85-Year-Old Woman Prevails in a Deadly Idaho Home Invasion

In the quiet early hours of March 13, 2024, in Bingham County, Idaho, an 85-year-old woman, Christine Jenneiahn, turned a terrifying home invasion into a remarkable story of courage, self-defense and survival. The Bingham County Prosecutor, Ryan W. Jolley, released a comprehensive review of the incident that has since captivated the local community and beyond. … Read more

The Wound Report: Don’t Make Your Weekend Night One to Remember for the Wrong Reasons

Our hero was striking out for a night on the town and felt himself in need of some protection. Back when I worked in an urban emergency room, I was forever amazed at how much misery and chaos could have been avoided had folks simply made wiser life choices. No offense to the professional party … Read more

Ruger Follows Up the Marlin Dark Series with the Re-Release of the Marlin Classic Model 1894 Chambered in .357 Magnum

Hot on the heels of the re-release of the Marlin Dark Series, Ruger has just announced the re-release of one of Marlin’s all-time classics, the Model 1894 lever action chambered in .357 Magnum. Unlike the Dark Series guns, the 1894 Classic is, well, a classic. It has blued steel and an American Black Walnut stock … Read more

Bond Arms Releases 3 New Rough Series Derringers

The double barrel derringer design may be 157 years old now but it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere any time soon. In fact Bond Arms just released three new models in their Rough Series. If you’ve looked at Bond Arms derringers before you know they’re built like tanks and have a meticulously polished finishes … Read more

Uh Oh…What’s in the Box?

As Detective Mills once wondered aloud without really wanting to know…what’s in the box? I was told it would be something that I’d love and hate to have…both at the same time. My good friends at Red Hills Arms in Tallahassee told me about it when they got it as part of a batch if … Read more

The Guns of the Highway Patrol: A Three-Way Six-Incher Showdown:

There was once a time when your average Highway Patrolman anywhere in the U.S. carried a six shooter, but not just any six shooter. Oh no, they carried six-inch blasters chambered in the mythical cartridge known as the .357 Magnum. Yes boys and girls, there was once a time when the cops tasked with patrolling … Read more

Original Wheel Gun Showdown: Smith & Wesson Model 686 vs Colt Python

Two classics going head to head. Yes, I know, the Colt Python and the Smith & Wesson Model 686 have been compared ad nauseam, especially since the Python was reborn. This is slightly different since both guns are originals; the Colt was made in 1978 and the S&W was made in 1988. I am not … Read more

Is The Revolver Dead? Is That a Trick Question?

That was the question asked back in 1989. The Era of the Wondernine was upon us. Higher capacity 9mm semi-autos that held 15 or  17 rounds was becoming the new standard. Technological wonders from Smith & Wesson, Ruger, GLOCK, SIG SAUER, HK, Beretta, and others were hitting store shelves and could been seen in police … Read more

State Your Case: .357 Magnum vs. .44 Magnum

It’s that time again, friends. Yes, that’s right, it’s time for a faceoff between two of the most popular magnum revolver rounds out there: the .44 Magnum and .357 Magnum. This is bound to be an interesting edition of State Your Case because there’s a very wide division between faithful shooters of each of these … Read more