TTAG swag (courtesy

The Truth About Guns gets a lot of free swag. Rest assured: the freebies farrago doesn’t influence our editorial stance. How do you know this? Because we give it all away through our photo caption contest and real world get-togethers. Like the next one at the super swanky Patriot Club, upstairs at The Range at Austin on December 18, from 7 to 9pm. All of the above (and more) will be doled out to trivia contest and shooting contest winners. Please RSVP to with “I’M IN” in the subject bar, telling us how many ballistic BFFs are coming. Thanks!


  1. By giving away guns to winners of your shooting contests, in my opinion, all you are doing is ringing the dinner bell for the sharpshooters to show up.

    Or is that the crowd TTAG wants to swarm the place?

    Not your loyal TTAG readers who click the links but can’t afford to practice shoot 1,000 rounds a month?

    Perhaps a drawing for the big-dollar items?

        • “You told me it goes to the one with the best costume. . .”

          A railcar load of brain bleach can’t erase what my twisted imagination just saw…


  2. So you’re telling me the Peltor eyewear Dan sent me (just got it today, thanx Dan!) was a vendor representative freebie?
    S’okay, I kinda figured that…

  3. Does anything else come with the folding stocks? And who gives away butt stocks (gun parts) as freebees?

      • Y’all were more than fair with that review – it was the commenters who shredded Springfield afterwards. SA could at least be gracious enough to admit that… 🤠

  4. My first glance at the picture, I thought “That’s an unreasonable load of EDC”. Then I read the headline.

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