Cassell: BLM and Defunding Police Have Killed More People Than Cops Ever Did

It is well known that there were significant spikes in homicides in 2020, particularly in major urban areas. In an article I published in 2021, I attributed these spikes to what I dubbed the “Minneapolis Effect”–specifically reductions in proactive policing as police pulled back in the wake of the George Floyd protests. I blogged about my … Read more

Emboldened Criminals, Pandemic Stress, and a Police Legitimacy Crisis Created the 2020 Homicide Spike

By Justin Nix, University of Nebraska Omaha Homicides in the U.S. spiked by almost 30% in 2020. That was the main takeaway from figures released on Sept. 27, 2021, by the FBI that showed almost uniform increases across America in the murder rate. The fact that big cities, small cities, suburbs and rural areas – … Read more