3D Guns Will Increase ‘Gun Violence’ in Heavily Gun-Controlled States

“I am very concerned about the ability of large numbers of people being able to make their own guns with 3D printers. Our system for keeping guns from dangerous people is laid on a foundation of accountability by those who sell guns and who buy them. “Making it easy for criminals and gun traffickers to … Read more

Americans Should Not Be Allowed to Make Untraceable Guns

“We know there a lot of loopholes in the law and so it is quite interesting that if you were to buy a gun and you were to physically remove the serial number it’s a federal felony and one of those that is routinely prosecuted. It’s considered an extremely serious crime, but the law does … Read more

Amazon Issues Take-Down Notice to FPC’s Codeisfreespeech.com 3D Gun File Site

Not 24 hours had passed since a coalition of gun rights organizations came together to stand up for the First and Second Amendments by hosting the 3D gun blueprints (speech) that had caused such a kerfuffle before Amazon Web Services issued the following take-down notice: One anti-2A group, Alyssa Milano’s NoRa, even gloated for a few … Read more

A Futile, Symbolic, and Ultimately Unconstitutional Federal Court Order Against 3D Guns

“The information is already out there. It takes seconds to locate. His order is the equivalent of ordering the government to block a gun store’s website without touching the vast bulk of gun sales information already on the web. And note what else the judge did. He extended federal regulations designed to deal with the … Read more

Gun Controllers, Politicians and Judges Think They Can Stop the Free Flow of Information. They’re Wrong.

As we reported earlier, a federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order preventing Cody Wilson’s Defense Distributed from making their CAD files for 3D-printed firearms public. As National Review’s David French correctly notes, Let’s be clear about what has just happened. A federal court has issued a prior restraint on speech (it’s attempting to … Read more

Interstate Gun Sales, Homemade Guns and a 3D Fact Check – TTAG Daily Digest

Appeals Court Tees Up Interstate Handgun Sale Ban for Possible Supreme Court Review Interstate sales of a legal product? Now that’s a radical idea . . . Last week in Mance v. Sessions, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied, by one vote, a request for a rehearing of the case … Read more

BREAKING: Federal Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Blocking Release of 3D Gun Files

In a move that shouldn’t surprise anyone, a federal judge has blocked release of Defense Distributed 3D gun files. A consortium of states had filed suits in various jurisdictions looking for judge to stop the scheduled release. After the company’s settlement with the Department of Justice over their long-pending lawsuit, the files were set to … Read more

NJ Congressman Introduces Bill to Ban 3D Printed Guns

“A new gun scourge faces us – semiautomatic weapons made on 3D printers with exotic materials that are apparently effectively deadly, undetectable to metal detectors, and untraceable because they have no serial numbers.” Those aren’t the words of New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone, that’s the lede to a news report from WCBS New York. They … Read more

Gun Controllers Are Finally Realizing That The End is Near

Can you feel it? That low background rumble you’re hearing, the one that’s resonating into your very being, is palpable fear. No, dread is more like it. It’s being stoked by gun control activists and their media stenographers over Defense Distributed’s impending release of plans for printing 3D firearms. What’s that you say? You’re not terrified? Maybe it’s … Read more