(courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

TTAG Commentator Fred Friendly left this underneath our DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: What’s the Dumbest Thing You’ve Heard A Politician Say About Guns Recently?

Stupid Democrat swine. They can’t even do basic math, they are stuck with Obama Math. Biden and the average Dumbocrat will say AR15s must be banned because they “hold too many bullets” and that shotguns are all anyone needs for protection. Lets do some actual math, not Dumbocrat Math.

The average magazine used in the average AR15 is a 30 rounder. The Batman Colorado movie shooter used a Betamag, but that is an exception in these mass shootings, and his jammed after 20 rds. Most shootings using an AR15 used a standard 30 rd mag which means 30 .22cal rounds can be put on target before reloading.

The average pump shotgun holds 5 shot shells in the feeding tube, Double 00 buck has 9 pellets per shell. 9×5 = 45 .32 cal pellets that can be put on target before reloading. Some shotguns have 9 rd tubes, meaning 9×9= 81 .32 cal pellets on target before reload.

45 vs. 30 or 81 vs. 30. Either way, Crazy Joe’s shotgun puts alot more lead on target at close ranges than the AR15. Of course this example doesnt take long range accuracy, different mags, etc etc….into account, but it does display the complete ignorance of the leftist stooges who obsess over what’s really a nominally destructive platform. If this is all about capacity, the AR15 is underwhelming compared to a 9 rd shotgun.

Just a little regular math to use when some idiot leftist stooge is spouting Obama Math.


  1. American gun owners are far more likely to injure themselves or someone else with their firearm than to stop a criminal. The study, by the Violence Policy Center, found there were 258 justifiable homicides involving civilians using firearms in 2012, compared with 8,342 murders by gun.

    Even if a criminal isn?t shot down, the study found that civilians rarely use guns to protect themselves. ?Intended victims of property crimes engaged in self-protective behavior with a firearm? only 0.1 percent of the times they were targeted by a #$%$.

    The report, titled ?Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use? relied on FBI and Bureau of Justice data. The Violence Policy Center said the report disproves the premise of arguments by the National Rifle Association that more guns in the hands of regular people will reduce crime.

      • Not even quoted, literally just cut and pasted (the question marks are usually placeholders for fancy quote glyphs that didn’t translate from the source).

    • Trying not to feed the troll, but…

      Armed victims of attack have death rates an order of magnitude lower than unarmed victims.

    • And, of course, the group you quote has no agenda what so ever. BS. They have already stated their position and will twist the data to meet that agenda. (The same propaganda techniques used by the USSR, Germany, and many other governments, including our own.)

      The CDC doesn’t list guns among the top 15 causes of death in the USA. Further, they separate out suicides, justified shootings (self defense)al shootings (law enforcement) according to the FBI, Bunch and others combine the data in order to pump up the figures they quote. The FBI has, on more than one occasion, publicly repudiated the statistics anti-gun groups quote the FBI as having in their data files. According to both the FBI and CDC, more people are killed by blunt objects (rocks, clubs, fists, etc) than by guns.

    • Replace “gun” with “car” or “toaster” or “ladder” and you have made the case you are a Stupid Democrat Swine, because blaming inanimate objects for the actions of humans is pretty freakin stupid.

    • Well I’ll reply with something actually relevant, and mention that my 00 12ga buckshot has 12 pellets per round. The maths change again!

      • Yes. I’m thinking about doing a video showing a Fudd approved OU shotgun with 3″ 00Buck.
        See, the antis don’t just have a fetish with capacity, they also cry about rate of fire. Well even a full auto selected M16 can’t put 30 projectiles downrange faster than I can with my 12 gauge field gun. I’m guessing around 9,000 rpm. That’s both barrels discharged in 0.2 seconds throwing 15 .30 caliber pellets each.
        The bad guys’ favorite target these days is a crowded “security” line at airports. Hard to miss that many sheep packed in a corral.

  2. Making the left’s case for them? They may as well as ban shotguns along with the AR.

    • Yes! Don’t forget that Biden said “double-barreled shotgun”, not pump shotgun.

