NPR Understates US Sanctuary Counties – There Aren’t 400, there are 1,930

Taxpayer funded National Public Radio tries to downplay and trivialize the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement, without letting the facts get in their way. By Lee Williams To be clear, there are 1,930 counties that have now become Second Amendment sanctuaries, which is more than 61% of all the counties in the United States. Of these … Read more

What the Media Won’t Report: Nearly Half the Country is Now a Second Amendment Sanctuary

by Lee Williams There are few stories the mainstream media enjoys more than “trend” stories. Whether it’s plant-based fake meat, live-streamed workouts, celebrity podcasts or TicTok and other new apps, the media revels in reporting the latest trends that are sweeping the country – at least most of the time. However, if the trend involves … Read more

The Virginia Uprising, Bloomberg Candidacy Have Mobilized Gun Owners in Other States

The Second Amendment sanctuary movement has spread nationally. And the tens of thousands of gun owners who showed up on the Virginia capitol steps caught the attention of gun owners who haven’t been involved in gun rights activism before. Even in states like New Jersey. Gun owners in New Jersey argue the hurdles Trenton lawmakers … Read more

What Will Your County Sheriff Do Under a Second Amendment Sanctuary Declaration?

By Alex Ooley Many states around the country, like Virginia, have been making a push to implement stringent gun control measures that include, among other things, universal background checks, magazine capacity limits, and so-called “assault weapons” bans. These attempts to regulate firearms are nothing new, but the efforts to implement these sorts of laws and regulations … Read more

Proof That a Dedicated Core of Gun Rights Supporters Can Make a Significant Difference

Check the map (here) of cities, counties and states that have declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries. A new green area seems to go up almost every day. This is really starting to freak them out. Especially after Viginia’s “assault weapons” ban and magazine confiscation bill went down in flames. You can almost read the alarm … Read more

After Hours of Testimony, Lynchburg, Virginia City Counsel Rejects 2A Sanctuary Status

Scores of people spoke in advance of the vote, a process that went on until 2:00am. In the end the council voted down the proposal to declare the city of Lynchburg a Second Amendment sanctuary by a margin of 5-2. Despite the motion limiting the number of speakers, 120 people signed up to speak during … Read more

Wilkinson: The Gun Sanctuary Movement is Anti-Democratic

“Looking at a map of Virginia,” [Erich] Pratt and [Philip] Van Cleave wrote, “it becomes clear that only a few, geographically small, yet heavily populated, jurisdictions have declined to stand up against the current threats to the Virginia and United States Constitutions.” In other words, the “heavily populated” parts of Virginia do not have the … Read more

A Red Flag Law Enforcement Ban?

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Kansas legislature introduced bills to keep officials from assisting the federal Government from enforcing “red flag laws” The “Kansas Anti-Red-Flag … Read more

Virginia is a Reminder That the Second Amendment Has Nothing to Do With Hunting

Too many Americans view the Second Amendment as granting Americans the right to own firearms to go hunting and for self-protection. But the framers of our Constitution had no such intent in mind. James Madison, in Federalist Paper No. 46 wrote that the Constitution preserves “the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over … Read more