FILE- In this Aug. 25, 2020 file photo, Gaige Grosskreutz, top, tends to an injured protester during clashes with police outside the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis. Within minutes, Grosskreutz was shot. Prosecutors say 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two men during a chaotic protest Aug. 25. They've also accused Rittenhouse of shooting Grosskreutz in the arm.(AP Photo/David Goldman, File)
In this Aug. 25, 2020 file photo, Gaige Grosskreutz, top, tends to an injured protester during clashes with police outside the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis. Within minutes, Grosskreutz was shot. Prosecutors say 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two men during a chaotic protest Aug. 25. They’ve also accused Rittenhouse of shooting Grosskreutz in the arm.(AP Photo/David Goldman, File)

From the Associated Press . . .

Claims filed on behalf of two men shot by an Illinois teen during a night of protests over a police shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, allege the city and Kenosha County were negligent in their response to the unrest.

Gaige Grosskreutz, who was seriously wounded, and the parents of Anthony Huber, who was killed, have each filed $10 million claim notices with both the city and county. The notices usually are precursors to lawsuits filed against local governments.

Grosskreutz and Huber were shot by 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse on Aug. 25 during violent protests that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man who was left partially paralyzed when a white officer fired numerous shots into his back as police tried to arrest him.

Rittenhouse, who is now 18, is charged with five felonies, including first-degree intentional homicide. He claims he fired his assault-style rifle in self-defense.

Grosskreutz’s attorney, Kimberly Motley, says the actions, or inactions, by police and sheriff’s deputies are tied to the shootings.

Motley said the claims lack details typically found in civil suits because the plaintiffs don’t want to interfere with the ongoing prosecution of Rittenhouse, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, is free on $2 million bail while awaiting trial.

The city of Kenosha is preparing for protests when a charging decision comes in the police shooting of Blake, officials said Sunday. A decision is expected within the next two weeks.


  1. Wait a minute, I thought you cockroaches didnt want a law enforcement presence! Oh, I see, kinda like the idiot who wants to defund the police and then has to call 911!

    • First thing they did in Portland when their Molotov blew up on themselves, was ask for help in putting the fires out… These assholes are hypocrites. Miner49er will no doubt make an appearance here and we should all just ignore his childish antics. Do not reply to these assholes here. They ban us and censor us everywhere else, the least we can do is ignore them here. We already know their comments. We already know what they are going to say. Nothing will change their minds. Nothing will change their attacks and biasedness. Ignore them. Miner is no doubt the worst one on these forums, and this kind of stuff is the only thing he comments on. He contributes nothing of value to the gun community, and many others don’t as well. Simply ignore them.

      • “Miner is no doubt the worst one on these forums”

        Thank you for taking the time to mention me in your dispatch, I am gratified that you were thinking about my opinions.

        • Rittenhouse, who is now 18, is charged with five felonies, including first-degree intentional homicide. He claims he fired his assault-style rifle in self-defense.

          The numerous videos detail everything. It was obvious self defense. This is a case of them throwing everything they could at him (5 felonies? Seriously?) hoping they would stick. Prosecutor needs to get a life (and an new address).

          Grosskreutz’s attorney, Kimberly Motley, says the actions, or inactions, by police and sheriff’s deputies are tied to the shootings.

          This attorney of Mr. Gross, just wants the publicity. If he loses – great. If he wins – great. It’s a win win situation for him so why not. As far the police/sheriff. Shots were fired and they responded. Next time have a more peaceful protest?

          The city of Kenosha is preparing for protests when a charging decision comes in the police shooting of Blake, officials said Sunday. A decision is expected within the next two weeks.

          These protestors should be laughed at and stigmatized. When Blake is in good health, he should be charged, tried, and sent to prison, in a wheelchair. Next time assault and rape less? Yeah?

          Blake is no victim. The protestors are just using PC for their advantage for potential future gibs. They need to get a life, and a job.

        • Miner…….When I drive over big piles of cow shit in the field, I sometimes remark about it, but that doesn’t mean I value its opinion. Just that it is cow shit.

  2. My old motto remains the same…..”If it doesn’t concern you, stay the hell out of it”.
    He hasn’t earned anything in his life to lose but his future!

    My boy is a good boy! He was not doing anything wrong!

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!!

  4. I hope Kyle’s life is somehow salvaged out of this situation in a way that makes him somewhat happy. That young man shouldn’t have been charged in the first place I think.

    • Didn’t Kyle’s attorney ditch him to join Trump’s election lawsuit?
      Who is defending Kyle now?