      He would come after pump shotguns too if he had the chance.

      Make no mistake about it. The agenda is incremental. Scotland is cracking down on pellet rifles now!

      • The DP12 is a double barrel shotgun. Also only pumps half as often as every other pump shotgun, so it’s only half as deadly. A common-sense gun that should never be grabbed!

      • Based on European/French gun laws here, a smooth pump-action shotgun is heavily regulated and restricted, just as much as any semi-auto rifles and handguns and only available for sport shooters. Rifled pump-action shotguns are not restricted, but still registered and regulated for hunters and sport shooters.

        Since the end goal for gun grabbers in the US is to end like in Europe, Australia or the UK, there’s no doubt they will come for the pump-action shotguns once they got the semi-auto rifles and handguns. Don’t doubt about that.

    • Agreed…. Keep the left as stupid as possible and educate the fense sitters and unwitting parrots. That way when the fense sitters and parrots hear the lefties sound like idiots talking about guns, it’ll push them over to our side.

    • Yeah, but maybe crazy uncle Joe thought he would be attacked by a drone! Some folks say he lowers the average IQ of the Dem party, and none of them could be described as the sharpest tool in the drawer.

      • The funny thing is that, despite disagreeing with him on the majority of his policy positions, I could see myself enjoying shooting the shit with Joe over a beer or two… or maybe a 12 pack. I pity the drone that would fly overhead.

        • I think mean “enjoy shooting Joe’s shit”.

          Pretty sure spending time with the “dumbest VP in US history” would be an interesting as hearing Hillary speak/claw a chalkboard.

  3. Does the shotgun come standard with the shoulder thing that goes up? How about a silencer? Can we make ghost shotguns illegal?

  4. I still opt for the AR, I fat finger and fumble loading shotshells in a mag tube when trying to go fast.

  5. I have spent too much time training, too much time reading reports and articles about the anatomy of a shooting, and I have watched too many videos on the subject to fall for the myth that magazine capacity has any significant affect on the lethality of a mass shooting. There is simply no time between reloads to run from cover and physically attack the assailant before he finishes his reload. This includes revolvers using a New York reload.

    • And when the police take three hours to mount an effective response, as they did in Orlando, a single wacko with a freaking musket could shoot 100 trapped and defenseless victims.

  6. I’ve always been partial to #4 buck. 41 pellets. I believe those are .25 caliber.

    • So even a double-barrel shotgun would put 82 .25 cal shot downrange almost immediately. Hell, it would take almost two seconds for the average AR to handle that rate of fire! (/sarc)

    • Don’t worry, they wanted to take that away from you long before the math proved it.

      All the above referenced comment does is reinforce the stereotype of knuckle dragging mouth breathing rednecks with anger problems and high blood pressure. Seriously “dumbocrat” was used more times than I care to count…. did I close my eyes and wake up on a middle school playground?

  7. Ummmm..let’s not edumacate dumbfluck dumbocrats. Those with a(very) short memory forget the Navy yard shooter. Definite rumblings of banning so-called “tactical” 18″ barrel shotties. Up close and personal yeah I want a shotgun…

  8. LOL… Of course the statist wants all of the guns eventually, the fact that they don’t know anything about them not withstanding.

  9. Sigh… I hate when people use disingenuous arguments to try and make a point. A scattergun is more lethal against a single target at close range, but you can’t compare a shotgun shell to a semiautomatic rifle in terms of ability to take down multiple targets in a short time. That’s like saying my Glock 19 with the Advantage Arms .22 Conversion Kit and 30 round magazine is as lethal as an AR-15. Would anyone out there try and make that argument? I like being able to send 30 rounds downrange without having to reload, but that isn’t the weapon I’d take with me on a shooting spree…

    • In a small closed space with 300+ targets and limited exits, where the shooter is only interested in getting hits, not WHO he hits, and he knows with reasonable certainty that no one will be shooting back, a shotgun with 00 buck would be devastating. I shudder to think of the result of aiming head-high into such a crowd. And that’s not to mention the available horizontal choke that gives a flat pattern instead of a round pattern.


