
(sponsored post)

We’re delighted to report that STI has decided to demo, sell and generally flaunt their products at the 2015 Texas Firearms Festival at Best of the West Shooting Sports in Liberty Hill, Texas on November 14 and 15. The Texas-based 1911-maker is (justifiably) famous for building 1911 “race guns” like the 2011 double-stack model in the bottom right hand corner of the picture above. [Note: the 2011’s grip diameter is only about 0.25” larger than a traditional 1911.] STI’s highly-praised, highly-tuned firearms are preferred by top-level IDPA competitors, found wherever handguns are run against each other for fun and profit. STI also manufactures their double-stack 1911s for . . .

civilian and military use, and sweet classic-looking models for concealed carry (shorter lengths available), target shooting, whatever. Check out that so-new-it’s-not-even-on-their-website Hex Tactical at the bottom left of the image above. Click here to read about my recent visit to STI with Bronze Star recipient Jonathan Wayne Taylor.

You’ll be able to get to grips – literally – with STI’s latest and greatest pistols including the Hex Tactical at the 2015 Texas Firearms Festival. (Free ammo, of course.) Once you fall in love with an STI’s lightweight ergonomic frame and crisp clean trigger, once you hear that Action Target steel ringing, you’ll want to purchase your very own STI right then and there. Just bring your driver’s license and/or CHL. Out-of-state residents will need their driver’s license, a copy of their local FFL dealer’s license (preferably) and a credit card.

We’ll publish more details about STI’s bay – the guns, gear, course of fire and more – as we get closer to the date. Which reminds me . . .

We’re getting closer to the date. To make sure lines never get too long, tickets to the 2015 Texas Firearms Festival are strictly limited. We’re talking 250 VIP and1500 shooting tickets per day. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Click here to buy yours today. And why not? STI’s gonna be there. So so should you.


  1. Didn’t a Texas judge just rule that sales of pistols to out of state buyers was legal?
    As long as they go through a FFL.

  2. Last year, I bought tickets (3) at the last minute, when the festival was already underway. I don’t think that will work again, I’m getting mine this week. Just gotta check with the kids, we will (again) have just killed a weekend at F1. Austin just rocks!

  3. F1 is fun as hell. And the firearms festival was one of the best values I have seen in a long time. I used it as purchasing research, since I got to shoot the crap out of the guns there. If the line wasn’t too long, the vendors had no problem with me having a few goes at it.
    As an aside, am I the only vet that rolls his eyes at the whole “Bronze Star Recipient” thing? I mean, I was also a Webelo, so I’ve got that going for me. Show me an E3 with a ARCOM with a V device, and I’ll tip my hat. JWT

    • Yeah, F1 is all manner of fun, but it’s difficult to call it value, I don’t think I’ll be buying one of those cars, or anything produced by their manufacturers, in my lifetime, and it ain’t cheap! The Firearms Festival, OTOH, was just awesome. Much more reasonable cost, endless different things to do, and at the end of Sunday, all kinds of stuff for sale at wildly discounted prices, nobody wants to pack it up and carry it back home. I bought 400 rounds of Remington .300 Blk 220g sub for $300, something like $200+ below retail. If you wanna try that, pack you some cash, they don’t like credit cards at those prices.

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