Gun Control for Beginners: What Is The National Firearms Act (NFA)?

With the nomination of David Chipman and some proposed new regulations by the ATF, there’s been more talk lately about the National Firearms act. If Chipman gets the top job at ATF and gets his way, he’d regulate all “assault weapons” (which he can’t seem to define) under the NFA, just like machine guns. And … Read more

The ATF’s Interpretation of the National Firearms Act is an Absurd Anachronism

[T]he NFA’s minimum size rules (and the ATF’s interpretations thereof) are an absurd anachronism. Those restrictions originated in a time when Congress thought it could effectively ban all small, concealable firearms, including handguns, and minimum size rules for rifles and shotguns would have been necessary to close an obvious loophole. But even in 1934, exempting … Read more

President Teddy Roosevelt Liked His Rifles Suppressed

President Teddy Roosevelt was a big fan of silencers. The only silencers available to him were made by Maxim. A silencer for his takedown model 94 Winchester .30-30, above, cost a whopping $9.70 back in 1909. He used the rifle frequently on hisSagamore Hill estate on Long Island, New York. It was the classic use … Read more

New Republic: It’s Time to Regulate ‘Assault Weapons’ the Same Way We Do Machine Guns

Could shooting ranges [like Machine Gun Vegas] be the future of Bushmasters, of SKS rifles and AR-15s and AR-10s? It seems the thought experiment we need in Second Amendment debates, where pro-gun advocates warn that federal ownership registries and licensing are the sine qua non of government tyranny. Yet the United States has successfully depleted … Read more

Americans Have Mostly Dodged Further Limits On Gun Rights During the Coronavirus Pandemic…So Far

Those looking to expand government power and limit Americans’ freedoms and civil rights hate to let an opportunity like a global pandemic go to waste. What history books gloss over is how both [Prohibition and the Great Depression] during the 1930s were the result of bad public policy. Alcohol prohibition incentivized organized crime, while credit expansion by the … Read more

The Truth About Suppressors, Part 2 – Legality and Decibel Level Testing

By David Lewis Yesterday, in Part 1, we looked at the basics of how suppressors work and what they do when you shoot with one. But lots of people want to know… Are Silencers Legal? Silencers aren’t the easiest firearm accessories to purchase. They are heavily regulated, just like actual machine guns, under the National … Read more

The NFA and Hughes Amendment Strike Again

If you’ve spent even just a minuscule amount of time in the firearms world, you are familiar with the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Hughes Amendment portion of the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986. The former regulates machine guns, short barrel rifles, short barrel shotguns, and suppressors. The latter made machine guns … Read more

I Stand Corrected.


One of the coolest things about having the opportunity to write for TTAG is that I have a chance to learn a lot. Since I began writing for our site, I’ve learned a lot – about guns, politics, writing, your name it. Most of the time, I try to do my learning BEFORE the electronic ink hits the electronic paper. Most of the time, that’s the case. But not always. Case in point, my recent comments about private ownership of fully-automatic weapons, a.k.a. “machine guns.”

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