Ammo Review: CCI COPPER-22, the Fastest .22 LR Ever CCI’s new COPPER-22 advertises that it sends a 21 grain lead-free projectile down range at 1,850 fps. Actually meeting that figure would make it the fastest .22 LR on the market — perhaps ever — by about a 100 fps margin. Designed for plinking as well as for small game and varmint hunting, the non-lead projectiles make the … Read more

Gun Review: CZ 455 Varmint Tacticool Suppressor-Ready Rifle


Believe it or not, I’ve only owned a single, manual-action .22 LR rifle in my life. It’s a pre-1968 (unsure exactly when it was made, but it has no serial number so it’s pre-Gun Control Act) WesternField 830, which I’ve had since I was a kid. Although it’s still a solid shooter, after my AAC Element 2 suppressor was released from NFA purgatory I decided it was time to find a new rifle that was a bit more modern and visually interesting, had a threaded muzzle, and was an absolute tack driver. I had hoped this would be PWS’ T3 Summit Rifle, as it’s sexy as hell and the toggle action is a blast to run, but its accuracy left me underwhelmed. Cue the CZ 455 Varmint Tacticool Suppressor-Ready rifle . . .

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Gear Review: Primary Arms 6X ACSS .22 LR Scope


March 11, 2014: the U.S. Patent Office approves a patent for the Advanced Combat Sighting System, or ACSS. This novel reticle design combines near-instant, intuitive ranging of human targets out to 800 yards with built-in bullet drop, windage, and running target compensation markings. A full review of Primary Arms’ 1-6X ACSS is forthcoming. But, for those looking to range and engage targets a little less grave than enemy combatants, today we’re checking out a version of the ACSS reticle designed for ranging clay pigeons, cans, and bottles out to 200 yards. It’s built into the Primary Arms 6X 22LR scope. . .

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Gun Review: Primary Weapons Systems T3 Summit Rifle


SHOT Show 2011: Primary Weapons Systems introduces its T3 Summit Rifle, a 10/22-based, .22 LR rifle with a really slick toggle action (think biathlon gun). It is one of the coolest, sexiest looking rifles anywhere with its carbon fiber tension barrel and sculpted, laminated stock. It’s lightweight, lights out accurate, and whisper quiet when suppressed. Yet, fast forward to a couple months ago and I picked up serial number 495 fresh off the production line. Seriously, WTF? This thing is freaking sweet. PWS should sell that many every month! Why aren’t they? Let’s go in for a closer look . . .

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Gun Review: NAA Mini Revolver


In the world of production firearms, there aren’t many smaller than the offerings from North American Arms. Its Guardian series is about as petite as semi-automatic pistols come, and I believe its Mini-Revolvers may be the smallest production revolvers in the world. There really aren’t many clothing choices — at least ones you can legally get away with in public — that would prevent carrying a gun this small. As I’ve owned an NAA Mini in .22 LR for about 5 years now, I think it’s high time I officially reviewed it . . .

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