The View of the Presidential Election from the Liberal Gun Club

Eric M. thinks that, short of nominating Bloomberg, liberal and moderate gun owners could be persuaded to vote for someone other than Trump. If it’s Bloomberg, I can almost guarantee that a large chunk of [Democrat and independent gun owners] will either vote for Trump or vote third party. And no, berating them will not … Read more

Gun Companies Ready to Increase Production as Election Season Heat is Turned Up

“Under the current Republican-dominated political narrative, gun enthusiasts have not engaged in nearly as much panic buying as they did in previous cycles, following mass shootings or in the aftermath of heightened Democrat party rhetoric on tightening gun ownership laws,” analyst Scott Stember said in a note. “While the lion’s share of industry players prefer … Read more

Spartacus Down: Cory Booker Ends His Presidential Campaign

Trying to judge the most anti-gun Democrat in the 2020 presidential nomination field is like trying to determine which which TV talking head is the most insipid and annoying. Each one is so qualified and the differences are so slight that comparisons are futile. But with media clowns like Eric Swalwell and Robert Francis O’Rourke … Read more