    • God help the poor, disarmed souls who are at the mercy of a Saiga-wielding Muslim extremist. Instead of needing 3-4 .223 rounds per victim, one shell for each would suffice.

    • Sigh….why put a .22 conversion on your G19 when you can just insert a 31 rd mag and have 31 rds of 9MM? Talk about disingenuous…..you miss the point entirely.

  10. I’m far more afraid of my 12 gauge at normal range than a AF15. The shooter could miss me with an AR 15 but a 112 gauge with 00 buck shot will probably hit me and anyone else near me. My 12 gauge pump is not that much slower than a semi-auto rifle if you actually take aim with rifle. Aiming is not much of an issue with a shotgun as long as you point it in the general direction of your target.

    • Clearly you have never patterned a shotgun.

      Before you spend more time parroting ignorant, internet-inspired misinformation, take a 12 gauge to the range, load it with 00 buck, and shoot some paper plates at 10 yards.

      (Hint – if you’re any good, you can get all nine pellets on a 10″ paper plate at that distance.)

      Notwithstanding the semantics of aiming vs. pointing a shotgun (the difference is not relevant here), if you think all you need to do to hit something with a shotgun is point it in the general direction, then you know less about shotguns than Joe Biden.

      • You and Taylor are correct. When I bought my Mossberg 930 JM Pro, it only had one choke, Modified. I had to get very good at aiming to hit clays. I was able to hit more than half. At the range one day, a guy in the next lane was shooting bird shot and sometimes hitting only half of the paper of a full size silhouette. Then he hit the backing holder and knocked the entire target to the floor. I was shooting mine and was getting all pellets within the torso area from 15 yards. I thought, no wonder I couldn’t hit the fast moving clays. Have a Skeet choke now and I’m around 90% hits.
        But I think the topic is concerning mass shooters. Shooting into a crowd. I think the shotgun could be devastating in that scenario.

  11. This is why we can’t have nice things.
    Eventually they are coming for my rape whistle!

  12. An suppressed sbs double stage bullpup shotgun in the fn p90 art white 30 +1 rounds is an wet dream for me.
    Closed to 18/26 + and it can traveld to mostley non communistic states after one tax infrigment accept.

  13. This article misses the point. The Leftist politician’s focus on the AR-15 is not the result of mathematical incompetence. Nor is it about safety, crime control, or any form of “common sense.” The Leftists’ obsession with the rifles springs from their understanding that the rifles diminish the state’s preponderance of force.

    • That, plus the fact that they know they have no chance of convincing the public to ban handguns right now.

    • Precisely. Leftists fear firearms for the same reasons criminals do. A parasite facing a dangerous host will squeal any nonsense to try to even the odds.

  14. the power of a shotgun is absolutely devastating, anyone who fears an ar has never used a shotgun (or an ar for that matter)

  15. #1 buck is 15 .30 cal pellet in a 2.75″. Yes, I am loaded up with 8 rounds in my 870 for HD. I assume its all I need for HD.

  16. Giving too much space to “witty” comment that best left where it belongs (among comment) is what “AR hurt my shoulder” writer trolls love. Not good.

  17. Guess this made some people think, which is a good thing. Stupid Democrat swine don’t want people thinking. The basic premise that a bare bones 200.00 shotgun can put more and larger pieces of lead on short range targets is sound.

    As far as making shotguns the next cause du celeb of the Democrat swine, well, they are playing for all the marbles anyway. Don’t blame me for pointing out the mathematic idiocy of their arguments. Once they get their “assault rifle” ban they will march on to the handgun ban, the single shot 50 ban, the airgun ban, the crossbow ban, the blowpipe ban. Then Crazy Joes double barrel will be the last into the recycling grinder in their delusional utopia. Of course, the realists among us know that all these guns arent going anywhere. There are too many in too many hands, especially in the last couple years thanks to Obama. In that sense, he has done a great service to the gun community. That said, the gun grabbing leftists will never stop their attempts to completely shred the Bill of Rights, starting with the 1st Amendment, which TTAG has provided a wonderful forum to pursue.

