Gun Review: Century Arms C308 Rifle

Some years ago, Century Arms‘ first attempt at assembling CETME-style, .308 battle rifles from surplus parts didn’t go extremely well, and the product was hit-or-miss. The market has been a bit hesitant to dive back into a Century Arms-branded CETME/G3/HK91, but the most recent effort here, the C308, is definitely proving to be a solid performer … Read more

Ammunition Consistency Testing: SetPoint, Hornady and Prvi

Until this point our consistency testing’s been focusing on the .223 Remington / 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. This time we branch out into another popular rifle caliber: the .308 Winchester / 7.62×51 NATO round. Specifically, I’m testing Prvi Partizan factory ammo, Hornady Match ammo, and SetPoint ammunition.

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Gun Review: Mossberg 100 ATR

I walked into my gun store last week fully expecting to buy a Remington 700 in .308 Winchester. As I was walking down the aisles toward that long-touted paragon of bolt actions this little beauty caught my eye. It’s a short action bolt action rifle chambered for .308 Winchester made by Mossberg. It’s called the 100 ATR. The firearm comes with a free-floated barrel, pre-installed rails for a scope and iron sights. IRON SIGHTS! The Mossberg 100 ATR only cost a fraction of what I would have paid for a Rem 700 (and became cheaper by the second as I reminded my local gun shop owner just how much I spend on transfers there to do reviews for this site). But is it any good?

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