“A deer can detect a perfectly camouflaged hunter simply by his eye movement,” stealthvisionhats.com informs. That’s f’ed up.


  1. Uh huh. And the act of tilting your head down to look through the mesh, and then back up to shoot is less obvious to Bambi than blinking? Good luck with that, Mr. Scott.

  2. I’d love to see this guy as a contestant on Shark Tank. Can’t you just see the deer-in-the-headlights looks of the Vulture Capitalist panelists when this guy walks in?

    My first question would be, so the mesh visor. Isn’t the purpose of the visor to keep the sun out of your eyes? How’s that work when you can see through it?


  3. How about an urban version? Then I can really look like the guy who sits at the bus stop, talking to himself and collecting odors.

  4. Wear sunglasses. I use a visor to block my face. I’ve seen plenty of ducks flare because they see a face or the back of your hands. Waterfowlers might eat this up. Mostly because it’s one more thing they can buy. 😀

  5. Dear Mr. Scott,

    When I go deer hunting, I wear my hat to the side like Lil Wayne and my buddies are too embarrassed to hunt with me. If I wear a cool Stealth Vision hat, do you think my buds will be impressed? How about the deer?

    Your friend,


    P.S.: I’ll trade you a TTAG hat for one of yours. There’s no mesh on the bill, but you can look through the little sweat holes if you don’t want to scare the deer.

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