To Gun Grabbers’ Horror, 2020 and 2021 Have Been the Perfect Storm of Arguments in Favor of Gun Rights

I’ve spent much of the past six months interviewing people across the United States in the leadup to the [New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen] case—part of research for a book I’m writing about the cultural and racial effects of U.S. gun laws. Although I uncovered a wide range of opinions, these … Read more

Are You Suffering From Post-Constitutional Syndrome?

By Theresa Inacker Are you suffering from a post-concussive shock after the Supreme Court declined to hear the Texas election challenge case against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia? For many of the case’s supporters, it felt like a whack on the side of the head with a 2×4. What you are actually suffering from is … Read more

BREAKING: Senate Votes to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

It is done. Judge Amy Coney Barrett is now Justice Amy Coney Barrett…well, she will be shortly once she’s sworn in by, heh, Justice Clarence Thomas in a White House ceremony. The World’s Greatest Deliberative Body™, the US Senate, just voted to confirm her by a vote of 52-48. Maine’s Susan Collins was the only … Read more

The Supreme Court Fiddles While the Second Amendment Burns – Part 1, An Abdication of Duty

By John Velleco For the last decade, the United States Supreme Court has abdicated its constitutional duty to resolve “cases and controversies” involving the Second Amendment. It has run from its historic duty, as articulated by Chief Justice John Marshall, “to say what the law is.” The High Court has stood on the sideline while … Read more

BREAKING: Supreme Court Denies Cert In All Pending Second Amendment Cases

By LKB Well, it has happened. Rather than the hoped-for clarification of the Second Amendment and the resolution of numerous Circuit Court splits, this morning the Supreme Court denied cert on all ten outstanding petitions in Second Amendment cases. To no one’s surprise, Justice Thomas issued a scathing dissent in Rogers v. Grewal, pointing out … Read more

Another Monday With No Cert Grants on the 10 2A Cases Before SCOTUS Could Be a Bad Sign

Ten gun rights-related cases are still awaiting a determination by the Supreme Court. The cases involve everything from “may issue” carry permits to banning “assault weapons” to the interstate sales of handguns. After the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case was declared moot by the Court, gun rights supporters have had high hopes … Read more

The Supreme Court’s Failure to Defend Heller Has Created The Situation in Virginia

By Theresa Inacker Why does it seem that liberal extremists are pursuing new infringements on gun rights seemingly unchecked? Why do we have an escalated situation in Virginia where liberal politicians seek to further infringe the Second Amendment rights of its citizens, threatening imprisonment and even violence against Constitutional gun owners who have committed no … Read more

TTAG Contributor LKB Heads to DC to Attend NYSRPA Arguments Tomorrow

[ED: The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. City of New York on Monday, December 2. TTAG contributors LKB, a member of the Supreme Court bar, and Jeff Hulbert of Patriot Picket, will be there reporting on the arguments, the surrounding protests and other activity.] By … Read more

CCRKBA: The Hidden Anti-Gun Agenda Behind the Democrats’ Impeachment Push

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today declared there is a “hidden agenda” behind the impeachment efforts of House Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi and it is designed to tie up the U.S. Senate and derail efforts to confirm more pro-Second Amendment judges to … Read more