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“When it comes to capturing the zeitgeist, there’s no greater festival than Sundance, which may explains (sic) why the festival arrives armed with plenty of firepower this year — literally,” reports. “Sundance has its finger on the pulse (or the trigger) of America with a handful of movies that examine gun violence, a hot-button topic topic . . .

Katie Couric returns to Park City with her “Fed Up” collaborator Stephanie Soechtig for “Under the Gun,” a documentary that explores both side of the gun control debate. The film will feature never-before-seen footage of the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, which also happens to be the subject of Tim Sutton’s narrative feature “Dark Night.”

Aurora isn’t the only national tragedy under the lens at Sundance, as Kim Snyder’s documentary “Newtown” looks at the Connecticut community that came together in the wake of a school shooting that left 27 innocent people dead. [Clip above.]

The firearms frenzy isn’t restricted to feature-length films either, as AJ Schnack’s short documentary “Speaking Is Difficult” will also tackle the subject of gun violence.

So bloody shirt waving is the order of the day in doc-land. As for the idea that this epidemic of anti-gun agitprop reflects the zeitgeist, I’m not buying it. Nor will moviegoers. The trend is a predictable outgrowth of Hollywood’s unending desire to atone (in their minds) for their exploitation of firearms-related fiction.

[h/t collector 4444)

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  1. I don’t think atonement has anything to do with it. That would require a level of self-awareness and introspection I don’t usually associate with Hollywood.

    I think it’s simply something they think makes them look all nice and socially conscious and relevant. Amond their peers, at any rate.

    • It has nothing to do with atonement or being a social justice warrior. Its all about the almighty dollar. Most films shown at Sundance are made for the same reason that movies are made in Hollywood, to cash in on whatever is popular to make a buck. Gun control is the issue de jour for libs, so they make movies about it.

      • +1. And pal around with their equally morally superior Elites Who Know Whats Best for the Rest of Us.

    • It’s even simpler than that: Hollywood is and always has been the way policy is prepared…

  2. “To understand who rules over you find out whom you are not permitted to criticize.” The terms “Cultural Marxism” and “Frankfurt School” are two indicators of where the civilian disarmament movement has its roots. The gun control movement is just one branch of a much larger effort to irretrievably alter our society.

  3. There’s a flood coming.

    The 2A crowd wants to take direct control of the situation by building, planning and preparing to survive the inevitable.

    The other side wants to put up “No Flood Zone” signs and curse/limit us for admitting the force of nature exists and daring to face it on our own.

  4. “So bloody shirt waving is the order of the day in doc-land.”

    It’s all they’ve got, and they know it.

    In a *slightly* related Sundance story, one of the movies being shown there has a farting *corpse* as a central ‘character’…

    I wish I was kidding:

    “Sundance: Daniel Radcliffe’s Farting Corpse Movie Prompts Walk-Outs”

    That is what they consider ‘Art’…

      • The Left destroys EVERYTHING it touches.

        Art, music, films, education, media, governments, marriage, and its next victim will be science with the global warming hysteria (I’m not saying there isn’t any climate change but rather it isn’t worth bankrupting the western world as we try to “do something even it saves one polar bear”)

        “Being on the Left means never having to say you’re wrong or sorry”….Dennis Prager

        • That is the point of today’s progressivism, which follows the postmodernist movement. Postmodernism encompasses deconstructivism, which aims to deconstruct and re-define art, literature, etc., and question the very reality of a thing or idea.

    • The number one movie was called: A$$. And that’s all it was for 90 mins. It won eight oscars that year including best screenplay.

  5. The Sundunce Film Festival is ridiculous, and I rather thought the South Park parody of it to hit the nail on the head with the hammer.

  6. The trend is a predictable outgrowth of Hollywood’s unending desire to atone (in their minds) for their exploitation of firearms-related fiction.
    Real credibility building going on Hollyweird.

  7. “When it comes to capturing the zeitgeist, there’s no greater festival than Sundance… Sundance has its finger on the pulse (or the trigger) of America…”

    Sundance may have its finger on the pulse of parts of America that regularly use the term ‘zeitgeist’ but I wouldn’t broaden that out to the country as a whole.

  8. I got an email from an outfit called “Brave New Films” asking fr money to support making a “documentary” advocating gun control, for this festival.

    I told them thanks for the reminder, and every time they asked me to support their efforts to “destroy the NRA”, I would send the NRA ten dollars (after telling them I am the NRA, because guns have meant protection for myself and a few friends).

  9. “Under the Gun,” a documentary that explores both side of the gun control debate.

    Both sides? Hahahahahahahah! Stop, Hollywood! You’re killing me!

    Maybe next year we’ll have a documentary that explores both sides of the White Oscars.

  10. Isn’t Sundance just another smaller and whiter version of the racist mainstream Hollywood?

    I love when the Left eats their own.

  11. Well Bob Redford has gone on record for total gun control. Anyone surprised at Sundance? Funny but his character in Captain America II was all about control but from a Nazi point(Hydra) point of view. Good to see him die at the end…

  12. You mean the same Sundance that snuffed “Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman” aka the Butch Cassidy of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid because the director is a conservative? Yet the movie is ranked in the top documentaries of the year by sales?

    Yup. Not surprised.

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