Anti-Gun Researchers Can’t Prove Higher Gun Sales Caused More Homicides, But They’re Not Letting That Stop Them

As clear as the link between new guns and gun violence appears, the difficulty comes in trying to show a connection to the rise in homicides specifically, as the ATF’s data do not enable the sort of precision researchers would need to confirm that link. The ATF’s data do not specify time to crime for … Read more

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Learns the Hard Way: It’s the Crime, Stupid

By Larry Keane The media got another lesson on the dangers of getting ahead of the facts when it comes to their reporting. This time, they blamed gun buyers for the spike in crime. Turns out, law-abiding citizens who buy guns aren’t the ones committing crimes. They’re buying guns because of the rise in crime. Media are … Read more

Etienne and Thomas: The 2A Must Apply to Everyone Equally

The demographic group showing the largest increase in the purchase of firearms in 2020 was African Americans. Guns and gun rights are for everyone. Period. Historically, “Slave Codes,” “Black Codes,” and other gun control laws prohibited gun ownership by African Americans, who were frequently lynched or otherwise terrorized for violating these laws. The modern-day executions of African … Read more

Malte: California’s Gun Sales Surge Means More Risk, More Death

Brian Malte, writing for the Times of San Diego, has taken a look across the Golden State and feels that the surge in gun sales in California means impending death. Approximately 110,000 Californians have purchased a gun since March including an astonishing 47,000 first-time buyers. The nationwide gun-buying surges are fueling increases in fatal and … Read more

Missouri: Gun Sales R Us

We already know 2020 is the unofficial National Year of Gun Sales, but it’s still awesome to see even gun-friendly states like Missouri stepping up their ballistic game. According to the Riverfront Times, Missourians have spent their COVID-19 days buying guns…lots of guns: The FBI had already conducted more [than] 576,000 background checks [in Missouri] … Read more

Americans’ Pre-Election Gun Buying Binge Helps Ruger’s Profit Jump Over 500%

Sturm, Ruger’s revenue was up 53% in its most recent fiscal quarter and earnings jumped more than 500%. It seems that Americans are well aware of societal factors making everyday life less safe and are extremely eager to ensure they’re well equipped to protect themselves and their families. Rommel Dionisio, gun industry analyst for Aegis … Read more

Michael Bloomberg’s ‘The Trace’ Rolls Out Their New Gun Sales Tracking Database

Our friends who run Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agitprop generation operation,, have introduced a new tool to illustrate the current gun sales surge and put in in perspective historically. They say they’re cobbling together their numbers using data from Small Arms Analytics along with the noted firearms experts at BuzzFeed News and the New York … Read more

Alleged Experts: There’s No Longer Substantial Fear of Gun Regulation

This has long been the goal of the gun industry: to expand the demographics of its client base beyond rifle-toting hunters to include more women and others with a desire to conceal palm-sized weapons for self-protection. “You’re now selling to the little old Catholic nun, the person who never in their life has owned a … Read more

NSSF: 2020 Gun Sales Up 95%, Ammunition Sales Up 139% Over 2019 First Half Totals

By Jim Curcuruto Firearm and ammunition retailers have been busy — really busy — during the first six months of 2020. And they are not just selling to what many thought to be the traditional customer, older white males, as new NSSF research shows customers of all demographic backgrounds are part of this ongoing sales … Read more