it more expensive, surely they can charge more if people pay it. However the fact is, people will not buy it at this price. If you do, you are just fiscally irresponsible.

        • Likely as not, the costs are there to amortize the costs of man-hours in development, the costs of a building to house the equipment, the costs of the equipment, the power for said equipment and all the other sundry items involved in manufacturing.

          The costs are far more than just raw materials and a couple hours of a machinist’s time.

    • If you think you can make it at higher quality and sell it for a lower price, go for it. It’s not like it’s a particularly unique idea.

    • Precision machining is expensive. The fit on a device like this has to be perfect or you’ll end up sending your baffle stack downrange.

    • Really? You can make the mold for $6? How much does your labor cost?

      Quit being obtuse. There’s a cost to the machines to do it and the knowledge to run them. Then supply chain… $6 might be material cost, but labor and your start up cost is not an insignificant sum.

    • Considering how many CNC machinists I have seen balk at tolerances at or below 0.002″, I highly doubt your claim. Especially when I measure their parts that end up around 0.01″.

  2. Just make sure you mount it so it swings sideways. Otherwise you’d have a folder thing that goes up!

  3. So a mount that is little more than a hinge w/ some threads on it costs near 300.00? Only in the gun world. If the exact piece was a mount for . . . anything else . . . it would cost under 100.00. Even if it legitimately costs (near) that much to make it, it would not fetch that amount darn near anyindustry else. And yes, I know that other (firearm) mounts, rings, and rails are near this price but still; I would expect a custom part to cost that much – or less. Heck, you guys have reviewed guns that cost less than that. Are you telling me this accessory is more expensive to make than this:


    This is a DoD level of craziness. I guess the cost of crazy pills have gone down. Oh yeah – and baffle strike.

  4. Super serious question: how well does a suppressor attenuate the report when the bullet is smaller than the caliber of the suppressor? For example how well does a .357/9mm suppressor work on a .308 caliber bullet or even a .223 caliber bullet? How well does a .45 caliber suppressor work on .357, .308, or even .223?

    Caveat: assume that the .357 or .45 caliber suppressor/s can handle the pressure level of a .308 Winchester cartridge.

    • You can easily run a 7.62 suppressor on a 5.56 gun, but if you run a .45.suppressor on a 7.62 gun you are going to have a really bad day.

      • I suspect that a .45 suppressor cannot handle the muzzle blast (pressure) of a 7.62×51 cartridge which was the reason for my caveat. At any rate suppose a .45 suppressor had no trouble handing the blast pressure of a 7.62×51 (or even .30-06) — how well would it suppress 7.62×51? How well would it suppress 5.56×45?

        Back to the real world, how well would a 7.62 suppressor suppress 5.56 ammunition? How well would a .45 suppressor suppress 9mm?

        • Surprisingly well, which is precisely many people save by buying “up-caliber” suppressors to cover their entire range of guns.

          Really, the only thing that you’re losing on is all the extra weight hanging at the end of your gun.

        • extremely well actually. the difference between my 223 and 30cal suppressors on 223 is pretty minimal. my 45acp suppressor works great on my 300blk, as does my 30cal suppressor. they suppress very similarly.

          overall internal volume and baffle design matter WAY more than bore size.

    • This is one of the reasons 99% supressors are absolute junk. It’s like installing a ‘Cherry Bomb’ in your car exhaust system- it’ll kinda do “something” but that something will be a waste of money.

      Acoustical wave patterns are unique to caliber, projectile, and load. The only way to truly effectively attenuate them is to design within those parameters for a single round. People buying silencers from almost any of the current plethora of ‘manufacturers’ should invest in an oil filter adapter and a case of filters – they’ll be more effective.

      • Make sure you have as many tax stamps as filters…

        “The adapter part is manufactured by Cadiz Gun Works, Jewett, OH and carries a registered serial number The oil filter will share the serial number of the adapter.”

        • The Econo Can Suppressor comes as a complete unit with the oil filter attached, serial numbered and registered with ATF/NFA.

          If or when you need to change the filter out, the ATF/NFA rules says it needs to come back to the original manufacture, which Cadiz Gun Works is. The cost is $25.00. The complete Econo-Can Suppressor can be shipped directly to us, for gunsmithing, which would be replacement/rehab/repair of the oil filter, with the serial # remarked, and documented as being replaced/rehabbed/repaired”


      • Well there it is. The stupidest thing I’ll read on the Internet all day.

        What does an oil filter meter at? How heavy is it on the gun? Can it handle full power .308? What about 5.56?

        You seem to have all the answers.

        We patiently await your reply.


        • That you have no idea how sound waves are managed or attenuated is a bit more “stupid”.

          Once again, the suggestion that a muffler for a 15K RPM 1.5L 4-banger will also function adequately on an 8K RPM 3.0 V6 is just complete ignorance of the process and the results.

          The answer is straightforward: CFD for a single round in a single caliber. From the charge to the projectile, it all affects the sound waves generated. As such, truly effective mitigation must be very specific. Catching up to the last 20 years of science will help you grasp the reality.

      • So less recoil, not spooking animals, not requiring hearing protection as often (still would use it on the range if using supersonic ammo) is junk?

        You obviously have never used a suppressor.

        • I’ve used state-of-the-shelf junk for 30 years. It’s “junk” because it’s nowhere near what it could be if it were designed properly.

          Just as Chevy Citations were steaming piles compared to contemporary Accords, today’s silencers are quite sad compared to what the future holds when someone actually uses the tech of the last decade to build one right.

    • I run 5.56 through a .30 cal can, and it works surprisingly well. As long as you are shooting in an open area, ear protection is unnecessary. The only reason for the caveat is the supersonic projectile, another way of saying that is that the sound level is very comparable to .300 blk supersonic ammo. I have not tried a comparison to a 5.56 suppressor, tho. I feel it was a totally worthwhile expenditure to purchase another suppressor mount for my 5.56 rifle in order to use it.

  5. There’s a message there, in the first caption..

    I think he’s warning us of something…


  6. If they are making something someone wants to buy (I don’t) and they’re the only game in town for it, they can charge what they like.

    Until someone else comes along and makes one better or less expensive and then they have to compete on price and features. Thus, the circle of life is completed. ‘Merica.

      • Yeah, but if it happens at the range, you get to hear the mocking laughter of your friends when they see what happens when your expensive metalwork turns into scrap.


    • That’s what the $299 is for. Precision machining (real precision not this .01″ crap) is not cheap.

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