A Few Democrat Debate Highlights That Went Un-Noticed

By Larry Keane Democratic candidates gathered in Ohio to agree on how much they can’t stand lawful gun ownership, disagreeing only on who was the most deeply offended. Mayor Pete Buttigieg and former Congressman Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D-Texas) scuffled about whose furrowed brows over law-abiding gun ownership was more courageous, but that masked the … Read more

Dem Candidates Were So Wrong on Guns Last Night That Even the Associated Press Noticed

How badly does a Democrat presidential candidate have to “mis-speak” about guns in the US for a big time legacy media operation to call them on it? Pretty badly. Last night, the misinformation was flowing freely at the latest Democrat 2020 presidential debate. It was so bad, in fact, that the Associated Press (of all … Read more

NY Times Worries Americans May Have Seen Democrats’ Agenda Too Clearly in First Debates

By Roger Katz The Democrat Party is in a bind. This is the inference to be drawn after the first two recently aired debates. And no less a source of radical left, marxist hate-filled proselytizing and propaganda-filled garbage than The New York Times recognizes this indisputable fact; and, recognizing it, laments it, but for a … Read more

Democrats Target the Gun Industry as ‘The Enemy’

By Joe Bartozzi Last week, from the Democratic primary debate stage, former Vice President Joe Biden said we were the enemy. “Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA, the gun manufacturers,” Biden said. Not a single candidate on stage that night, or the night before, condemned the remark. Their silence is tacit agreement. Not … Read more

Biden: Ban the Sale of All Non-Smart Guns, Keep Clips Out of Assault Rifles

Did you watch the second installment of the Democrat debates last night? It featured a cavalcade of great ideas on how to reduce, restrict and remove guns and gun rights from American life. A few of the candidates’ “ideas” for how to address the alleged problem of civilian firearm ownership in this country stood out … Read more