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Still Time to Register for the 39th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in San Diego

TTAG Contributor - comments 15 comments

If you’re a gun owner and find yourself near San Diego this weekend—or are willing to make the trip—there’s still time to register for the 39th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC), set to take place from September 27 to 29 at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley. Co-hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), the event promises to bring together a diverse group of gun rights advocates and activists under the theme “Empower, Educate and Defend!”

Registration for the event is still open on the SAF website, and for those unable to attend in person, the entire conference will be livestreamed across multiple platforms, including SAF’s YouTube channel.

The conference, which has become a key annual event for gun rights supporters, will feature nearly 40 speakers from across the Second Amendment community. Topics will range from the latest legislative developments to strategies for the 2024 elections and ongoing firearms-related litigation. Featured speakers include prominent figures such as National Review columnist John Fund, SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, SAF President Massad Ayoob, SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut, and several others from organizations such as the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and the National Rifle Association (NRA).

The schedule of events kicks off on Friday evening, September 27, with registration and a reception from 7 to 9 p.m. The full conference will take place on Saturday, starting at 8 a.m. and running until 5:30 p.m., followed by an evening reception. The final session will be held on Sunday morning from 9 a.m. to noon.

Gottlieb emphasized the urgency of this year’s event, given the upcoming national elections and ongoing challenges to the Second Amendment. “The timing and importance of this year’s conference cannot be overstated,” Gottlieb said. “With the national elections just over the horizon and the Second Amendment under constant attack, this weekend’s gathering takes on a special significance.”

Sponsors for this year’s GRPC include major industry names such as SIG SAUER, Silencer Shop, Taurus, Magpul, Lipsey’s, Blackout Coffee, and Kali Key.

For more information and registration details, visit saf.org.

15 thoughts on “Still Time to Register for the 39th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in San Diego”

  1. I would not set foot in Gun Control CA anymore than nazi newsob would set foot around me.

    Connect the h to view assassin’s perverted son doing the jailhouse rock…
    h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=A4HC6xd5ioU&feature=shared

  2. I guess, on some level, it makes sense to hold an ‘In your face’ rally in the heart of enemy territory, however, I avoid spending any money in California. I avoid purchasing from CA-based companies. Why??? Because….California.

    • Uh yeah. It’s absurd to hold a “gun rights conference” where you can’t have a gun. Might as well hold it in NYC or Chiraq😧

      • This^^^

        I suppose with SAF involved it’ll be on the Left Coast somewhere. I just can’t see supporting any part of any state that seeks to enslave the people who are trapped there.

  3. BREAKING: Harris Vows To DESTROY Filibuster & ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE Inside Dems… “SHAME ON HER” (note: for those who did not know the Filibuster is a primary tool used by democrats in congress. Its just not reported on by the left wing media, and actually almost rarely used by republicans which is reported on by left wing media making it look like to the public the republicans use the Filibuster to keep bills from being passed all the time and its not true).

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daCwx-zUHSQ

  4. How Schools Are Cancelling Pro Second Amendment Speech.

    “Imagine if one of your children wanted to wear a Gadsden Flag shirt, or a Washington Gun Law hat to school? What would the school district do? Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses that exact scenario in the matter of C.S. v. McCrumb, a case now before the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. The challenge here is to a school district’s determination that a “come and take it” hat was inappropriate for school attire. Problem is that this issue is pretty well-settled case law and this now opens a whole new can of worms of litigation. ”

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E96obIvm4lo

  5. Bad Arguments For Gun Control Get Debunked Following Latest Assassination Attempt.

    h ttps://bearingarms.com/tomknighton/2024/09/24/bad-arguements-for-gun-control-get-debunked-following-latest-assassination-attempt-n1226331

  6. Florida AG Declines to Defend State’s Open Carry Ban.

    h ttps://bearingarms.com/tomknighton/2024/09/24/florida-ag-declines-defending-states-open-carry-ban-n1226330

  7. Real shocker …just like we told ’em would happen… New York’s Restrictive Laws Aren’t Stopping Kids From Bringing Guns to School.

    h ttps://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2024/09/24/new-yorks-restrictive-laws-arent-stopping-kids-from-bringing-guns-to-school-n1226339

  8. Trump Assassin’s Son Arrested! Cardinal Calls Out Kamala!

    h ttps://bearingarms.com/videos/2024/09/24/trump-assassins-son-arrested-cardinal-calls-out-kamala-n1226338

  9. Wholesome Trump Moment CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Democrats Want Him JAILED FOR THIS?!

    Donald Trump visited a grocery store in Pennsylvania while on the campaign trail to highlight the rising costs of Kamala Harris’ inflation crisis. While he was there, he stopped to help a mother pay for her expensive groceries — but liberals are LOSING THEIR MINDS over this.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIWTPrRGYU4


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