Why Any Gun Control Laws in America Are Ultimately Doomed

Another problem for any gun control measure is that it is simply unclear how many guns are out there. A mandatory buy-back, such as the ones that Australia instituted, has been suggested, but it likely wouldn’t successfully disarm the nation. Australian authorities had to deal with less than five million guns. In the first year of … Read more

Your Sunday Morning Revelation: Guns Are Not the Fundamental Driver of Violence in America

In addition to showing the disconnect between guns and America’s violence problem, the demographic disparities in violence are important for another reason: Americans’ perceptions of gun violence are shaped largely by a few high-profile mass shooting incidents, featuring predominantly white murderers and white victims. Considering the share of airtime allotted to these tragedies, one might … Read more

The US Now Has More Than 400 Million Privately Owned Firearms

The number of private firearms in the United States continues to soar. According to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, (ATF) figures just released, the number of firearms added to the private stock in 2015 was 12,945,416. That total lags a bit more than a year because the ATF is legislatively bound to hold … Read more