The TSA Finds 3D Guns, Streisand In Action and a TV Gun Fraud – TTAG Daily Digest

The TSA Has Found 3D-Printed Guns at Airport Checkpoints 4 Times Since 2016 But we’ve been told by all of the smarted politicians and media talking heads that 3D-printed guns were undetectable by airport security and would bring about the end of western civilization . . . “TSA has determined that these items can — … Read more

Amazon Issues Take-Down Notice to FPC’s 3D Gun File Site

Not 24 hours had passed since a coalition of gun rights organizations came together to stand up for the First and Second Amendments by hosting the 3D gun blueprints (speech) that had caused such a kerfuffle before Amazon Web Services issued the following take-down notice: One anti-2A group, Alyssa Milano’s NoRa, even gloated for a few … Read more

A Futile, Symbolic, and Ultimately Unconstitutional Federal Court Order Against 3D Guns

“The information is already out there. It takes seconds to locate. His order is the equivalent of ordering the government to block a gun store’s website without touching the vast bulk of gun sales information already on the web. And note what else the judge did. He extended federal regulations designed to deal with the … Read more

Gun Controllers, Politicians and Judges Think They Can Stop the Free Flow of Information. They’re Wrong.

As we reported earlier, a federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order preventing Cody Wilson’s Defense Distributed from making their CAD files for 3D-printed firearms public. As National Review’s David French correctly notes, Let’s be clear about what has just happened. A federal court has issued a prior restraint on speech (it’s attempting to … Read more

BREAKING: Federal Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Blocking Release of 3D Gun Files

In a move that shouldn’t surprise anyone, a federal judge has blocked release of Defense Distributed 3D gun files. A consortium of states had filed suits in various jurisdictions looking for judge to stop the scheduled release. After the company’s settlement with the Department of Justice over their long-pending lawsuit, the files were set to … Read more

Gun Control Groups Fail In Last Minute Frenzy to Stop Publication of Defense Distributed 3D Gun Files

“A U.S. judge on Friday rejected a last-ditch effort by gun control groups to block the Trump administration from allowing the public to download blueprints for 3-D printable guns, declining to intervene just days before the designs are expected to go online.” So reports Reuters. Defense Distributed reached a settlement agreement with DOJ last month in … Read more

The Defense Distributed Settlement Isn’t a Done Deal…Here’s What’s Next

By PA Deacon What exactly happened with the lawsuit that Cody Wilson’s Defense Distributed (DD) filed against the State Department? Specifically, why did the State Department settle the case to allow DD to put its files for 3D printed firearms on its website, DEFCAD? The Agreement The State Department stated that the DEFCAD files posted … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Dan Wesson’s Descendant, Stopping the Signal and Triggered at Toledo

This Gun Maker Wanted Safe Guns – A descendant of Daniel Wesson himself calls for more gun control . . . I would start by asking the parent company of Smith & Wesson, American Outdoor Brands Corporation, to push for gun-violence research. Since 1996 the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been severely restricted in … Read more