Cuomo to the Mattresses, Hysteria in Floriduh and FOID Follies — TTAG Daily Digest

Cuomo Ups Anti In Taking Legal Fight To NRA Governor Soprano goes to the mattresses . . . Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Friday that the state will highlight the National Rifle Association’s pledge to spend $1 million to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court in papers related to the state’s motion to dismiss the NRA‘s lawsuit. The … Read more

New From Juggernaut Tactical: Ultimate AR Jig

Though Juggernaut Tactical used to make one of the worst products I’ve ever reviewed, I still had a high opinion of the rest of their line. In what appears to be no exception to that, their new Ultimate AR Jig looks awesome. It’s a drill jig kit designed to help you turn an 80% AR-15 … Read more

Ghost Gunner CNC Machines Now Completing 80% Pistol Frames

Defense Distributed‘s Ghost Gunner desktop CNC machine has been turning 80% AR-15 lowers into functional receivers for years. Now, it’s ready to sink its teeth into 80% pistol frames — 1911s, GLOCKs, specifically, with more to come. TTAG stopped by DD’s Austin HQ to get the lowdown from Cody Wilson, who pioneered open source software and hardware for … Read more

Exclusive: TTAG Shoots Defense Distributed’s First Ghost Gunner Pistols Defense Distributed, makers of the Ghost Gunner desktop CNC machine and open-source providers of CNC and 3D printer firearms blueprints, has a big announcement today. Namely, that the Ghost Gunner can now finish 80% pistol frames — 1911s, GLOCKs, and more to come. TTAG will be publishing an interview with Cody Wilson and more … Read more

Gear Review: JMT AR-15 80% Composite / Polymer Lower

TTAG’s readership is a well-informed crowd. So I’ll spare you an explanation of the purpose(s) of an eighty percent lower. I will say, however, that if you’re not making at least a portion of your (where legally permitted) DIY firearms each year you should strongly consider doing so. At the very least, it’s a great … Read more

Polymer 80’s 80% Pistol Lowers: SHOT Show 2017 Polymer 80 specializes in 80% receivers made from, you guessed it, polymer. Since they’re a maximum of 80% completed, they aren’t considered a firearm by the Powers That Be; these paperweights can ship straight to your door sans paperwork. The end user can then finish the simple machining steps necessary to turn them into functional … Read more