      • L. Lin Wood was working for him as a civil attorney and I believe was helping hire/coordinate criminal attorneys. I don’t know if he’s still working for Kyle in that capacity, but it appears no civil suits will be filed until after the criminal case is closed.

        I hadn’t heard of him being officially involved in the election mess, but I guess it’s possible.

        • Oh, don’t trouble yourself with a reply, I was just providing some information regarding attorney Lin Woods’ current endeavors.

        • Weren’t they suing Biden-Harris for smearing Kyle as a white supremacist? They deserve a big payout for that. Wood should stick to defamation cases. His foray into politics makes him look like a nut.

        • Apparently, they will be suing thousands of individuals and organizations sometime in the very near future, believe me.

          Oh yes, I remember the glory days of Trump’s ‘elite strike force’, good times!

          Unfortunately, at this point they just seem like a reboot of F Troop.

          But you have to admit, trump probably enjoys working with these attorneys, they seem to share a similar business practice philosophy:

          “Pierce, a Los Angeles civil litigator, faces several collection actions for hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of dollars from past litigation funders and vendors. A Texas-based foundation he started with Wood — now focused on trying to thwart Georgia elections — already raised about $2 million for Rittenhouse’s defense. Some of it was probably paid to Pierce and other lawyers, and some might have gone to posting Rittenhouse’s $2 million bail, but neither Wood, Pierce nor the foundation has provided a clear accounting.“

  5. “The city of Kenosha is preparing for protests when a charging decision comes in the police shooting of Blake, officials said Sunday.”

    Anyone care to lay odds on the chances they choose to not charge the officers involved?

    Yeah, me neither…

  6. “Motley said the claims lack details typically found in civil suits because the plaintiffs don’t want to interfere with the ongoing prosecution of Rittenhouse.”

    Huh? I thought they wanted the guy crucified…or is it that they want to avoid alleging (at this point anyway) the “comparative fault” of Rittenhouse vis-a-vis the public entities? Anyway, I suspect that these claims are not likely to succeed. The police have no duty to protect individuals, nor to disarm people carrying firearms (like this guy GrossKreutz was) without probable cause.

  7. allege the city and Kenosha County were negligent in their response to the unrest.

    So what now? The rioting “protestors” are pissed because the cops DID NOT arrest them for rioting, burning businesses, illegally possessing a firearm and assaulting people? That shit won’t fly…

    • “The lawsuit is frivolous.”

      Since when has that ever stopped Leftist scum?

  8. So, the leftist pieces of shit that caused the unrest are now whining about the unrest? Some worthless lawyer representing him/it. It’s a mental disorder that has spread like a cancer.

    • Lawyers only care about money. You can find one that will file a lawsuit for anything; because there are practically zero consequences if they lose.

      What I have been saying for years is that we need a malpractice equivalent for lawyers. A doctor can be successfully sued for malpractice if they are negligent or if their care departed from the norms of medicine and led to negative outcomes for the patient. Basically, if they don’t provide the same care that any reasonable person in their position would, they are on the hook.

      I see a legal equivalent where lawyers can be held financially liable or lose their license for such things as frivolous lawsuits, or intentionally vexatious actions like filing motions or sending cease and desist letters that lack legal merit and are simply used to harass the other side. Basically, they would be committing malpractice by behaving outside of the reasonable norms.

      • I would agree with this idea on its face, but remember how expensive medical care is in part because of malpractice insurance premiums. We pay for part of those jillion dollar settlements each and every time we visit a doc. If we think good legal representation is expensive now…

      • “we need a malpractice equivalent for lawyers”

        Lawyers are already subject to claims of malpractice and carry malpractice insurance, which can cost six or seven figures annually.

        What we really need is a “loser pays” system. That would kick the legs out from under frivolous and nuisance lawsuits. Naturally, the plaintiffs bar and ABA are dead set against it.

        • Maybe malpractice is the wrong word. Only a client can sue their own lawyer for malpractice- when their representation was so poor it didn’t meet the standards for attorneys.

          I’m thinking more “abuse of process” type accountability- which means it will be their opponent or the state making the claim. Like if you file a totally frivolous lawsuit, you not only lose, but can be ordered to pay a penalty. Likewise if you blast out thousands of spurious copyright claims (looking at you Disney). Or, we could assign points against their license. Enough points and you lose it.

          Yes, I’m aware that the bar can take sanctions, but they don’t seem to share the common man’s interpretation of unethical behavior. A nuisance lawsuit isn’t a victimless crime; the defendant mast spend a ton of money to defend themselves.

