Foxtrot Mike and KAK Suppressed .45 ACP Build

Not long ago I picked up a Foxtrot Mike MIKE-45 lower for use in a 10mm build. Foxtrot Mike doesn’t really market them for 10mm but when I reached out to them they said it should work, but that they hadn’t tried it. The 10mm is another story, but once I had the lower in … Read more

Is the 45 ACP Good for Self Defense? A Comprehensive Look

Choosing the right caliber for self-defense can be daunting, especially with so many options available. One round that consistently stands out is the .45 ACP. Trusted for over a century by military personnel, law enforcement and civilians, the .45 ACP has earned its reputation for delivering powerful stopping power in critical moments. But is it … Read more

Never Unarmed .45 ACP 1911 Magazine: Inexpensive Performance

I know what you are thinking. Inexpensive and performance when describing a 1911 magazine is contradictory. We all have tried inexpensive 1911 magazines, and the result was a jammed up 1911. Stovepipes and failure to go into battery malfunctions can typically be traced back to an inferior magazine. Reliability in a 1911 magazine is mandatory, … Read more

The Thompson Submachine Gun: Eleven Pounds of Pure Cool

How far will the typical American male go to look cool? Well, nowadays he will buy sports cars he can’t afford, put Lord-only-knows what kind of muscle-building supplements into his body, spend countless agonizing hours in the gym and waste money on tattoos he will invariably someday regret. His forebears who successfully fought World War … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Smith & Wesson M1917 Revolver

I like weird guns. In fact, I pretty much like all guns. I know in the past, some people haven’t understood some of my Obscure Objects of Desire, and I get it. That said, I think we can all agree the S&W M1917 revolver was a pretty awesome gun and worthy of being an OOOD … Read more

Silencer Review: Griffin Armament Revolution 45 (MOD3) Pistol Suppressor [VIDEO]

Griffin Armament’s Revolution 9 and 45 silencers were the first available with a modular length feature. Now in its third generation, the Rev 45 still represents a top performing pistol suppressor with solid features and some useful caliber flexibility. Watch the video embedded above, or click HERE to view it on Rumble. Visit Silencer Shop for the … Read more

Four Revolvers That Went To War

Colt and Smith & Wesson…two iconic American firearm manufacturers. These are the names that come to mind when it comes to classic Americana for pistols and revolvers. Their glory days, some would argue, were the first half of the 20th century, when they dominated the markets both stateside and across the globe. And like many … Read more

Two of Smith & Wesson’s ’90s Stainless Metallic Fantastics

Ahhh, the 1990s, a decade of good and bad. When The Rachel was the haircut that all the women wanted, Grunge replaced Metal in the music world, and the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban happened. Wait, err…. I said good things happened in that decade too, right? So what were the good things you ask? Well, … Read more