Biden’s War On Guns Prompting Big Box Gun Sellers’ Unreasonably Restrictive Gun Sales Policies

By Lee Williams  Cecil Trimble, a 35-year-old restaurant manager, took a fishing reel to Bass Pro Shop’s Tampa store last week to be re-spooled with new line. As he was waiting, he wandered over to the gun department and immediately spotted the object of his recent desire.  Trimble had been searching for a SIG SAUER … Read more

Virginia Man Acquitted on Charge of Falsifying Form 4473 Over 40-Year-Old Felony Charge

ATF’s Form 4473, the required background check form for purchasing a firearm, includes a litany of questions to which the prospective purchaser affirms, on penalty of felony, that they have answered honestly. When 65-year-old Charles Castelluzzo answered the third question, which asks whether one has ever been convicted of a felony, his “no” answer landed … Read more