          As to loser pays: some states already do that. The problem with a blanket policy like that is that it chills your ability to file suit for valid claims unless you are sure you have a slam dunk case. Maybe if you could file a claim after winning a suit and let a third party decide if they were just suing to harass you or had a legitimate case, then they can award damages as appropriate.

        • “What we really need is a “loser pays” system. ”


          The wealthy will hire lots of lawyers at over 1,000 and hour, and bankrupt the little guy…

        • “The wealthy will hire lots of lawyers at over 1,000 and hour, and bankrupt the little guy… “

          I see you are familiar with Donald Trump’s business practices

    • That was pretty much my take. None of these leftists are complaining about the police not stopping the rioting until the riot doesn’t work out well for them.

      “Motley said the claims lack details typically found in civil suits because the plaintiffs don’t want to interfere with the ongoing prosecution of Rittenhouse…”

      If they win in this suit, I have a hard time seeing how they wouldn’t be helping Rittenhouse’s defense.

      • The “notice of claim” is just to preserve their right to sue the government. Basically, the law in most jurisdictions is that you can’t sue the government until you have told them you want money for a grievance and given them a chance to pay (which they won’t). It’s a largely useless and ceremonial act that is a necessary precursor to a lawsuit.

        What will almost assuredly happen is that the criminal trial for Rittenhouse will be concluded before the actual civil suit is filed. If they choose not to wait, expect the municipalities to request and be granted a continuance until the criminal trial is over, as having the two run simultaneously would cause issues with witnesses/evidence/testimony given the different rules in criminal and civil trials.

        Then expect the suit to be dismissed on the well established precedent that the police have no obligation to protect any one individual and have broad discretion in how they conduct their generalized obligations to society at large.

  9. Let me get this straight, they were out rioting, protesting or whatever they were doing and now they are trying to sue because the police didn’t stop them? That’s about as dumb as a lawsuit against a drug dealer because he isn’t selling FDA approved Meth.

    I guess the local DA can still press charges if they want legal action.

  10. Waaaaaah the government didn’t stop my shitty felonious kids from assaulting somebody and suffering the consequences of said assault.

  11. So how come this felon, Gaige Grosskreutz, is not in custody serving 25 years to life for the MURDER of his two accomplices under the felony murder rule????

    Rittenhouse did nothing, the other thugs are all to blame and should all be in prison, but of course the dead ones got their just rewards!

    Rittenhouse will be a multi millionaire and completely exonerated soon! Why they arrested him is beyond me????

    • “So how come this felon, Gaige Grosskreutz, is not in custody serving 25 years to life for the MURDER of his two accomplices under the felony murder rule????”

      It’s a Democrat-run city, and Leftist scum will not prosecute their own…

    • Although he could be charged with assaulting Rittenhouse (which he won’t be becasue that supports Rittenhouse’s self defense claim), his acts came after the other guys were shot, for one, and for two there is no evidence that he was acting in concert with either of them. The felony murder rule requires a concert of action or a conspiracy to impose liability.

      • “The felony murder rule requires a concert of action or a conspiracy to impose liability.”

        We have that. The dumbass posted on twitter he was gonna be there with his homies…

  12. Had they killed Rittenhouse and his family tried to sue the city and Kenosha County they’d be laughed out of the Courthouse. Because he wasn’t with BLM or Antifa. They attacked him. He didn’t track them down and kill them. Apparently the video isn’t enough proof and the city and Kenosha County will KISS their ASSES and pay up.

  13. Well one thing about the Blake shooting is that it makes me think about 9mm vs something with a bit more punch.

    ~just sayin

    • The video evidence of a human bicep being turned into a pink mist is hilarious in retrospect when you realize he’ll need a whole new way to yank it… *snicker* 😉

    • “Well one thing about the Blake shooting is that it makes me think about 9mm vs something with a bit more punch.”

      Yeah, but appendix carry of an MSR just isn’t practical…

      “~just sayin”


      Didn’t someone build a .223 derringer, years back?

      Yep, someone did!

      “The PAR1 will be a small IPhone-sized pistol chambered in .223 and use the same reliable stainless steel frame as the PS1 Pocket Shotgun”

    • The police ignored Rittenhouse when he asked for help, so the negligence is there.

      After he killed the child molester and the abuser and shot lefty….

  14. So his assault against an armed man while he was armed is the cities fault. When you assault someone with a gun you should expect to be shot if he is armed. Don’t play stupid games and you won’t win stupid prizes.

  15. A group pf people causing damage and destruction, with felons participating, want to sue the city for not stopping them, and want justice for other people protecting themselves from THEM? What? Criminals can’t do something Illegal then claim they are the Innocents.

