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  1. “Well Greg, whaddaya think about that?”
    “..was outstanding!”

    That’s what Johnnie Fritz thinks too. I’ll have ten right after Joe gets his, please.

  2. Outstanding. They hang a little low, but if they are more reliable than Betas then it’s probably worth it.

  3. This goodie is clearly aimed for the USMC, to feed the hungry H&K416s that will (or may) replace their SAWs. Many of us have wondered how the Devil Dogs would ditch their belt-fed SAWs for 30-round 416s and expect to deliver an equivalent volume of fire. Now we have an answer. Drum magazines are another possible answer, which would allow a lower silhouette while firing prone. Linear magazines over 30 rounds are too tall for prone shooting.

    This isn’t the first effort at a tapered triple- or quadruple-stack magazine: search YouTube for “AK 74” and you’ll eventually watch a Russian noncommissioned officer emptying a prototype 60-round tapered box magazine.

    Because of the constant curve of the Kalashnikov magazine, its magazines have proven historically more reliable than the AR’s partly curved, partly straight feed path. We’ll see if Surefire has addressed this successfully.

    • SureFire lists the prices on their website (“coming soon”, apparently) at $139 for the 60-rounder, and $179 for the 100-rounder.

  4. @ Chris Dumm……………I agree, even if Surefire doesn’t get the contract, or if another company gets some of the pie….this has to be going to the IAR/M27 program. Should be interesting to see (over time) how pulling some of the SAW’s out from < paltoon.

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