What’s the Difference Between 5.56 and .223? Are They Interchangeable? Does it Matter?

Most AR-15 rifles are chambered in 5.56 or .223. What’s the difference between the two rounds, anyhow? They’re supposed to be interchangeable…kinda, sorta, maybe…aren’t they? The difference is in the round itself: the NATO round is a little bit hotter. The case is the same size, but the powder charge, projectile and also the rifle … Read more

Don’t Disappoint the Founding Fathers…Buy an AR-15 Rifle Today

Contemporary legislators have the hubris to believe that the Founders hadn’t envisioned any kind of technological advances in firearm technology. It’s an argument tantamount to claiming that free-speech protections are not operable because James Madison couldn’t foresee the incredible speed with which information can be disseminated on the Internet. Not only did legislators in the … Read more