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Strych9’s Wife’s Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

John Boch - comments No comments

While Strych9 carries a full-size H&K USP .45, his wife packs an FN FNS-9c with a spare magazine. Good on her for not only carrying, but carrying a reload too. Reloads are important.  In a nutshell because, as Clint Smith says, the fight will last until you run out of ammo.   And in this case, it looks like Strych9’s wife carries Hornady Critical Defense.

And while the Black Arch holster and gun look barely out of the package, that’s a well-worn Spyderco knife.  He said she carries the rest of her stuff in her purse.  As do most ladies I know.

I’d like to know Strych9’s secret for getting his wife to carry most of the time. Frankly I’d be a lot happier if my wife carried even part of the time!

For a complete description (and links to where you can get some of this for yourself), follow the link to Everyday Carry.

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