Ghost Gunner 3 CNC Mill Now Supports AK-47 and AK-74 80% Receivers

When Defense Distributed launched their faster, larger, more powerful Ghost Gunner 3 mill they noted it is powerful enough to cut steel. At that point it was only a matter of time before AK-47 receivers were coming off the GG3, and that time is now. In the Rumble-hosted video above, Stephen from Defense Distributed gives … Read more

Goodbye AR Builds, Hello H.R. 7115: Nationwide Proposed Ban in the Works

Complacency and an expectation someone else will handle the heavy lifting have brought us to this point. For all the claims of Second Amendment support in the gun community, far too few actually take active steps to maintain those rights, let alone further them. Last week I-1639 passed in Washington State. Soon it might be … Read more

Ghost Gunner CNC Machines Now Completing 80% Pistol Frames

Defense Distributed‘s Ghost Gunner desktop CNC machine has been turning 80% AR-15 lowers into functional receivers for years. Now, it’s ready to sink its teeth into 80% pistol frames — 1911s, GLOCKs, specifically, with more to come. TTAG stopped by DD’s Austin HQ to get the lowdown from Cody Wilson, who pioneered open source software and hardware for … Read more