    These stupid Democrat swine are blaming inanimate objects for the criminal actions of humans. The mere premise of their argument is completely illogical and inane. Countering them with logic and truth is all I have.

  18. My five shot revolver 410 tarus judge is my night stand “shotgun”. PDX Defender ammunition. Four pellets and sixteen BBs per shell.
    An invader might crawl through my window but they will be carried out the front door feet first.
    My 590 with a 20 inch barrel is harder to maneuver in a hallway than a hand gun.

  19. Do we really want this posted? All that this does in my opinion is tell the potg what we already know and give fuel to the left. Think with their logic: if shotguns are more lethal than AR’s, then ban both. They won’t see this and decide not to ban “assault weapons.” I guess it’s just for the sake of discussion but I honestly don’t see what good can come from this.

    (I hate that my first post is negative. I’ve been lurking around ttag for a year. I love this site.)

    • You’re operating under the assumption that they don’t actually want to take all guns, period. They do. It’s an incremental approach, they are never satisfied until they have accumulated all power over every aspect of human life. For guns, it starts with machine guns and short barrels, then concealed carry, then open carry. They don’t want you to have a military rifle, because bolt actions are good enough for hunting. If they ever managed to get the ARs confiscated, then they would start making noise about how bolt actions are really sniper rifles, and didn’t we just have this conversation about how military rifles don’t belong in civilian hands?

      It’s not just guns, either. They don’t want you to have a big car, so they gradually ramp up the mileage requirements. They don’t want you to smoke, so they keep raising the taxes. People switch to the e-cigarettes, and they try and ban those too, but somehow marijuana is still ok- I’m sure it’s not because the kind of people who use it are already fans of big government…

      Think of any aspect of life, and I bet you can find a way the political left wants to tell you what you can do, when you can do it, and how much you need to pay them to regulate it. Unless it’s something that encourages or protects freedom. Then you’re a domestic terror risk and need to be stopped. Or at least put on a list somewhere.

      Oh, and shotguns? Those are so terribly destructive that the Germans thought they shouldn’t be allowed in civilized warfare back in WW1. How on earth can you let the great unwashed have weapons so dastardly even the Germans thought they were too much?

    • Based on your leftist logic, the 1st Amendment should be struck down and the internet as well. There are umpteen million web pages how to reload ammo, how to use various weapons, how to employ military tactics etc etc….

      When you expound censorship of thoughts, and facts, you are ready for Hillary.

  20. I imagine that when they get around to banning shotguns that M4 is going to be at the top of the list.

    • Yes, but only after the Saigas, VEPRs, MKA1919, etc..mag feed shotguns are considered double evil.

  21. Ive been saying it for years. The S&W Governor puts as much or more rounds in the air as a wonder 9. Add 0 chance of a safety fumble or jam and it’s hands down the #1 home defender. Not even touching on the fact it can use full moon .45 (ACP) clips or buffalo bore .45 colt’s.

  22. More projectiles are leaving the barrel for sure, but that doesn’t equate to more targets hit. A 9 shot round of 00 isn’t going to hit 9 targets. It will likely hit 1 target 9 times. I would say the math here isn’t incorrect, but doesn’t really make a solid point.

    • It makes the point that all the furor over “high capacity” is just a myth used by the gun grabbers. In the Orlando shooting, not everyone was hit, does that mean the AR15 (MCX) is an incredibly in accurate platform? Or is it that in these shootings, its not the accuracy that matters but the TERROR that is created? Without getting into the complicated math of hit ratios in the various AR15 involved shootings, suffice to say, a shotgun would have created the same terror and casualty rates. What seems to be escaping the commentors like yourself here, but which Farago obviously understood clearly, is that the leftist argument that “high capacity” firearms are in and of themselves somehow more lethal is just a flat out lie which is deconstructed simply with comparison to other platforms which the left has considered “OK” in their byzantine approach to gun control.

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