CEO Killing: Activists Seek Ghost Gun Laws, But Ignore the Facts & Law

Predictably, gun control activists are citing the cold-blooded Manhattan murder of health insurance executive Brian Thompson to call for more gun control, particularly in the hot-button areas of “ghost guns” and “3D printed firearms.” There are at least two main problems with this. One, the facts of the case are still being investigated, and preliminary reports of … Read more

Ghost Gunner 3-S and the Optics Cut Library 2.0, Part 1

Defense Distributed has long been a lightning rod for gun owners and gun banners alike. Between the Ghost Gunner series of CNC mills bringing professional quality finishing of 80% receivers, to the DefCad library of 3d printable guns and parts, Defense Distributed is pushing the bounds of what’s possible, and conceivable. Now, Defense Distributed has … Read more

Hand in Hand: A Second Amendment Group Fights to Defend First Amendment Rights

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Defense Distributed have filed an appellants’ brief in their long-running First Amendment challenge of the New Jersey statute which prohibits the publication of computer files containing digital firearms information. Defense Distributed, according to their website, is the first private defense contractor in service of the general public. … Read more

The 3D-Printed FGC-9 Keeps Getting Easier To Build

These days, gun control has a big problem on its hands: enforcement. In past decades, governments could control the flow of gun parts over borders to some extent, and then crack down on production internally. The cost of production and the skills necessary to produce weapons usually meant people needed to use the economy to … Read more

Culture Wars Can’t Take Root In 3D-Printed Gun Culture

A recent post by Navi of Boomhandia (a well-known name in the 3D-printed gun community) about the politics and culture of 3D-printed guns really impressed me, and I think it bears sharing and discussing further here. It came after a dustup where some said that LGBT (especially the T) enthusiasts were too loud about 3D-printed … Read more

The Real Problem 3D-Printed Guns Reveal (It’s Not The Guns)

A recent story from America’s largest outdoor shooting range shows us not only the futility of gun control, but also that the whole “ITS THE GUNS ITS THE GUNS ITS THE GUNS” argument doesn’t hold any water. Why? Because Chicago is far from the only place where this is happening. Let’s start with what’s going … Read more

Cohen: The Gun Debate is Increasingly Academic

The best part about the gun debate is that it’s increasingly just academic. Our victory is assured. Put aside Bruen, or Heller, or McDonald, or any of the other gun rights victories in courts. Put aside the massive increases in gun ownership, in every demographic. Right now, there are more guns than people in the … Read more

Anti-Gunners Paint Themselves Into a Corner Refusing 3D-Printed Guns at ‘Buyback’

A gun control group in New Mexico recently announced yet another gun “buyback” event. This time, though, there’s a twist: no 3D-printed guns are allowed. We’ve seen this before, but this time the group managed to paint themselves into a corner when they refused to respond to some very simple questions about the policy The biggest … Read more

New York Bill Would Require a Background Check Before Buying a 3D Printer

New York residents eyeing a new 3D printer may soon have to submit a criminal background check if a newly proposed state bill becomes law. The recently introduced legislation, authored by state senator Jenifer Rajkumar, aims to snub out an increasingly popular loophole where convicted felons who would otherwise be prohibited from legally buying a firearm … Read more