Shootering a Sporterized Swedish Mauser

By Mike Searson The Swedish Mauser is one of the more exciting Mausers from both a historical perspective and that of the dedicated shooter. These small ring Mausers were developed at the end of the 19th century and most often chambered in 6.5x55mm. That cartridge was known as the 6.5×55 Swedish in America, 6.5×55 SE … Read more

Living History: Duplicating Vintage Swedish 6.5x55mm Military Ammo

Everyone gets into guns for a different reason. When I was growing up, I had many separate interests that all got focused on guns. I loved woodworking, metalworking, history, and, above all, minute details about specific things. I became fascinated by the historical markings on old guns and eventually got into collecting and shooting surplus … Read more