  16. Too bad young Kyle didn’t aim for that Gaige a-hole’s head. It sure made me a believer in the lowly 223😄😊😏

      • Literally converted his bicep into a pink mist, captured on video, no less… 😉

    • Yep, and young Kyle showed more restraint than many experienced cops have. No follow up shot was needed to stop the threat. That antifa loser should be thanking Kyle for sparing his life.

  17. I think the people Kyle shot were part of the unrest that police “didn’t keep under control”

  18. I look forward to reading all the cop hate social media, that will be presented by the city, from the accounts of the “victims”. These child molesters deserve nothing.

  19. Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, DeShaney v. Winnebago County, and many others say the government can’t be sued for inaction in protecting you. They would have to prove that something the city did led to the incident. The city didn’t give Kyle the gun, didn’t tell these idiots to attack Kyle, didn’t ask Kyle to protect the town, etc. The closest support was a cop tossing Kyle a water bottle long prior to the incident.

    • Instead of arresting and disarming the 17-year-old with the rifle out after curfew, cops expressed their appreciation and provided material support:

      “Not long before Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old from Illinois who was with a self-described “local militia” throughout Tuesday night’s deadly protests, allegedly killed two people and injured a third with gunfire, video shows law enforcement giving Rittenhouse water and telling his group “We appreciate you guys, we really do.”

      Simultaneously in that video, other officers on loudspeakers can be heard telling Black Lives Matter demonstrators to clear the streets.“

      Some would call that ‘selective prosecution’.

      • Perhaps you missed the hours of footage from this past summer when cops stood by and watched while leftist losers vandalized property.

        • Seriously, Montana is correct. Don’t worry about these little fags posting their troll bullshit on here. Literally not one of them ever presents a cogent argument, and on the rare occasion they can cobble up enough neurons to stumble on someone else’s position and copy-paste it, as soon as you rebut it the conversation stops. They’ll never, ever defend themselves. They’re pathetic little leeches. You’ll see the names soon enough, there are only a few of them. IGNORE THEM.

        • Seriously, Montana is correct. Don’t worry about these little f*gs posting their troll bullshit on here. Literally not one of them ever presents a cogent argument, and on the rare occasion they can cobble up enough neurons to stumble on someone else’s position and copy-paste it, as soon as you rebut it the conversation stops. They’ll never, ever defend themselves. They’re pathetic little leeches. You’ll see the names soon enough, there are only a few of them. IGNORE THEM.

  20. The best proof that this lawsuit needs to go forward is the fact that the plaintiff was never arrested for his crimes.

  21. Is it even worth reviewing what he did wrong to get shot or is it all just the fault of Kenosha taxpayers?

  22. So the assholes that were causing the unrest are suing because the city failed to control the unrest. Fuck them. Welcome to the NWO

  23. Grosskreutz plays “hands-up” then comes back around with Glock in hand to shoot Rittenhouse. The latter defends from the ground, demonstrating in tissue that 5.56mm velocity is “a thing.” Grosskreutz remains fortunate that Rittenhouse didn’t triple-tap him but had the awareness to realize he was not a remaining threat. Grosskreutz’ lawsuit (doomed from the start) will be interesting when the city & county bring in the documented evidence of him bragging & confessing to his buddy at the hospital that he wished he’d just “dumped the whole mag” into Rittenhouse. Just had to put it up on Twitter, huh fellas? Lmao.

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  24. I can easily buy the case for negligence against the City of Kenosha: They failed miserably to protect the rights of the citizens and business owners of Kenosha from an insurrection largely funded and manned (can’t use that word in Pelosi’s House any longer…) by forces from outside the city and state. Unless the elected and appointed officials responsible were in some sort of coma for months ahead of time, they knew with certainty that big trouble was coming and did little to protect or defend, or even serve those who pay their salaries.

    The real people who should be suing are those who reside and do business in Kenosha. At best we can hope those failed “leaders” are cast out in the next election cycle. Perhaps some were in the Nov one, I’ve not followed it and don’t live there.

  25. If there’s any justice in this world (I’m not holding my breath for it), the city of Kenosha will respond to Lefty Grossekreutz’s upcoming lawsuit by exposing his actions that night and his self-incriminating statements afterward — and then remedy its failure by prosecuting him for rioting and attempted murder.

  26. The ONLY people responsible for the injuries to Gaige Grosskreutz and Anthony Huber , ARE Gaige Grosskreutz and Anthony Huber.
    THEY initiated the attack(s).
    They got what they deserved.

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