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The much anticipated comic Steampunk Palin is out. The good folks at report that “This book contains fifteen pages of story, followed by eight pages of pin-ups of Sarah Palin [for people who are firearms-oriented, arch conservative and think it’s OK to keep your finger on the trigger in certain situations provided you have enough experience, skill and training]. If you actually felt a little sick start to crawl up the back of your throat when your first saw that, I can guarantee you weren’t the only one.” Saying that . . .

Reviewer Chris Murphy reckons Steampunk Palin is viral—but not in a good way.

This book is insane. By reading this book, I have become less sane. By having me relate this book to you, you have become less sane. By being printed onto paper, Steampunk Palin has made the world a less sane place than it was before.

Glad to do our part. [Thanks to Pete McKnight for the link]

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  1. Sarah plays to her base! These are her same positions on energy policy and Federalism as outlined in her books and speeches, now set forth in easy-to-digest graphic novel form.

  2. If she actually looked that hot, I’d actually vote for her, but actually she doesn’t so actually I’m not.

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