Goths probably don’t rappel down many buildings (and the whole idea of Goths & Guns has an image problem since the Columbine shooters went crazy) but these black multicam pants look pretty neat if you’re into camo. I’m not, so I’ve only got one question: do we call them ‘tactigoth’ or do we call them ‘gothical?’
I’ve had a pair of Tru-Spec 24/7 khakis for about two years. Khakis look ‘outdoorsy’ instead of ‘mall ninja,’ but like all Tru-Spec 24/7 gear they’re insanely rugged. They’re my go-to pants for a day at the shooting quarry in rain, snow or shine, and they’ve held up amazingly well through hard use. Their only damage is a mend where a knife decided to open itself inside my pocket.
They also have an elastic waistband which stretches to make room for an IWB holser, and enough pockets and dividers to carry a ridiculous EDC kit without having to wear a man-purse. A knife, smartphone, pen, OC spray, car keys, wallet, full-size 700 lumen flashlight and two spare double-stack magazines will all vanish into the Tru-Spec’s capacious pocketry without giving you the ‘paratrooper’s shuffle’ gait.
Khakis can pass for L.L. Bean or Eddie Bauer, but Black multicam screams ‘I’VE GOT A GUN! SHOOT ME FIRST!’
The analogy is wrong because people would just buy more booze on saturday…which is what they do. People are not dumb enough to purchase a one shot plastic gun. The concept is there. When it gets out of hand and someone does something stupid with it then the government will truly step in.
One of the reasons the SG 550 design is much more accurate than the AK design is the gas cylinder design. By anchoring it into the front of the trunion block, as the gas pushes the piston rearward, the resulting reactive force imparted to the cylinder head is transferred through tension to the trunion block, instead of pushing-on and flexing the barrel downwards. As parts heat up and expand at different rates, the slip-fit of the cylinder into the gas block also prevents adding flex forces to the barrel which would induce “stringing” of shot groups.
Notice all of that WOOD, I wonder how many great old family treasures were destroyed. Ughh the peoples republik continues to set a new low.
Here is my story on when camo got ruined for me. I was at a gun show (Bill Goodman’s, a number of years ago) when I saw an old burned out hippie type fellow. He was wearing the old basic woodland camo print pants and a green and black tee shirt. Okay, so the tee shirt matched the pants. Good job buddy! Then I saw the front of his shirt. It was that iconic image of Che Guevarta. Ummm, No. Dude? Seriously? I just wanted to ask him ‘You do know that Che would have killed you given half a chance, right?’ Oh but he was a freedom fighter! Ummm, No. He was very Anti-American and your fashion ensemble would not have impressed him. Since then, like 24/7 said above, camo just screams Shoot Me First. Along with multipocket fishing vests.
I have to agree that when I see a Che t-shirt my first response is to shoot him first, but so far I have not given in to the urge.
As for the vests, they are kind of like open-carry of a long gun where there is no OBVIOUS purpose to have a long gun – if you are wearing a fishing vest and not near a lake or carrying a pole, or if you are wearing a photographer’s vest and not carrying a camera, even the dimmest bulb may begin to wonder what exactly is your problem? Since the purpose of concealed carry is to avoid notice or even speculation, this seems counter-productive.
As for camo pants, I used to enjoy wearing my Army-issue woodland camo with Hawaiian shirts after I got out of the service. Except that they don’t fit me anymore I would still wear the pants because they are VERY comfortable. I have avoided, however, buying the current camo pattern because I don’t want to pretend I am entitled to wear what these guys have earned. These Gothicammos, however, look pretty interesting to me.
How can they have a gun buyback in Oakland? It’s a Gun Free Zone. There’s not a single gun shop in the entire city and walmarts in alameda county are not allowed to sell guns or ammo.
According to the grabbers Oakland ought to be covered in rainbows with unicorns prancing in the parks. Or is Oakland proof positive that gun control is one great failure? I’ll let the discerning reader decide.
Meh… Sure the media will cover it and show a close in shot of the 5 – 10 people that show up (maybe 20 because it’s on a weekend), but this event will generally be like all the other MDA, MAIG, etc groups in the last 8 months. I would also say that gun rights groups shouldn’t even bother showing up to counter protest. If nobody pays attention, their money will dry up and they will fade away… for a while at least.
Is it in poor taste to protest?
I can only imagine the flak one would get for it.
Some “gun rights advocates” would recommend talking with the cops. Last time I open carried those “gun rights advocates” were upset because I exercised my right to remain silent…
And because you carried an AK-47 pistol with an orange tip while dressed in camoflauge fatigues……….
and carried an AR-15 with body armor and a silencer in nashville, and for carrying a pistol in your hand while walking down the street.
you really are a reminder there are people too stupid to exist living in society….
This will be an awesome opportunity to get banned on more of their local Facebook pages. So far I’ve only got the main page, the Texas chapter and the Upstate NY Chapter. Got to step my game up.
Sandy Hook is over, let it rest.
I have about that many firearms in any one room of my house…
He would not be saying this if she was Black because that would not fit the Progressive Template
“Conservative’ my ash!
What a heartless Basturd
For what it’s worth. Don’t forget to give your rep input. Votes are comIng up in house and senate.
These times will be looked back upon as a transition period when private citizens could control the actions of a Police State,,,sorta
“This has made my eyes bloodshot and taken years off my life, just being in control of all this ammunition and the guns.”
— I have this image of Earl Cornwell attending a social in a big liberal city for flaming queens only and dressed-up like a dandy.
Someone who just bought himself a .22 rifle & pistol, even though he doesn’t have any ammo in his safe…