Illinois Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Quick pocket dump rundown: GLOCK 43, Leatherman multi-tool, Leatherman Tread, and a spare mag. But what interests me is that Infidel patch and the fact that this gun owner lists his home state as Illinois. Illinois has some – okay, a lot – of issues when it comes to gun rights. From new state licensing … Read more

Realistic EDC Gear: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

I have to say this seems like a far more realistic carry than a lot of what we see. A GLOCK 43 with a spare mag in a Kydex holster with a good folding blade are a nice choice. If it were me I would replace the folder with a fixed-blade knife, possibly a mini … Read more

Order of the Black Shamrock: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Another G19 which isn’t surprising given their popularity. A little bit of GLOCK lore you might not know: Gaston designed the first GLOCK when he was 52 years old. First gun he had ever designed and look where it took him. Just saying, you are never too old to learn something or try something new. … Read more

An RMR and a Streamlight: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This GLOCK 19 has All the Aftermarkets on it…well, at least it has a red dot and light. The red dot is a Trijicon RMR which is, I must say, an awesome red dot. It’s well-made and the clarity is fantastic. The WML is a Streamlight which is another company I’ve had a lot of … Read more

Full-Sized Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This pocket dump includes a GLOCK 17 and a Leatherman Wave. The GLOCK 17 is a reliable gun, as you guys know, but it’s also a full-sized model. And although it’s absolutely concealable there are a lot of people out there who think a full-sized gun cannot be concealed. So, how about it. Who here … Read more

Extended Magazine Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This GLOCK 43 has extended base pads from Taran Tactical. These base pads add two rounds to the gun’s capacity while also improving the shooter’s grip thanks to the additional grip space. It also adds weight to the magazine, facilitating faster reloads. Do you customize your handgun magazines?

GLOCK 45: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

When you see a 9mm GLOCK in a pocket dump it’s usually a GLOCK 19. Sometimes a GLOCK 17. A “compact crossover” G45 is more unusual, but that’s what we have here. There are differences in size between the G17 and the G45 (although they’re not extreme). For example, the G17 has an overall length … Read more

Red Dots and Red Lasers: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

This daily carry shows a Glock 19 with a few aftermarket additions including an RMR and a Streamlight WML with a laser. Here’s the question. Do you think this particular WML is enough for a carry gun since it has a laser or do you think the RMR is a good partner for it? Conversely, … Read more

Springfield XD Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

The Springfield XD line is a fairly popular one and the single-stack XD-S is a favorite because it is highly concealable. The XD-S has a 3.3-inch barrel, a length of 6.3 inches, and a height of 4.4 inches with the flush magazine. It’s chambered in 9mm and has a 7 +1 capacity. So instead of … Read more